And Nick is not his name either. Remember Brenda did not want her granddaughter who found the dog to know that she had traded it in like some used car. And if Nick on his little ti
ny legs goes to far and you holler Nick Nick (like Jack Nickleson did in Easy Rider) he does not respond to the name – but he does to the tone of your voice. But if you holler, Ankle! Here Ankle! he stops looks and starts trotting back. Brenda had said she was getting an even smaller dog one that came up only to the ankle. And I though at the time that was a unsual descriptor - one would have expected her to have gone, "he's about this tall" - seperating the facing palms of her hands about six inches apart. But there is no chance that I shall ever call him "Ankle". No way at all. Nada. None
An Amtrak reservation has been made – It was harder than it should have been (well not really harder – more complicated, but that was my fault). Amtrak erased by guest id and I had to enter my email address twice but since I don’t have a working period on my laptop keyboard I
have to copy one into the buffer and paste it in. Well that worked fine for the original email address but the confirmation email address did not let you insert a period from the buffer – a security measure no doubt – but certainly inconvenient). So I had to plug a keyboard into the USB port but all the cheep keyboards had PS2 connections. A PS2 to USB cost twice as much as the keyboard. God do they design thanks to be complicated – get you back into the store with every little glitch.
But anyway I’m headed to Chicago finally – a week from today. The Southwest Chief leaving at 7:45 in the morning. I had said I preferred to take the St Louis route but I have never done this route in the daylight. And besides, this way, I don’t have to wonder around Chicago at night in a blizzard.
I wonder how they will find the time to enjoy the most simple pleasures. We had at our disposal: silence, calm, solitude. Having never known them, they shall not be able to miss them. As for me, I do – and I pity them – Albert Robida

An Amtrak reservation has been made – It was harder than it should have been (well not really harder – more complicated, but that was my fault). Amtrak erased by guest id and I had to enter my email address twice but since I don’t have a working period on my laptop keyboard I

But anyway I’m headed to Chicago finally – a week from today. The Southwest Chief leaving at 7:45 in the morning. I had said I preferred to take the St Louis route but I have never done this route in the daylight. And besides, this way, I don’t have to wonder around Chicago at night in a blizzard.
Blah blah blah
... have all the answers
Blah blah more blah
back then they didn’t know
Blah and more blah
...they didn’t
understand the answer
More blah and more blah
She drones on is a soft
So I fall asleep
I wonder how they will find the time to enjoy the most simple pleasures. We had at our disposal: silence, calm, solitude. Having never known them, they shall not be able to miss them. As for me, I do – and I pity them – Albert Robida
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