Kansas City, Missouri - Coffee Break --- School is out (I am sitting here across the street from Rockhurst University and near then campus of the University of Missouri at Kansas City and every

If I only knew, Mark had said. We would have stayed open just for you, he had said. How's that?, I asked. Said he had seen me at all the bars. Will several people had come up and said they saw me on TV - stuck out like a sore thumb. I had tried to avoid the camera at Hooper's but had evidently failed. Local news was doing an interview with Kelly the owner regarding the lack of a sponsor for the New Year's Eve free taxi services (just another of those post economic panic happenstances - coming faster and faster at you on the wrong side of the street).

And where else did you see me? I asked. At Kelly's (that would be in Westport). Haven't been there in ages, I said. Will, I saw you crossing the street in front of it. Oh, said I, I was headed to the cinema (MILK - that would have been Friday at about 12:30 - too early even for me to be in a bar). Yeah! he says. And I left it at that. I don't usually go to the movies but during the holidays there is nothing else to do for a single person but get drunk and with these seasonal blues (read SAD) I'm not about to do that and normally I only go over the line maybe once a year just to remind myself what's its like but I do that someplace safe.
Well two down and One to go and you that are single by lifestyle choice know what that is about.
With the windows all steamed-up
And streams of rain water running
Down the middle of the street
There’s no imperative to sit in front
Of the big expansive panes of plate glass
It is miserable where ever I sit
And spring is a long long way away
And with the temperature hovering in the sixties
It is only a reminder of far off possibilities
But I did enjoy the all night long winter thunderstorm
And the creeks rising to their springtime limits
But it makes it all that harder to accept the three hard months
Remaining until the green returns again
If I must suffer from one or the other, I would rather it should be from the paw of a lion than from the hoof of an ass – Joseph Addison
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