In this boarding house it is crowed. It is crowded in this crowded city. Time is now. The place is sitting at this here formica topped dining table – eating (nothing fancy – an unidentified roasted meat, potatoes with lumpy gravey and some mashy peas). A friend of mine arrives and wants to be put up in this house. We make room for him in spite of some grumbling. He may have to sleep on the floor. Later someone else arrives and he gave my name as a reference (yes, I do believe I once met him and may have mentioned to him this place where I am staying). The landlord reluctantly gets up and finds him a space also. I hear a rumor the landlord is pissed at me. I go to see him. He gives me a lecture about following the rules and says that he requires advance reservations of at least thirty days and that I’m never to do this again. I try to placate him. I don’t know why he is so pissed. He is making money hand over fist and has me as a scapegoat for the complaints from the other tenants regarding these crowded conditions – but everyone must play the game and I apologies and tell him I won’t do it again.
Money is a token
Sometimes a token is money
Sometimes a token is ersatz money
Ersatz money is still money
All money is money
But not all tokens are money
Money is not any thing
Money is a token
Arm in arm with your / fiancé you stood // and glared into the lens (slightly out of focus) / while the public eye scrutinized your shape – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p116
To believe your own bullshit is often tragic or at the very least delusional
The tradition of dead generations weights like a bad dream on the minds of the living – Karl Marx – Eighteenth Brumaire
The value of the derivatives market is about ten times the value of the output of the entire global economy. The value of the US government’s commitment to bailout the banks who created this glut of derivative trading was a third of the value of the output of the global economy – or about one dollar for every 30 dollars in the derivative market.
Thinking for successful everyday adaptation requires not only factual knowledge, but the ability to recall it on the right occasion, to relate it to other occasions – Lawrence Weiskrantz – Consciousness Lost and Found, 1997
Poets have to be
With the words of
A language
They have to trod
Unearthen paths
Flowcharts and recipe cards
Are of no avail
Calendars nor stopwatches
Mark progress
They are all on
Their own, alone
The edge of steel and the glean of ivory are dulled, hives of bees, even bronze and iron are at once seized by rust, and a horrible smell fills the air – Pliny the Elder
Only 52% of US personal income came from wages last year, another 17% came from government programs
The good numbers aren’t necessarily the winners, this being a matter of fate, not of money… which means that the losers can be lucky all the time – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p317
59% of adults now access the Internet wirelessly using a laptop or cellphone
[She] had known many men without becoming soiled; some women are like that, like horses caked in lather and the dust of the road, who emerge from the lake cleansed, so noble of form, so glowing with sunshine that you feel proud of them – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p300
Only two states flatly forbid civilians to carry concealed weapons – one state does not regulate concealed weapons at all, nine states have “may issue” concealed gun permits and the remaining 38 states require that concealed weapon permits “shall be” issued unless there exists a good reason for denying such a permit.
No such thing as a port! Not even a berth in the cemetery, unless you can produce half a loaf for the gravedigger – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p116
A Sheep dog – a self-descriptive term for a gun owner and advocate of concealed carry reflecting his believe that by carrying he is thereby protecting the rest of us [the sheep]. What I am curious aboutf is who is the Shepard of this methaphor?
The remedy is metaphysically achieved, not therapeutically: the cure does not lie in finding a cause and rooting it out – Henry Miller – The Wisdom of the Heart, 1941 p33
The victim injury rates of all violent crimes in the United States committed by felons with a weapon:
Blunt object 36%
Knives 28%
Firearms 15%
There are … many sorts of memory, and emotional memory is one of the deepest and least understood – Oliver Sacks – Muscophilia: tales of music and the brain, 2007 p202
13% of the victims of a violent crime tried to attack or threaten the offender. About 2% of the victims use a weapon to defend themselves and about 1% bransihed a firearm. 30% of convicted felons claim to have had to face a firearm in the commission of a crime
Medical men are not interested in health, but in combating sickness and disease. Like other members of society, they function negatively – Henry Miller – The Wisdom to the Heart, 1960 p37
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Americans Love Themselves and Treaten Assassins with Waterboarding
The tragedy of the utopia of a self-regulating market is that the state became the protector of capital rather then of man and no one gave a damn about the land
But a rational administration must be humane. Can inhumanity be rational? – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p81
The latest Pew research: Only Kenyans have a more favorable view of Americans than do Americans have of themselves. Among most Muslim populations modest levels of approval for Obama have begun to erode – in Pakistan confidence has gone from 13% to 8%. And while the residents of most countries have a favorable view of the United States and its President, they view the US as still acting unilaterally.
I call from memory an image of The Rene Magaritte's Painting which I think is entitled “Menacing the Assassin”: It depicts an interior space with an outside scene of a landscape seen through a window. Thee are three persons seen though a doorway in the back of an alcove which is the centered in the frame. At the back of this space are two men with black bowler hats standing with club like weapons in their hands to both the left and to the right of the alcove. In the alcove is a nude female figure is stretched out on a gurney and a man in a suit talking into the horn of a gramophone. There is a wainscoting running along the walls. The floor is constructed of very wide wooden planks.
I look up an image of the painting. It is actually titled - The Menaced Assassin (I almost got it right). Outside the interior space is a balcony over which three male heads appear. Behind the three men is a mountainous landscape.. Behind the three men is a mountainous landscape. Only one of the bowler hated gentlemen has a club, the other one to his right has a net which he is holding with both hands. The woman is not on a gurney but a sofa. There is a chair in the foreground just inside the alcove with a long coat draped over the back and a brimmed man’s hat lying on its seat . Behind the chair is an overnight suitcase. The gramophone sits on a draped table in the fore right corner of the alcove, There is a light source originating on the upper left side of the picture. So it seems that I don't have a photographic memory - not that I ever thought that I did.
The only thing that must remain officially foreign to a nation’s leader are tears, desperate suffering the most human of human things… - Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p126
If waterboarding is done by foreign countries then the US press will generally call it torture (85% of the articles mentioning waterboarding in non-American contexts) but if it is performed by the United States they will not associate it with the concept of torture (the associations of the two terms occur in only 8% of such articles).
Were there is an anguish and hunger, silence is more eloquent. It wastes less breath and its safer – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p161
A slice is a simplification
Of the whole
(A Poincare section)
When sliced through
It yields it’s full
Quasi-causal component
And also the entire set
Of attractors defining each system
Although it cannot be done mathematically
Either debt ridden consumers return to the trenches of greater spending or we will be forced to shoot a few for cowardness in the face of the enemy. Only by this means will we succeed with a frontal assault on recession – only by such means can we impose discipline on this mess.
Remember us to the shop girls. / Say we have seen no legs better than theirs, / we have the sea to stare at, its treason, copiousness, tedium – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p117
Not so ‘strangely naïve and ultimately perplexing” after all - we do it all the time with commodities
I bought some little girls on the bus pink and yellow balloon flowers. They had no money and were enraptured by the women who had just come from a children’s party at a bourgeoisie residence in a better part of town. The balloon lady said “May you get five hundred times the return on your gift.” I suspected that she didn’t make much money doing children’s birthday parties. Their little brother got a blue sword. Then two more little girls cried for balloon flowers and their mothers paid. Hey Pinkie! Hey its Pinkie the Clown.
To manifest: "positive thinking" terminology for charging items to maxed out credit cards that are desired but not needed in order to enhance one’s self-esteem
If you were to interview a hypothetical intelligent fish and inquire as to the nature of its environment, you would probably hear “It is very wet down here.” – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p2
The quality of a tavern is not to be judged by how many beers they have on tap, but if they have any porter and an IPA among them (the best tavern will also have an ESP too).
But a rational administration must be humane. Can inhumanity be rational? – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p81
The latest Pew research: Only Kenyans have a more favorable view of Americans than do Americans have of themselves. Among most Muslim populations modest levels of approval for Obama have begun to erode – in Pakistan confidence has gone from 13% to 8%. And while the residents of most countries have a favorable view of the United States and its President, they view the US as still acting unilaterally.
I call from memory an image of The Rene Magaritte's Painting which I think is entitled “Menacing the Assassin”: It depicts an interior space with an outside scene of a landscape seen through a window. Thee are three persons seen though a doorway in the back of an alcove which is the centered in the frame. At the back of this space are two men with black bowler hats standing with club like weapons in their hands to both the left and to the right of the alcove. In the alcove is a nude female figure is stretched out on a gurney and a man in a suit talking into the horn of a gramophone. There is a wainscoting running along the walls. The floor is constructed of very wide wooden planks.
I look up an image of the painting. It is actually titled - The Menaced Assassin (I almost got it right). Outside the interior space is a balcony over which three male heads appear. Behind the three men is a mountainous landscape.. Behind the three men is a mountainous landscape. Only one of the bowler hated gentlemen has a club, the other one to his right has a net which he is holding with both hands. The woman is not on a gurney but a sofa. There is a chair in the foreground just inside the alcove with a long coat draped over the back and a brimmed man’s hat lying on its seat . Behind the chair is an overnight suitcase. The gramophone sits on a draped table in the fore right corner of the alcove, There is a light source originating on the upper left side of the picture. So it seems that I don't have a photographic memory - not that I ever thought that I did.
The only thing that must remain officially foreign to a nation’s leader are tears, desperate suffering the most human of human things… - Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p126
If waterboarding is done by foreign countries then the US press will generally call it torture (85% of the articles mentioning waterboarding in non-American contexts) but if it is performed by the United States they will not associate it with the concept of torture (the associations of the two terms occur in only 8% of such articles).
Were there is an anguish and hunger, silence is more eloquent. It wastes less breath and its safer – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p161
A slice is a simplification
Of the whole
(A Poincare section)
When sliced through
It yields it’s full
Quasi-causal component
And also the entire set
Of attractors defining each system
Although it cannot be done mathematically
Either debt ridden consumers return to the trenches of greater spending or we will be forced to shoot a few for cowardness in the face of the enemy. Only by this means will we succeed with a frontal assault on recession – only by such means can we impose discipline on this mess.
Remember us to the shop girls. / Say we have seen no legs better than theirs, / we have the sea to stare at, its treason, copiousness, tedium – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p117
Not so ‘strangely naïve and ultimately perplexing” after all - we do it all the time with commodities
I bought some little girls on the bus pink and yellow balloon flowers. They had no money and were enraptured by the women who had just come from a children’s party at a bourgeoisie residence in a better part of town. The balloon lady said “May you get five hundred times the return on your gift.” I suspected that she didn’t make much money doing children’s birthday parties. Their little brother got a blue sword. Then two more little girls cried for balloon flowers and their mothers paid. Hey Pinkie! Hey its Pinkie the Clown.
To manifest: "positive thinking" terminology for charging items to maxed out credit cards that are desired but not needed in order to enhance one’s self-esteem
If you were to interview a hypothetical intelligent fish and inquire as to the nature of its environment, you would probably hear “It is very wet down here.” – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p2
The quality of a tavern is not to be judged by how many beers they have on tap, but if they have any porter and an IPA among them (the best tavern will also have an ESP too).
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Strategy is More Than Just a Beer or Two in the Late Afternoon
I had just recalled some distant memory - but as fast as it had come, it went. All that I remember is that there had been a trigger for that specific memory. I don't think that it was the rubbing alcohol, there was no such smell present. And the smell of a freshly butchered hog is the same as the smell of war but too often the smell of propellants and of explosives cover up the smell of death itself and the collateral coagulated blood. I have not been recently amidst any death. No, it has to be the bit sized pretzels that is this bar’s appetizer - those salty beer demanding morsels. I bit into another - no - no there is no associated memory of death here. So where is my tea and my Madeline? And all this thought of death gets me to thinking that I am dying - maybe within this month, maybe right here on the stool on which I now sat, and that was not just depressing but very depressing and I sank into a funk.
Historians fabricate greatness, as they call it, because they are mediocrities with lame imaginations – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p84
The bartender says that it will be a good night. I want to ask how he can tell, but he had moved on down the bar. Two hours later and the place if filling up, with daylight savings time it is still light outside. Between the jukebox and the chatter a cacophony is building into a roar. The bartender refills the empty pretzel trays again. I can hear his voice but can't make out anyone else individual voice, just noise. I am beyond reading and I order another pint of Sac Brew red and nuzzle my beer as the sun sets.
Strategy is not a game of chess players with a quantity of machines; it is above all a duel of wills – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p132
A cute little Asian girl is trying to slug a boilermaker. She can’t manage it, but her friends are cheering her on. One boilermaker being more than enough for her. She buries her check into her boyfriend’s forearm like a mare wanting a sugar cube. She puts on her black wool sweater and they leave.
His lips tasted sour, his teeth were dry. Rapture is like that, bitter and violent, it hurtles out of the black sky onto the helpless creature and sears it – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p122
Does Justin Timberlake’s stint as a Mousekateer really count? No, No No! It does not – he was not a real Mousekateer. Umpta ta umpta, umpta ta umpta hey hey umpta ta umpta bing bing bing. The bartender is reading Bartending for Dummies and trying to market some new well drinks. He doesn’t like the Moscow Mule but wants to try out a Slippery Nipple on Cynthia and I. It reminds me, I say, of why I don’t like sweet drinks. And? he asks. Because I can’t pace myself. Ah!, he replies. And the Slippery Nipple makes it real difficult for me to return to my beer. Annette, Tommy, Darlene, Bobby, Doreen, Chubby, Karen, Bonnie and Sharon were mousekateers - and I'll even throw in Cheryl, but Justin - no way!
The only way to know for certain that a particular path is a dead end is to walk down it a bit and see what happens – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p4
There is a fog in the Fillmore tonight. I scuttle along obscured in its mist, headed for a warm cup of coffee as the foghorn on the Golden Gate Bridge bugles bluesly
Years passed, wars passed, crushing millions of innocent, cities crumbled, a civilization was dying, and the same problems were rearing their heads… The river shimmered – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p277
Truman’s popularity rating during his first three months as President was higher than Roosevelt’s had ever been
The world was in its death throes, we were dying like flies, these people were dining in their customery way, official, over weight, at ease, accomplices in everything… No own will ever understand it? – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p270
What you gain by violence you can only retain by violence
I make just enough to live on… I could easily get rich, like others do… The idea made me ashamed, and I choose instead to pass for a fool. Living among wolves, it would be reasonable to lean what to bite like wolves – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p310
Pre-Columbian American population – how many people lived in the Americas before 1492? No one really knows but guesstimates range from 10 to 140 million. The threshold number of 60 million has some importance as that was the population of Europe at that time and the relative ratio of Americans vs Europeans seems to have some magical significance depending on the political agenda of a specific historian. There is a consensus population figure of 54 million by William Denevan. What does seem to be agreed upon is the relative size of the populations in the various regions of the Americas: Aztec empire – 33%, Inca empire – 33%, American north of Mexico – 10%, Central America – 12%, remainder of South America – 10%, Caribbean – 0.5%.
Seize History
From dead men you hear no more
They are the exception
Destiny is yours
You can tell your tale
And they can’t
Dead men don’t report back
And they never will.
[The] rigidly serious, are among the most playful of people, constantly playing various ‘mind games’ upon the natural world – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 px
Historians fabricate greatness, as they call it, because they are mediocrities with lame imaginations – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p84
The bartender says that it will be a good night. I want to ask how he can tell, but he had moved on down the bar. Two hours later and the place if filling up, with daylight savings time it is still light outside. Between the jukebox and the chatter a cacophony is building into a roar. The bartender refills the empty pretzel trays again. I can hear his voice but can't make out anyone else individual voice, just noise. I am beyond reading and I order another pint of Sac Brew red and nuzzle my beer as the sun sets.
Strategy is not a game of chess players with a quantity of machines; it is above all a duel of wills – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p132
A cute little Asian girl is trying to slug a boilermaker. She can’t manage it, but her friends are cheering her on. One boilermaker being more than enough for her. She buries her check into her boyfriend’s forearm like a mare wanting a sugar cube. She puts on her black wool sweater and they leave.
His lips tasted sour, his teeth were dry. Rapture is like that, bitter and violent, it hurtles out of the black sky onto the helpless creature and sears it – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p122
Does Justin Timberlake’s stint as a Mousekateer really count? No, No No! It does not – he was not a real Mousekateer. Umpta ta umpta, umpta ta umpta hey hey umpta ta umpta bing bing bing. The bartender is reading Bartending for Dummies and trying to market some new well drinks. He doesn’t like the Moscow Mule but wants to try out a Slippery Nipple on Cynthia and I. It reminds me, I say, of why I don’t like sweet drinks. And? he asks. Because I can’t pace myself. Ah!, he replies. And the Slippery Nipple makes it real difficult for me to return to my beer. Annette, Tommy, Darlene, Bobby, Doreen, Chubby, Karen, Bonnie and Sharon were mousekateers - and I'll even throw in Cheryl, but Justin - no way!
The only way to know for certain that a particular path is a dead end is to walk down it a bit and see what happens – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p4
There is a fog in the Fillmore tonight. I scuttle along obscured in its mist, headed for a warm cup of coffee as the foghorn on the Golden Gate Bridge bugles bluesly
Years passed, wars passed, crushing millions of innocent, cities crumbled, a civilization was dying, and the same problems were rearing their heads… The river shimmered – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p277
Truman’s popularity rating during his first three months as President was higher than Roosevelt’s had ever been
The world was in its death throes, we were dying like flies, these people were dining in their customery way, official, over weight, at ease, accomplices in everything… No own will ever understand it? – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p270
What you gain by violence you can only retain by violence
I make just enough to live on… I could easily get rich, like others do… The idea made me ashamed, and I choose instead to pass for a fool. Living among wolves, it would be reasonable to lean what to bite like wolves – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p310
Pre-Columbian American population – how many people lived in the Americas before 1492? No one really knows but guesstimates range from 10 to 140 million. The threshold number of 60 million has some importance as that was the population of Europe at that time and the relative ratio of Americans vs Europeans seems to have some magical significance depending on the political agenda of a specific historian. There is a consensus population figure of 54 million by William Denevan. What does seem to be agreed upon is the relative size of the populations in the various regions of the Americas: Aztec empire – 33%, Inca empire – 33%, American north of Mexico – 10%, Central America – 12%, remainder of South America – 10%, Caribbean – 0.5%.
Seize History
From dead men you hear no more
They are the exception
Destiny is yours
You can tell your tale
And they can’t
Dead men don’t report back
And they never will.
[The] rigidly serious, are among the most playful of people, constantly playing various ‘mind games’ upon the natural world – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 px
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
God Wants You to Buy a Gun, It is Part of God's Plan
Pastorprenurs – are self-styled protestant religious leaders who use business principles rather than theology to fill their parking lots. Full parking lots being their equivalent to “butts in seats” which would be considered a crass usage of language. Their megachurches have more in common with MacDonalds then thy doe with local parish houses of worship and their architecture is corporate in inspiration - boxy and metallic. Target audience rather than community is their principle focus. They conduct surveys of the unaffiliated rather than canvassing their congregations. They stand in three-piece suits in front of fake waterfalls rather than wear vestments in front of crosses. And it all works – their coffers get replenished. It is the way God wants it to be afterall.
The trinity; a trinity
Is always three
And the three always
Constitute a trinity but
Not always The trinity
The family consististing of
The father
The virgin Mary
And their son
But wait, Joseph makes
It a foursome
Laisse faire – a labor market
(the holy ghost)
A self-regulating currency
(the father)
And free trade (the son)
Our constitutional democracy
The legislature (labor under
the authority of the employer)
The President (no hindrance
on the exchange of goods)
The Supreme Court (an incorruptible
currency based on the stability of gold)
Elected every three years – no that’s not right!
But would be if you averaged the biannial and quadrannial
We must not be perturbed
By minor inconsistences
They are God's test of
Our faith in his Plan
God wants you to own a gun
Everything has it’s own rules
Three strikes and your out
After three bases you can come
After three watered beers you
Need to take a pee
I know that I need to
To appreciate present conditions / collate them with those of antiquity – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003– p85
At 3:15 this morning a big rig overturned with a fatality. It has now been cleared. I’m getting nit picky and fussy - I got a spot of Crystal Pepper Sauce on my shirt and I just had to change it. It would never have bothered me before. I’m reading my previous field notes. I have just started book three [I'm now on volume 64]. I have purchased an additional four sketchbooks and some water-soluble wax pastels. I plan to soon start adding a little color to this endeavor. I need to get a small day back pack to carry around everything that I am now using, its now more than just a pen and pad, it’s now a project.
What then is the result when people are commanded, encouraged, or – better yet freed up to play at being human? Our guess is that prominent among the outcomes would be play itself – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p.x
I am thinking of giving my thirty day notice on my apartment as of July 1 - the eighth anniversary of my lease. I had made a mental note of something that I wanted to write down when I got to the coffee shop but now that I am here, I have no idea what it was. Now I remember – breakfast, my breakfast menu. I made breakfast at home which is rare for me - scrambled eggs, bacon, hash brown potatoes, toast with strawberry jam and banana-strawberry-orange juice. I found my way to a sunny bench at the arboretum that was not otherwise being used by napping homeless men. It overlooks the redwood (cypress) forest rather than the lily pond with wild irises that are in bloom, but unoccupied benches in the sun are rare - you take what you can. So why make my own breakfast? Why start cooking now. It’s not just the economics. Its that breakfast is not a social time. One does not engage in breakfast conversations with strangers. So why bother going out? So my basic routine for now is to get up and go out for coffee. Come back and do choirs and make my breakfast. Then I putter around and leave for the day around noon or a by early afternoon at the latest. I try out another coffee shop or I go to a museum or like today I might go somewhere outside. Today I went to the arboretum. A late afternoon tea and then each my evenings are devoted to beer. Then I come back home and go to bed and then I resume the routine early the next day and the day after that.
Some rationalistic, or perhaps analytic, turn of mind repels me against being moved by a thing without knowing why I am affected and what it is that affects me – Sigmund Freud
The sea gulls cover the rocks with guano after they have bathed in these fresh water ponds. They congregate and wash and preen on these rocks. Then they go flapping out on wing, clearing the big cyprus at the end of five looping circles over the pond. A mallard scoots in for a landing. With flaps down it almost stalls out before easing itself onto the water's suface. Five turtles have hauled themselves out onto a sunny rock. There are five benches around the lake upon which six people sit.
In the pursuit of pleasure we have become habituated to displays of stupidity
One cannot have direct knowledge of one’s own amnesia, [but] there may be ways to infer it – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p190
Where ever you go you find people spouting the jargon of the marketplace whether from the pulpit or within their bedrooms
Individualism – once you get beyond the crude Darwinian law of war of all against all – is no more than a sorry delusion – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p8
55% of the US labor force claim to have experienced some work-related hardship in the past three years. Among the currently employed 28% have had their hours of work reduced and 23% have been subject to pay cuts. 38% claim to have been unemployed or underemployed during this period. The young and members of minority populations tend to be the most optimistic that things will improve during the coming year. Only 3% believe however that the recession is over. Americans still overwhelmingly believe that this is the land of prosperity.
Women are more damaged than we are. This world is crueler to women… Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p85
It is claimed that the “new privileged class in America” consists of government employees [among whom we can count teachers and firemen and policemen and members of the armed forces – but I think that those making this claim are thinking of regulators and bureaucrats and inspectors]. It is claimed that they are better paid “than the people who pay their salaries” [Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels] which is nonsense – they actually earn 11 to 12% below their comparable private sector workers. It's the one's without a comprable equivalent in the private market that I worry about - say like generals and tax collectors.
Justice will not come to Athens until those who are not injured are as indignant as those who are injured – Thucydides
The trinity; a trinity
Is always three
And the three always
Constitute a trinity but
Not always The trinity
The family consististing of
The father
The virgin Mary
And their son
But wait, Joseph makes
It a foursome
Laisse faire – a labor market
(the holy ghost)
A self-regulating currency
(the father)
And free trade (the son)
Our constitutional democracy
The legislature (labor under
the authority of the employer)
The President (no hindrance
on the exchange of goods)
The Supreme Court (an incorruptible
currency based on the stability of gold)
Elected every three years – no that’s not right!
But would be if you averaged the biannial and quadrannial
We must not be perturbed
By minor inconsistences
They are God's test of
Our faith in his Plan
God wants you to own a gun
Everything has it’s own rules
Three strikes and your out
After three bases you can come
After three watered beers you
Need to take a pee
I know that I need to
To appreciate present conditions / collate them with those of antiquity – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003– p85
At 3:15 this morning a big rig overturned with a fatality. It has now been cleared. I’m getting nit picky and fussy - I got a spot of Crystal Pepper Sauce on my shirt and I just had to change it. It would never have bothered me before. I’m reading my previous field notes. I have just started book three [I'm now on volume 64]. I have purchased an additional four sketchbooks and some water-soluble wax pastels. I plan to soon start adding a little color to this endeavor. I need to get a small day back pack to carry around everything that I am now using, its now more than just a pen and pad, it’s now a project.
What then is the result when people are commanded, encouraged, or – better yet freed up to play at being human? Our guess is that prominent among the outcomes would be play itself – David P Barash – How Women Got Their Curves – 2009 p.x
I am thinking of giving my thirty day notice on my apartment as of July 1 - the eighth anniversary of my lease. I had made a mental note of something that I wanted to write down when I got to the coffee shop but now that I am here, I have no idea what it was. Now I remember – breakfast, my breakfast menu. I made breakfast at home which is rare for me - scrambled eggs, bacon, hash brown potatoes, toast with strawberry jam and banana-strawberry-orange juice. I found my way to a sunny bench at the arboretum that was not otherwise being used by napping homeless men. It overlooks the redwood (cypress) forest rather than the lily pond with wild irises that are in bloom, but unoccupied benches in the sun are rare - you take what you can. So why make my own breakfast? Why start cooking now. It’s not just the economics. Its that breakfast is not a social time. One does not engage in breakfast conversations with strangers. So why bother going out? So my basic routine for now is to get up and go out for coffee. Come back and do choirs and make my breakfast. Then I putter around and leave for the day around noon or a by early afternoon at the latest. I try out another coffee shop or I go to a museum or like today I might go somewhere outside. Today I went to the arboretum. A late afternoon tea and then each my evenings are devoted to beer. Then I come back home and go to bed and then I resume the routine early the next day and the day after that.
Some rationalistic, or perhaps analytic, turn of mind repels me against being moved by a thing without knowing why I am affected and what it is that affects me – Sigmund Freud
The sea gulls cover the rocks with guano after they have bathed in these fresh water ponds. They congregate and wash and preen on these rocks. Then they go flapping out on wing, clearing the big cyprus at the end of five looping circles over the pond. A mallard scoots in for a landing. With flaps down it almost stalls out before easing itself onto the water's suface. Five turtles have hauled themselves out onto a sunny rock. There are five benches around the lake upon which six people sit.
In the pursuit of pleasure we have become habituated to displays of stupidity
One cannot have direct knowledge of one’s own amnesia, [but] there may be ways to infer it – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p190
Where ever you go you find people spouting the jargon of the marketplace whether from the pulpit or within their bedrooms
Individualism – once you get beyond the crude Darwinian law of war of all against all – is no more than a sorry delusion – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p8
55% of the US labor force claim to have experienced some work-related hardship in the past three years. Among the currently employed 28% have had their hours of work reduced and 23% have been subject to pay cuts. 38% claim to have been unemployed or underemployed during this period. The young and members of minority populations tend to be the most optimistic that things will improve during the coming year. Only 3% believe however that the recession is over. Americans still overwhelmingly believe that this is the land of prosperity.
Women are more damaged than we are. This world is crueler to women… Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p85
It is claimed that the “new privileged class in America” consists of government employees [among whom we can count teachers and firemen and policemen and members of the armed forces – but I think that those making this claim are thinking of regulators and bureaucrats and inspectors]. It is claimed that they are better paid “than the people who pay their salaries” [Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels] which is nonsense – they actually earn 11 to 12% below their comparable private sector workers. It's the one's without a comprable equivalent in the private market that I worry about - say like generals and tax collectors.
Justice will not come to Athens until those who are not injured are as indignant as those who are injured – Thucydides
Monday, July 5, 2010
It's Raining Again - The Farmers Say They Don't Need No More Of It
I parked in front of the coffeehouse at 6:28. It wasn’t open yet – the sign was not lit, it was still in the dark inside , thou I could see someone moving about. I sat and waited. The dairy’s truck arrived. It was now 6:33 and I knew she would be busy for a while so I drove the block over to the other coffee shop. There I was greeted by the cheerful talkative young lady wearing her short shorts – she will eventually have a bunch of kids and get fat and lazy but right now she is cute and sweet.
The gentlemen of England judged all persons poor who did not command an income sufficient to keep them in leisure – Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation, 1944 p87 – in other words wage earners and any one else who has to work (who is not a member of the landed class) – if you are not a rentier (living off of your investments) you are poor – there are the wealthy and there are the poor. The middle class was an anomaly as we are beginning to discover on our own.
They are all salesmen
On their thankless roads
To partial success
The home office is riding
Their asses
But without quality assurances
What can they do
They are told to rid yourselves
Of their negativity
Thank only of 'Yes'
They have been told
That’s what individualism means
This ability to say Yes
Remove anything else
From your minds
Don’t get spanked with your
Competitor’s sign
Go out there and throw
That wining punch
Let’s get with it boys!
Management always talks
(as generals do too)
As if it were their own blood
That was being shed
The suspension of disbelief and the swift orientation to the passively received bombardment by unexpected visual stimuli may approximate aspects of the infant’s state of being – Michael Greenberg – New York Review of Books [March 11, 2010] p26
Americans view themselves as more hard working, more inventive and as more honest than do most foreigners view them. Americans view themselves as less rude and less violent than the residents of other countries view them. Curiously Americans also view themselves as more immoral than do others view them, but this may be because Americans thank of immorality as necessity for success, in other words as a positive characteristic (not hampered by nambi pambi ethical questions – or as the Nike likes to put it - Just Do It)
Hour and hour / meeting against me / efficiently whipped cream / efficiently metropolitan chatter and snap, / transparent glistening wrapper / for a candy pack – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p34
There is either a substitutability for creativity nor stupidity
Love’s an encumbrance to them who rinse carefully before using, better / keep yourself to yourself – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p38
Both the Drs Spock and Seuss begin their careers in the leftist New York photo newspaper PM (the initials standing for Photo Magazine). The paper was funded by Chicago millionaire Marshal Field and accepted no advertising. Other contributors to the paper included: Erskin Caldwell, McGeorge Bundy, Heywood Hale Broun, I F Stone, James Thurber, Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway, Malcolm Cowley, Tip O’Neile, Ben Hecht. Quit a newspaper. To bad no one read it (or at least enough of them to make a profit – even socialist activities must be self-supporting). That it accepted no advertising was not the problem – no leftist publication was ever been sustained by advertising (after all who is it that pays for advertising – maybe it will prove beneficial to move away from the advertising model for news – but somehow I doubt it). And in the Star it’s successor which only lasted for six months, Walt Kelly first published Pogo.
I do hear, but in a way I hear too much. I absorb everything equally, to a degree that becomes at times a real torture. How does one listen with no filtering system – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p113
I don’t just jump around the room on one leg but also hopped around while masterbating – no one else came up with this particular method – it made my motivation coach proud – look at how many ways there are to get around the room – look how creative you all are – and indeed I was proud of my creativity. What did you learn today, my mother asked when I got home. And I told her about the motivational coach having us come up with as many ways of getting around the room as we could.
Daydreaming comes easy to the ill; / slowed down to the speed of waiting rooms, / you learn to hang suspended in the wallpaper, / to drift among the magazines and plants, / feeling a strange love / for the time that might be killing you – Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p16
Failure is generally viewed as a lack of resolve – if more of the same had been applied, a better effort made, then the hump would have been transversed and the task would have been accomplished – any real recognition of structural failure is either hindsight or it is revolutionary – both the lack of resolve and revolutionary approaches to problem solving involve much misery, but only the former adds guilt, debts and failure to the mix. Revolution replaces failure with uncertainty. People do not like uncertainty, but they don’t like boredom either.
They won’t understand… / why we press our faces / deep into artificial flowers, ./ half-hoping to be stung by bees… Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p46
The gentlemen of England judged all persons poor who did not command an income sufficient to keep them in leisure – Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation, 1944 p87 – in other words wage earners and any one else who has to work (who is not a member of the landed class) – if you are not a rentier (living off of your investments) you are poor – there are the wealthy and there are the poor. The middle class was an anomaly as we are beginning to discover on our own.
They are all salesmen
On their thankless roads
To partial success
The home office is riding
Their asses
But without quality assurances
What can they do
They are told to rid yourselves
Of their negativity
Thank only of 'Yes'
They have been told
That’s what individualism means
This ability to say Yes
Remove anything else
From your minds
Don’t get spanked with your
Competitor’s sign
Go out there and throw
That wining punch
Let’s get with it boys!
Management always talks
(as generals do too)
As if it were their own blood
That was being shed
The suspension of disbelief and the swift orientation to the passively received bombardment by unexpected visual stimuli may approximate aspects of the infant’s state of being – Michael Greenberg – New York Review of Books [March 11, 2010] p26
Americans view themselves as more hard working, more inventive and as more honest than do most foreigners view them. Americans view themselves as less rude and less violent than the residents of other countries view them. Curiously Americans also view themselves as more immoral than do others view them, but this may be because Americans thank of immorality as necessity for success, in other words as a positive characteristic (not hampered by nambi pambi ethical questions – or as the Nike likes to put it - Just Do It)
Hour and hour / meeting against me / efficiently whipped cream / efficiently metropolitan chatter and snap, / transparent glistening wrapper / for a candy pack – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p34
There is either a substitutability for creativity nor stupidity
Love’s an encumbrance to them who rinse carefully before using, better / keep yourself to yourself – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p38
Both the Drs Spock and Seuss begin their careers in the leftist New York photo newspaper PM (the initials standing for Photo Magazine). The paper was funded by Chicago millionaire Marshal Field and accepted no advertising. Other contributors to the paper included: Erskin Caldwell, McGeorge Bundy, Heywood Hale Broun, I F Stone, James Thurber, Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway, Malcolm Cowley, Tip O’Neile, Ben Hecht. Quit a newspaper. To bad no one read it (or at least enough of them to make a profit – even socialist activities must be self-supporting). That it accepted no advertising was not the problem – no leftist publication was ever been sustained by advertising (after all who is it that pays for advertising – maybe it will prove beneficial to move away from the advertising model for news – but somehow I doubt it). And in the Star it’s successor which only lasted for six months, Walt Kelly first published Pogo.
I do hear, but in a way I hear too much. I absorb everything equally, to a degree that becomes at times a real torture. How does one listen with no filtering system – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p113
I don’t just jump around the room on one leg but also hopped around while masterbating – no one else came up with this particular method – it made my motivation coach proud – look at how many ways there are to get around the room – look how creative you all are – and indeed I was proud of my creativity. What did you learn today, my mother asked when I got home. And I told her about the motivational coach having us come up with as many ways of getting around the room as we could.
Daydreaming comes easy to the ill; / slowed down to the speed of waiting rooms, / you learn to hang suspended in the wallpaper, / to drift among the magazines and plants, / feeling a strange love / for the time that might be killing you – Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p16
Failure is generally viewed as a lack of resolve – if more of the same had been applied, a better effort made, then the hump would have been transversed and the task would have been accomplished – any real recognition of structural failure is either hindsight or it is revolutionary – both the lack of resolve and revolutionary approaches to problem solving involve much misery, but only the former adds guilt, debts and failure to the mix. Revolution replaces failure with uncertainty. People do not like uncertainty, but they don’t like boredom either.
They won’t understand… / why we press our faces / deep into artificial flowers, ./ half-hoping to be stung by bees… Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p46
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Monkeys Prefer the Simpsons to Family Guy. Some Monkeys Consider South Park Nothing Special Which Results in Frequent Knife Fights
The reported number of US citizens targeted for assignation by their own government has been increased form only 3 six months ago to “dozens”. “There are in my mind, dozens of US persons who are in different parts [in a Yemen or in a Pakistan – in countries other than Iraq or Afghanistan] of the world and they are very concerning to us.” [John O Brennan]
We posses the illusion of truth when we are consistent with a consensus – the trick is to restrict those with whom we associate. If you believe that gain and greed are man’s natural lot it says a lot about who you are hanging out with. The convenience of mediated communications is that it makes such consensus building simple – even the stupid can do it and most of them are good at it.
As long as a democratic façade exists, liberals can engage in an empty moral posturing that requires little sacrifice or commitment – Chris Hedges
The day had hardly even
Got underway when
Morning traffic was in
A gridlock
A woman with fiery red hair told
Me not to worry
I sat there and sipped lukewarm
Fair trade coffee
The line for cappuccino had been
Long and slow
She put her long legs up on
The dash with both
Hand cradling her beverage container
If you want to keep it warm
Put it here between my legs she said
But traffic began to move again and I resumed
Watching for red taillights
Concentrating on my progress
Or lack thereof
I didn’t notice that she was gone – the
Passenger seat was now empty
Except for puddle of
Spilt coffee
The revolver under my pillow – my brain was seizing it, but a brain without hands is nothing – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p33
These two big stout boys wear on their heads flat tops from which aircraft could have taken off and have bombed those with whom they wared. But their white hats protected and concealed their deadly arsenals. They are instead speaking business, talking business speak - for which many are conversant but to whom very few actually listen. They had taken blue pills, it seemed, to sleep and had not calculated their correct windows. Lillie of the valley, all in black tonight, sweet iris wading in my lily pond. How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.
It takes a simple mind to see simple solutions to simple problems.
Oh, Oh, she has a big shiny black plastic purse - oh, oh - Rambo - oh, oh - Rambo – I’m having a flashback of my Vietnamese torture - Asian Lily in black pajamas - Eau de Cologne of the jungle. Esmeralda or was it Matilda with her diamond nose studs slings the beer and the good doctor is crying, bent down over the bar sobbing.
I see you, G & T in hand, in your favorite chair, / squinting as you take another drag – Alan Jenkins – “A Late Lunch” (2003)
To have knowledge is to be an insider, to be able to define value - a preserver of what is - to be an author is such a privilege, to pray at an alter not yet convinced. You know there is a difference between a writer and an author? I know. Does he really know? Or is he just agreeing with me? I didn’t ask. Why did I not ask? Am I afraid that he might know that I know - that he is amusing me - killing time - just being polite – afraid to arouse this sleeping dragon – does he think I’m just another mad man, any old mad man, or maybe he thinks that I am just a common drunk - how insulting?
There is no record of any greater. / It causes a religious revival. / Months… / Years… / … / Nobody mentions it now. // This is the unstable world and / we in it unstable in our houses – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p86
Damn it this is now, I want to say. This (now) is all that there is. And what the hell is the difference between an author and a writer? You don’t know do you? You are not going to admit that you don’t know, are you? This is precisely why I haven’t asked you to distinguish the difference. So it is up to me, is it? He closes his book and finishes off his beer and moves to the other end of the bar.
Every synesthete has his own color correspondence – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p172
I want, wah aunt! A bald headed lady with a chrome dome, oiled and shinned to perfection. She had been quiet until know. She had not said a word before she suddenly piped up. I am startled. Someone has yelled into my ear. One of the guys with the aircraft carrier haircuts is pouring a pinot noire for all the ladies at the bar. He thinks he is a sommelier. I ask the barmaid if she is charging a corkage fee. Someone comments on his hair style. It is not only I who has noticed it. Yes, he replies, I’m going for the Boy Dylan look. He had told me that he liked Condi Rice’s spunk but said she had said nothing new. On this we agreed.
She has the smell of spearmint and such a tiny bone structure. My eyes were following her gestating fingers. Her hand would fit comfortably in my small mitt. I think I can detect her natural smelll. Natural smells are sexy. I move my thigh close to hers and feel the throbing of her body heat. This is sexy too - espically if you don't touch. I wonder if she too detects the immination of warm as my blood surges. I wonder if I will I get home in time for the Simpsons.
Until we say the truth, there can never be tenderness. / As long as there is desire, we will not be safe – Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p65
Ideological inconsistence is, for me practically an article of faith – Zadie Smith – Changing My Mind
Attack the state and you attack the capitalists which is counter to liberal economic ideology
In exposing objective reason as an ideology, radicalism leaves itself no means of legitimizing its own critique of injustices, exploitation, and of course realism, well I am fed up with that condition… I want out of here – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p124
Lincoln scholarship is a safe scholarship so long as it doesn’t cross the line of “re-writing”
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world – Arthur Schopenhauer – Studies in Pessimism
We posses the illusion of truth when we are consistent with a consensus – the trick is to restrict those with whom we associate. If you believe that gain and greed are man’s natural lot it says a lot about who you are hanging out with. The convenience of mediated communications is that it makes such consensus building simple – even the stupid can do it and most of them are good at it.
As long as a democratic façade exists, liberals can engage in an empty moral posturing that requires little sacrifice or commitment – Chris Hedges
The day had hardly even
Got underway when
Morning traffic was in
A gridlock
A woman with fiery red hair told
Me not to worry
I sat there and sipped lukewarm
Fair trade coffee
The line for cappuccino had been
Long and slow
She put her long legs up on
The dash with both
Hand cradling her beverage container
If you want to keep it warm
Put it here between my legs she said
But traffic began to move again and I resumed
Watching for red taillights
Concentrating on my progress
Or lack thereof
I didn’t notice that she was gone – the
Passenger seat was now empty
Except for puddle of
Spilt coffee
The revolver under my pillow – my brain was seizing it, but a brain without hands is nothing – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p33
These two big stout boys wear on their heads flat tops from which aircraft could have taken off and have bombed those with whom they wared. But their white hats protected and concealed their deadly arsenals. They are instead speaking business, talking business speak - for which many are conversant but to whom very few actually listen. They had taken blue pills, it seemed, to sleep and had not calculated their correct windows. Lillie of the valley, all in black tonight, sweet iris wading in my lily pond. How sweet it is to be loved by you. How sweet it is to be loved by you.
It takes a simple mind to see simple solutions to simple problems.
Oh, Oh, she has a big shiny black plastic purse - oh, oh - Rambo - oh, oh - Rambo – I’m having a flashback of my Vietnamese torture - Asian Lily in black pajamas - Eau de Cologne of the jungle. Esmeralda or was it Matilda with her diamond nose studs slings the beer and the good doctor is crying, bent down over the bar sobbing.
I see you, G & T in hand, in your favorite chair, / squinting as you take another drag – Alan Jenkins – “A Late Lunch” (2003)
To have knowledge is to be an insider, to be able to define value - a preserver of what is - to be an author is such a privilege, to pray at an alter not yet convinced. You know there is a difference between a writer and an author? I know. Does he really know? Or is he just agreeing with me? I didn’t ask. Why did I not ask? Am I afraid that he might know that I know - that he is amusing me - killing time - just being polite – afraid to arouse this sleeping dragon – does he think I’m just another mad man, any old mad man, or maybe he thinks that I am just a common drunk - how insulting?
There is no record of any greater. / It causes a religious revival. / Months… / Years… / … / Nobody mentions it now. // This is the unstable world and / we in it unstable in our houses – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p86
Damn it this is now, I want to say. This (now) is all that there is. And what the hell is the difference between an author and a writer? You don’t know do you? You are not going to admit that you don’t know, are you? This is precisely why I haven’t asked you to distinguish the difference. So it is up to me, is it? He closes his book and finishes off his beer and moves to the other end of the bar.
Every synesthete has his own color correspondence – Oliver Sacks – Musicophilia, 2007 p172
I want, wah aunt! A bald headed lady with a chrome dome, oiled and shinned to perfection. She had been quiet until know. She had not said a word before she suddenly piped up. I am startled. Someone has yelled into my ear. One of the guys with the aircraft carrier haircuts is pouring a pinot noire for all the ladies at the bar. He thinks he is a sommelier. I ask the barmaid if she is charging a corkage fee. Someone comments on his hair style. It is not only I who has noticed it. Yes, he replies, I’m going for the Boy Dylan look. He had told me that he liked Condi Rice’s spunk but said she had said nothing new. On this we agreed.
She has the smell of spearmint and such a tiny bone structure. My eyes were following her gestating fingers. Her hand would fit comfortably in my small mitt. I think I can detect her natural smelll. Natural smells are sexy. I move my thigh close to hers and feel the throbing of her body heat. This is sexy too - espically if you don't touch. I wonder if she too detects the immination of warm as my blood surges. I wonder if I will I get home in time for the Simpsons.
Until we say the truth, there can never be tenderness. / As long as there is desire, we will not be safe – Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p65
Ideological inconsistence is, for me practically an article of faith – Zadie Smith – Changing My Mind
Attack the state and you attack the capitalists which is counter to liberal economic ideology
In exposing objective reason as an ideology, radicalism leaves itself no means of legitimizing its own critique of injustices, exploitation, and of course realism, well I am fed up with that condition… I want out of here – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p124
Lincoln scholarship is a safe scholarship so long as it doesn’t cross the line of “re-writing”
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world – Arthur Schopenhauer – Studies in Pessimism
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Driving Monkeys on the Goodnight-Loving Trail
I hear someone yelling “Fred, Fred, Just the man I wanted to see. I need a strong back.” It is Jeff and he wants help moving a TV – it’s not a flat screen he informs me, its as deep as it is wide. And it was. And it was bulky. And it was heavy. And it was awkward to pick up, but we only had to carry it twenty feet. It was getting it to fit on the stand that was the problem. It was like manipulating an object wider than the jam through the opening of that door – it can be done but it becomes an engineering proposition. We got it done and he bought me a beer. I finished my book and returned it to my truck that I had parked around the corner in order to retrieve another book when I heard again “Fred, Fred”. This time it was Joe who was on the patio smoking, “Where are you going?” I didn’t take the time to explain but got my book and returned. I joined him on the patio where I informed him that he had lost his bet with Brian. You owe me a buck, I told him, for every year that you are off – he was off by eight years.
Anger at injustice, as Martin Luther King wrote, is the political expression of love – Chris Hedges
For a motivational coach – failure is success – you didn’t try hard enough (some would have you believe that God is a motivational coach) – you need more of what they have to offer. Beware of schemes that do not provide for graduated success. There is always a catch – it is never their fault. It is always your fault. Some predict with the collapse of the Prosperity Economy there will be an even greater demand for positive thinking and thereby motivational coaching – some industries are always recession proof. More of the same that causes the problem is usually the solution to that problem. Yep, that seems to make sense to me. Get rid of all of the negativity – go out and buy. We need more motivational speakers. Many many more. We can grow this economy with coaching alone. We can spend our downtime attending motivational seminars and maybe we can get the governement to pay for it or at least quarentee loans for our seminar fees and the purchase of their books and their tapes and their tailsmen so we can begin to grow this economy - Oh yeah!
We cannot read the tombs in the eastern prairie, / Who slew the Franks, who / swam the Yellow River – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p114
My new bumper sticker reads: “Obama a Socialist? - I Wish!”
To embrace risk for the sake of the group required no justification. But a risk incurred for oneself? He told himself coarsely: “To live only for oneself is barren – like masturbation” – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p22
Tis a morning of cowboy music
The dobro in clinking
The man in the hat
Is yodeling
Oooh oooh ha oooh
…. from riding the prairie
Oooh oooy ha oooh
The sun is glaring
The grass is waving
My butt is aching
Sitting in the saddle
All these hours
I take off my big hat
I whip my brow with a red bandana
I mop the sweat from my eyes
I ride sleepily behind
A million drowsy cows
There is the smell of phoo
In the air. It is
I would harness ten bulls to my voice / and pass my hand through the darkness like a plough / And in the depth of the watchful night / the eyes would flare at the labourer’s earth – Osip Mandelstam – The Voronezh Notebooks, 1996 p79
Keep me in the loop
I’m going the extra mile
We’re all on the team together
While multitasking along the way
There should
Never be no
Deviation produces distrust
And an insufficient return
Success means
Saying YES
And YES is a performance
Measure in itself
YES! (And I jabbed my
clenched left fist
in the air)
The hoops of danger tighten without warning and you can’t breath – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p38
I wish I may, I wish I might upon the first slug I’ve seen tonight
Every act of perception is to some degree an act of creation, and every act of memory is to some degree an act of imagination – Gerald M Edelman
I am sure that it was therapeutic but now I know more about Muriel Whitcome than ever I wanted to know - and I hadn’t wanted to know anything to begin with. She claims to have made a big deal to get it produced in Hollywood but the bartender and I have our doubts. I am somewhat intrigued by her ability to shift character and see herself in the third person. I have read about forty pages of the manuscript she had dumped on the bar and refuse to read any more.
James Taylor - Sweet Baby James - Call me if you want to. I’ll come running…
A mason times his mallet / to a lark’s twitter, / listening while the marble rests – Basil Bunting – Collected poems, 2003 p59
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monkeys Undergoing Chemo Unlike Humans Tend To Become Very Very Wealthy After Having Been Examined Aboard UFOs
Tommy was arguing (not so much arguing as shouting) that all our economic woes were the results of the unions and it seemed to me that unions were not nearly as powerful as they once had been, espically after Reagan busted PATCO so I looked it up: Union Membership – peaked in 1953 with 28.3% of the workforce. Currently only about 11.5% of the workforce is unionized with higher rates for older and minority workers. The public sector has a much higher unionization rate than does private industry (32.3% vs 7.2%). The highest percentage of union representation by industry are public administrations (32.3%), teachers and librarians (38.1%) and protective services (35.6%). Wouldn’t it be nice if in the middle of a rant we could call a halt and look up the facts – but then I suspect, facts would have been irrelevant anyway – they usually aren't.
Rare are those who know how to resist demoralization in defeat – Victor Serge
One tenth of one percent of the world’s population own a third of the world’s wealth and one thousandth of one percent own 12.5% of the global wealth. The per capita global wealth is $1,691. There are 10 million that own at least a million (excluding primary residence) and 95,000 who own at least $150m. The wealth of the rich grew by 19% last year in spite a contraction of the world GDP by 2%. The median wealth (meaning half the world’s population’s individual wealth) I would suspect is probably less than $100 (but this only a guess for this there is no data). And how much of this global wealth is controlled by non-individuals (governments, religions, foundations, NGOs, etc)? How much of all of this constitutues the meager lives of the poor - a place to lay a mat, some foul water and a little gruel perhaps?
It's worst than I thought, I just came across something from a World Bank Report that stated that the poorest half of the world population own less than 1% of the wealth and I plugged that into the model and computed that the per capita wealth of the bottom half is $22.33.
Any individual who judges the group… places himself outside the law – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p22
I dropped the truck off of a safety inspection – my red ink pen gave out at the bar last night and I don’t have a spare – Joe and Brian asked me to settle a bet for them – which of them owned the older home. Joe in Armour Hills and Brian in Greenway Fields. He can look it up on the Internet, Brian said. He knows how to do that. And indeed I did. Brian wins by seven years. Both of their houses are in J C Nicols developments. Brian’s is in the Country Club District that was acquired in 1917 and Joe's was purchased from the Kirkland Armour estate in 1922 (it had been a horse farm). Brian’s house was built in 1921 and Joe’s in 1928.
Should I take notes
Should I nod my head
Should I buy your book
You can acquire bookings
You can organize your office
You can market your inspirational tapes
Anyone can
There is money to be made
I was once “out of control”
But I found the Lord
And I bought my dream house
It has a wine cellar
My life is a success
The mechanic called back – brake hose is frayed (that is probably what has been causing the scraping noise). It must be replaced to pass inspection. Last year I ran around trying to get cheaper estimates on a muffler and finally gave up and had them do that too. But I don’t want to be bothered with all of the hassle and will let them do this too. It will not be ready until later this afternoon, provided that the calipers come off easily. I wouldn’t have been so complacent if I had not already known that there was a problem with the front left wheel. But in the end I would have given in and let them do it anyway even though I have a rule not to have the work done at the same place that does the inspection (it is an incentive for them the deliberately ‘find’ problems).
Historically the economic system has been a mere function of social organization – these roles have been reversed in the modern period
But if the unbelievable were not sometimes a reality, there would be no need of struggle – Victor Serge – Unforgiving Years, 2007 p8
The percentage of American women ending their child-bearing years without having borne a child has doubled in the last half century from 5% to 10%. Between the ages of 40 and 44 the more educated a woman is the more likely that she will be childless; 34% of women with PhD while only 17% of high school graduates. Between the years 1992 and 2008 the number of never married childless women fell from 71% to 56%.
Not in Spanish, not in Greek, not in Latin, not in shorthand; / but in plain American which cats and dogs can read – Marianne Moore
I dreamt of alien sex - was it a wet dream? I don’t know. If having sex in your dream puts it into that category - then yes. But it involved sex rather than being about sex, so maybe not.
Scene one – I have been picked up by a helicopter that is flying low over flat fields with green crops, their shoots just emerging from the brown earth. There is mile after mile of flat agricultural land and we are flying low, very low. We come to a line of trees. There is a break in the line. I am not flying any longer but in a truck following the helicopter. The truck drives through the break and up a low hill - the only hill that we yet have encountered. It becomes evident as we crest the hill that it was only the first of many hills. The terrain has become hilly. We arrive at a large farm. The farmer’s wife is awaiting us at a construction site. They are building a small residence and a barn at an outlying agricultural station. I am unsure about what my role is here. Am I the manager of the station? Am I here to oversee the construction? Probably the later.
Scene two - I am now a young lad riding with my family. My mother is behind the steering wheel. I am the man. There is no male parental figure in the car - just my mother, two sisters and I.. We enter a scrub oak covered area. We are on a paved road with many twists and turns. The road forks and we take the right tine. The earth is red as in Oklahoma or East Africa. Mother is uncertain about the route. She has not diven this road before. I have only seen it from the air. But wait what I had seen up there in the helicopter was flat fields, not a scrub oak forest. The hard surface gives way to dirt and then to a gully leading down into a valley. It’s getting dark and its difficult to see where we where we are driving. There is a house to the right with several people standing outside with their backs to us. It is a remote Indian Village, probably in South America. I suggest that we stop and ask for directions. Mother does not want to stop. This is a roadless area with large rocks which she is trying to dodge in the failing light of the day. How much futher can we get before it becomes to dark to go on? These Indians start muttering Delphic riddles. We decide (or at least I do) to stop. We’ll have to play by their rules. But what are those rules. Something obviously, about answering riddles. I feel like Oedipus.
Scene three – It is dark. Pick up trucks arrive with improvised tall gaunt structures constructed in their beds. These frames are covered entirely in canvas. They stop right in front of the veranda on which we are standing - the villagers, my family (mother and siblings) and I. It turns out that the canvas structures in back of the pick up concealed eleven foot high aliens (as from flying saucers)
Walter said that he had brought show and tell today. I said, let me tell first then you can show I have something to tell, I announced, I had sex with aliens last night. Walter gives me a thumbs up. He wants to know where it took place and what they looked like. I was only interested in telling him about the sex but indulged his whims anyway.
Linda, she has just left. Have a good day Fred, she had said. I promise that I will and I will leave the aliens alone tonight. After all I don’t want to get arrested for alien pedophilia - a universal sex criminal. . Or perhaps statutory rape of an alien she suggested. The law students all snickered.
No more ambulance chasing. I tell them that now they can chase after UFO’s - cash in on the fame of Fred, renown earthling sex criminal – what a goldmine. Walter had warned me that the cost of sending my alien offspring to the University of Andromida was going to be astronomical and then he broke down into a fit of giggles. Amused with yourself, aren’t we? I said to him.
Industrialization has been man’s grandest Utopian scheme to date next to the concept of a service economy.
Love, it seems to me is that condition in which one is most contentedly oneself – Tony Judt – New York Review of Books [March 11, 2010] p35
Exhaustive medicine: medically treating the incurable and dying until all options have been exhausted. 12% of cancer patients received chemo in the last two weeks of their lives
Sometimes we are asked / to get good at something we have / no talent for, / or we excel at something we will never / have the opportunity to prove. // Often we ask ourselves /to make absolute sense / out of what just happens, / and in this way what we are practicing // is suffering – Tony Hoagland – Donkey Gospel, 1998 p9
We can’t understand the nineteenth century because we are still apart of it
There is no peace for those who understand the mechanics of a world moving towards cataclysms, lurching from one cataclysm to the next – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p10
The place - oh South America, I say. Walter asks if there were any jungles or mountains. Neither I say and describe the local and sum up the evidence for South America rather than Oklahoma or East Africa.
Looks? Oh yes - as I was saying we (the women and children, there were no adult males present - and all of the alien adults were male - no women) were standing on the veranda which raised us to eye level with these tall strangers. Their anatomical form was not apparent as they had a cloth draped over their bodies except for their eyes – barukka like garments but with a metallic gleam. Their faces were masked, sort of an African mask like Picasso might paint. Their appearance was drab and they lacked any distinguishing hue. They proceeded to select some children and blood was drawn from them.
Scene Four - I am having sexual intercourse with one of their female adolescents. They have transported us back to their compound or perhaps it was their spaceship. She has red hair and no odor. It is not the red of Irish lasses; this is a cross between and purple and a ferric oxide. I find the sex enjoyable and was a willing participant. This Indian outpost appears to be a breeding station for aliens who have become infertile on their native planet. This is a last ditch effort to save their race. They do not seem to have any malevolent intentions. They efficiently and professionally carry out their assignments as quickly as possible. They did not seem to have any emotional involvement in this process. She was not unwilling but it was more her duty than a pleasure..
Walter asks what were their feet like? I don’t know. I can’t remember ever having seen their feet, I reply. They probably had twenty toes, Walter said. Most aliens do. Does life get any better than five pages of sex with aliens, I wonder. Do you want your sex wet or dry? With fluids, sir. With lots of squishy, slimy, viscous oozing fluids, in various shades on non-color if you please, I reply.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monkeys Who Say "YES!" as Icaraus Plummets From the Sky
Frankly, if I were the flag, I’d be completely, tuckered out. The marketplace for patriotism has the Stars and Stripes working overtime – Particia J Williams – The Nation – 7/5/10 p9

And what does the Flag Code have to say about Patriotic Display? And is it law if it is not enforceable? Yes, it is part of the US Code – it was enacted by Congress – law is usually enforceable but not necessarily. In the case of the Flag Code you may be in violation of the specific legislation (law) but not subject to any official censure. Some common but improper usages of the American flag include:
- Displaying the flag out of doors at night without it being properly lit
- Displaying a non all-weather flag out of door on an inclement day
- Displaying a flag out-of-doors on other than a stationary flagstaff or from a building for other than
patriotic purposes
- Carrying the flag in a procession in a position other than on the marching right (you motorists –
move that flag to the right side of the vehicle)
- Flying another flag or pennant higher than the US flag (unless you are a Naval Chaplain)
- Displaying a flag of another nation or international organization in place of the US flag (unless done at
the UN Headquarters in New York City).
- Displaying the US flag on the same staff as that of another national flag
- Leaving a flag on a casket that is lowered into a grave
- Dipping a flag to honor a person or thing
- Carrying the flag horizontally (see images)
- Using a flag or the flag design in apparel, bedding or drapery (no flag underwear, don’t wrap
yourself in the flag)
- Displaying a flag that is festooned, drawn back, drawn up, hung in folds or touching the ground or
- Displaying a flag from the radio antenna of your car or behind your motorcycle (it is being used in a
manner in which it can be easily torn, soiled or damaged – an if you do this at least display it on
the right side of your vehicle, and by all means, make sure that it is an all-weather flag)
- Using any flag part (or flag design) as a costume or athletic uniform. The one exception is a flag
patch, which can be affixed to the uniform of military, fire, police or patriotic organization
uniforms. No more flag label pins folks.
Is it not ironic that much patriotic display (or what purports to be patriotic display) is in violation of United States Code (and these are the same folks who decried flag burning which is in accord with the Code if burning it in protest - your right to free speech). But you are safe as no federal agency has the authority to issue “official” rulings binding on civilians or civilian groups regarding the usage of the flag. But this leaves open whether state or local agencies can – I did not find any instances where they have which doesn't mean that none do. There are a few enforceable violations – k nowingly mutilating, defacing, maintaining on the floor or trampling upon it. You are allowed to burn if your are either disposing of a damaged flag or if done as an act of protest. Happy Birthday America!
Repression diminishes a man as much as promiscuity – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p26
Relationships are exclusions – all that is outside, stays on the outside if a relationship is to work. They believe they are coming, but they are really going. They do not know this now, but they will
In you everything provokes, everything sings / Like an Italian roulade, / And a cherry mouth / Demands a dry vineyard – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 p79
Science asks how
We want to know
The difference
Is somewhere between
The symbol and its meaning
And we don’t even know
The blue pine forest / is chained to my leg. / The view around is wide open, / like a messenger without orders – Osip Mandelstam – The Voronezh Notebooks, 1996p62
The Haitian Revolution
The Execution of Sacco
And Vanzetti
How can these be compared
To Mussolini making
The trains run on time
Discent can have fatal
Consequences – engage
In it
With a heavy heart
There is more to community values
Than preserving housing prices
Brutal winter will toast us / with cold and clear Rhine wine // The frost offers us in a silver pail / the white wine of Valhalla – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 tia p31
Careers are built
On what matters
Our canons shout this
It is left to poetry to
Proclaim what careers
Lincoln scholarship
Is safe scholarship
History should not be written to make the present generation feel good but to remind us that human affairs are complicated – Margaret MacMillan
There yet remains a universe
Of existence beyond
The mainstream
Which also is not at all a part of any
Survival is a kind of philosophical life – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p85
Icaraus always falls into an horizon – a bit player in his own drama
Oh, the meager wrap of our life, / Like the thin language of joy! / All things were in ancient times, / All will be again and only the instant / of recognition is sweet to us – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 p41
We devise processes that then process us – we think but rarely think about what we think about – life escapes its material existence via man.
People drawn by the black words flattened and disseminated on the surface of the paper inside the black inkblood, that was the challenge, never to speak the reality of the event but to render it concrete into the blackness of the words – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p118
The universe it turns out has a resonance of ten cycles per second and when we get detuned from it bad things happen to us – “we tend to over analyze, and have negative thoughts” – it’s something like Nike's slogan – “just be in the Yes!” “Put your feet firmly on the planet. Think the thought ‘Yes’” – Oh yes (Sue Morter)

And what does the Flag Code have to say about Patriotic Display? And is it law if it is not enforceable? Yes, it is part of the US Code – it was enacted by Congress – law is usually enforceable but not necessarily. In the case of the Flag Code you may be in violation of the specific legislation (law) but not subject to any official censure. Some common but improper usages of the American flag include:
- Displaying the flag out of doors at night without it being properly lit
- Displaying a non all-weather flag out of door on an inclement day
- Displaying a flag out-of-doors on other than a stationary flagstaff or from a building for other than
patriotic purposes
- Carrying the flag in a procession in a position other than on the marching right (you motorists –
move that flag to the right side of the vehicle)
- Flying another flag or pennant higher than the US flag (unless you are a Naval Chaplain)
- Displaying a flag of another nation or international organization in place of the US flag (unless done at
the UN Headquarters in New York City).
- Displaying the US flag on the same staff as that of another national flag
- Leaving a flag on a casket that is lowered into a grave
- Dipping a flag to honor a person or thing
- Carrying the flag horizontally (see images)
- Using a flag or the flag design in apparel, bedding or drapery (no flag underwear, don’t wrap
yourself in the flag)
- Displaying a flag that is festooned, drawn back, drawn up, hung in folds or touching the ground or
- Displaying a flag from the radio antenna of your car or behind your motorcycle (it is being used in a
manner in which it can be easily torn, soiled or damaged – an if you do this at least display it on
the right side of your vehicle, and by all means, make sure that it is an all-weather flag)
- Using any flag part (or flag design) as a costume or athletic uniform. The one exception is a flag
patch, which can be affixed to the uniform of military, fire, police or patriotic organization
uniforms. No more flag label pins folks.
Is it not ironic that much patriotic display (or what purports to be patriotic display) is in violation of United States Code (and these are the same folks who decried flag burning which is in accord with the Code if burning it in protest - your right to free speech). But you are safe as no federal agency has the authority to issue “official” rulings binding on civilians or civilian groups regarding the usage of the flag. But this leaves open whether state or local agencies can – I did not find any instances where they have which doesn't mean that none do. There are a few enforceable violations – k nowingly mutilating, defacing, maintaining on the floor or trampling upon it. You are allowed to burn if your are either disposing of a damaged flag or if done as an act of protest. Happy Birthday America!
Repression diminishes a man as much as promiscuity – Victor Serge – The Unforgiving Years, 2007 p26
Relationships are exclusions – all that is outside, stays on the outside if a relationship is to work. They believe they are coming, but they are really going. They do not know this now, but they will
In you everything provokes, everything sings / Like an Italian roulade, / And a cherry mouth / Demands a dry vineyard – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 p79
Science asks how
We want to know
The difference
Is somewhere between
The symbol and its meaning
And we don’t even know
The blue pine forest / is chained to my leg. / The view around is wide open, / like a messenger without orders – Osip Mandelstam – The Voronezh Notebooks, 1996p62
The Haitian Revolution
The Execution of Sacco
And Vanzetti
How can these be compared
To Mussolini making
The trains run on time
Discent can have fatal
Consequences – engage
In it
With a heavy heart
There is more to community values
Than preserving housing prices
Brutal winter will toast us / with cold and clear Rhine wine // The frost offers us in a silver pail / the white wine of Valhalla – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 tia p31
Careers are built
On what matters
Our canons shout this
It is left to poetry to
Proclaim what careers
Lincoln scholarship
Is safe scholarship
History should not be written to make the present generation feel good but to remind us that human affairs are complicated – Margaret MacMillan
There yet remains a universe
Of existence beyond
The mainstream
Which also is not at all a part of any
Survival is a kind of philosophical life – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p85
Icaraus always falls into an horizon – a bit player in his own drama
Oh, the meager wrap of our life, / Like the thin language of joy! / All things were in ancient times, / All will be again and only the instant / of recognition is sweet to us – Osip Mandelstam – Tristia, 1987 p41
We devise processes that then process us – we think but rarely think about what we think about – life escapes its material existence via man.
People drawn by the black words flattened and disseminated on the surface of the paper inside the black inkblood, that was the challenge, never to speak the reality of the event but to render it concrete into the blackness of the words – Raymond Federman – The Twofold Vibration, 1982 p118
The universe it turns out has a resonance of ten cycles per second and when we get detuned from it bad things happen to us – “we tend to over analyze, and have negative thoughts” – it’s something like Nike's slogan – “just be in the Yes!” “Put your feet firmly on the planet. Think the thought ‘Yes’” – Oh yes (Sue Morter)
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