And it occurs to me if now we have Homeland Security do we need a Department of Defense? You know it used to be called the Department of War but since we no longer have wars maybe is should be called the Department of Offense (don't they say the best defense is an offence?)
For the kind of people who take everything that happens seriously would be nauseated if they should assume that not every event had a good cause – Robert Musil
The ones leafing are elms, those are the pecans (they have deep tap roots and are tolerant of water. Now the hackberries, lets see if I can spot one, oh yes overthere, have roots that radiate out and root when it floods. This one is budding out but that doesn’t mean anything. We’ll probably lose it too.
But do we really need anything more to be sorry about / wouldn’t it be extra, as all pains is extra – Frank O’Hara
Some progress at last
Camp can be set up
Without getting pooped
Feet can be seen
Where belly used
To protrude
The news has not been
Heard in weeks
Have you heard, the news
Oh boy!
For some reason news papers are not the laboratories and experimental stations of the mind that they could be, to the public’s benefit, but usually only its warehouses and stock exchanges – Robert Musil
Crawford Texas

There were eight new trucks
If they had been of local ranchers
They all would have been white
If they had been those of the Secret Service
They all would have been black
We care too little about what is happening and too much about to whom, when, and where it’s happening, so tat it is not the essence of what happens that matters to us but only the plot – Robert Musil
For over five millennia, aboriginal artists recorded elaborate scenes upon the limes

There is a strange phenomena that happens in art including the Pecos Cave art – over time it then to become abstract, then the culture disappears and eventually hundreds or even a thousand years later a whole ned more realistic style is seen. Now I am not say that abstraction causes the deterioration of culture, but maybe it is indicative of the final stages of a culture. Tomorrow its off to The Big Bend. (yes everything is big in Texas).