Rain – I hear the rumble: it was dark on the western horizon as I drove in. Jenny teaches English at Parkville High. Says she's proud to provide their foundation. Six days a week her sons do cross country early in the morning then she picks them up. It rained just enough to get everything damp. It’s getting dark again. Neon lights – window advertisements – reflects of the black asphalt – yellow and orange and a flashing red. But I can't read it - it's backwards and it blinks.
You can tell you are in a blue funk by how you interact with other folks - when one minute you are jovial and friendly and in the next standoffish and aloof and you are wondering why everyone is staying far far away from you, it is then you bcome aware that another funk has descended upon you. If they are staring at you - it may only mean that you are paranoid. Then again you may have only forgotten to get dressed. When you least appreciate any intimacy it’s lavished on you. When you want affection or at least think that you do it’s nowhere to be secured. Now is the time to get busy writing. When you’re busy you don’t notice it and you are not wishing that you were not here and you are not wishing that this was not now. It would be nice to not be wishing at all. Not wishing would be bliss. When you die you stop wishing.
Like relishing the dusty air after a summer shower filled with the scent of roses. It had been so unbearably hot. Then a quick shower cooled everything off. Life is sweet once again. You’re a kid again gigging (giggling) for frogs at midnight – they freeze when you shine your flashlight in their eyes. Stab them – a honey locust throne tied the end of a stick. The mayonnaise jar is filled with lighting bugs. We’ve collected all the June bugs that we can find and tried to stuff them into the mailbox where they are refusing to stay, crawling out and flying away. But we stuff in more faster than they escape. You only notice the malodorous, then suddenly heavenly scents litter the atmosphere brought in by the summer storm. Now we are just sitting on the stoop with flashes of lighting dancing on the horizon – mom is calling us to come in and go to bed, but it is hot and it is muggy. Your sheets becomes soaked with perspiration. You don’t want to come in, before there was AC and the Gameboy.
I tend to be sympathetic towards liberals because they are currently incapable of putting their stupidity into practice. This is not so with the conservatives. And the middle of the road? God Forbid! They seem to favor the most stupid ideas from both of these extremes. And why are there just two side to everything as if politics were two-dimensional? Everything abstract has at least one dimension less that anything real. One-dimensional man - homo economus.
A mechanical style of thinking, a mechanical memory, habit, a mechanical way of acting, signify that the peculiar perversion and presence of spirit is lacking in what spirit apprehends or does – G W F Hegel – Science of Logic, 1969
Nowhere – it is not ‘now-here’ but ‘no-where’
A big rain fell in the middle of the night – I had left two windows open – all the rain was supposed to be up on the Iowa-Missouri border. It had been hot and muggy. Record high heat in the panhandles. The temperature in Amarillo was 114. The windows were open and the fans on when I went to bed. The Internet is down.
Sodomy is about homosexuality like an axe murder is about an axe – Jay Michaelson 2/14/11
We must take it on faith
That the good lovers are
The good lovers they claim to be
At least until we can try them
Out for ourselves
And even then we can never be sure that
We’re the great lovers
That we ourselves have been claiming
To have been
To have been
Conquerors are seldom interested in a through going discovery of where they really are – Wes Jackson – Becoming Native to This Place, 1994 p15
A fool and his sheep are soon put to sleep
When the process of governing is incomprehensible, manipulation and propaganda thrive – Frances Fox Piven 2/8/11
A chipmunk in my pot
Roosevelt be praised
Trying to stay alive
Chip and Dale hopping
About in the grass
One of them, I don’t know
Which, runs up
My pants leg and I holler
‘Shit’, instinctively
They both run away
Teetering, teeth
The murderous capacity of images, murderers the real – Jean Baudrillard
TV is the face
Par excellence
Of Capitalism – totalizing
And co-opting
Everything, It has
No opposition
It oozes out of your
Excuse me, I must go out
And buy a another new car
Well not me - then who
Someone does
Someone loses at the Casino
Someone pays for all the
TV is not a win/win proposition
By far
By far
Abstraction today is no longer of the map, the double, the mirror or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal – Jean Baudrillard – Simulations, 1983
Smart people do live
In Absurdistan
Otherwise they would
Already be dead
The unintentional consequences
Of evolutionary pressures
There are intentional
Consequences too
But they are revolutionary
And not evolutionary
There are intentional
Consequences too
But they are revolutionary
And not evolutionary
We have no time until / we know what time we fill, / why time is other than time was – W H Auden