The ice firshermen have departed the frozen lake where they had huddled on uptruned empty plastic buckets. The sun is bright on the flat expances. The icecicles on the eaves are dripping - the temperature is rising above freezing for the first time in several weeks. There had been a record snow fall this winter - 59 inches - but during the week after New Years the temperature rose and it rained all week and all of the snow pack melted. Everything that is out there now fell during the last three weeks.
On Round Lake once one of the summer residents built an ostentatous abode every one else had to follow suit. Now three story cabins barely fit on their lots. The primative cabins built only a generation ago now look so punny. There would have been condominiums too if the residents association had'nt suscessfuly banned the developers. Now they are safe - there is unlikely to be much new construction this summer.
On Round Lake once one of the summer residents built an ostentatous abode every one else had to follow suit. Now three story cabins barely fit on their lots. The primative cabins built only a generation ago now look so punny. There would have been condominiums too if the residents association had'nt suscessfuly banned the developers. Now they are safe - there is unlikely to be much new construction this summer.
My brain hurts!- TF Gumby
Gumbys are extremely dim-witted,loud, sometimes violent
One year after he was on "The Howdy Doody Show"
They gave Gumby his own show. Gumby ran in 223 episodes
Made for TV Gumbys usually stand with their knees bent
All Gumbys wear the same eccentric costume :
Trousers rolled up to the knees
Gumboots, also known as Wellington boots or 'wellies'
A knitted tank-top tucked into the trousers
It's Gumby and his pals Pokey, Prickle, and Goo
It's Gumby and his pals Pokey, Prickle, and Goo
Their most defining and famous article of clothing:
The unofficial term for this is 'Sidcup'.
Dictionary of words for things there are not yet words for
Hosted by Bob Nicholson, who had played Clarabelle the Clown
Replacing Bob "Captain Kangaroo" Keeshan
Usually it is Michael Palin who is remembered in the role
Quinn is in
Beaware of
Where the dogs
Go - Don't eat
That yellow snow
From the subjective standpoint, a person is in a stage of agency when he defines himself in a social situation in a manner that renders him open to regulation by a person of higher satus - Stanley Milgram