Planning a trip again – going camping again, and never coming back again. The only problem is the weather again – gets warm for a day or two – just enough to gets one thinking again – and then get cold again. Maybe this week and I look at the forecast and colder by next weekend again. I don’t want to drive all the way to the Gulf Coast to get a little warmth. I ch
ecking out the state parks and laying out a route down across south central Kansas (Cross Timbers or Fall River) then Oklahoma (Osage Country, Robbers Cave and Boggy Depot) then into Texas. Last year at this time I did the same – spring brings the flowers to the prairie and also the storms – last year my tent got ripped apart in the mountains of Arkansas – I survived the first three storm fronts during the night but the fourth that hit like a sledgehammer at five thirty in the morning ripped my tent to shreds along the stitching – I abandoned the site having gotten my stuff all crammed into the truck just before the rain came down in torrents – I sat in the cab and waited for it to blow over. It’s not all Bambi in the forest.
Someone said that cats are the farthest animal from the human model. It depends upon what breed of human you are referring to, and of course what cats – William S Burroughs
Then Joe comes up to me and says that Bob has been extolling this poet by the name of Weldon Kees. Joe said that Bob had told him over the phone, you gotta here this, this is great stuff, and he read him several. Joe said that Bob was going to loan him a volume of Kees’ stuff. Might I find some of his poems in the New Yorker?, Joe asked. I don’t think so. He jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge fifty years ago or so it is supposed – they found his Plymouth Savoy parked on the north side with the keys in the ignition. Yes, I told Joe, I was familiar with his work. I had read his collected works two years back. I had tried to introduce Joe to him then but Joe
wouldn’t listen – another minor poet of no major importance, I have enough quality stuff to read. Joe and Bob were always brushing my discoveries off – esoterical, unworthy of consideration, obviously not great or I would have known about him. I did not remind Joe that I had tried and failed to introduce him to Kees two years ago – he was enthused about getting his hands on the book – and that was good enough. Yes, I told Joe – Kees is the poet’s poet.

Someone said that cats are the farthest animal from the human model. It depends upon what breed of human you are referring to, and of course what cats – William S Burroughs
Then Joe comes up to me and says that Bob has been extolling this poet by the name of Weldon Kees. Joe said that Bob had told him over the phone, you gotta here this, this is great stuff, and he read him several. Joe said that Bob was going to loan him a volume of Kees’ stuff. Might I find some of his poems in the New Yorker?, Joe asked. I don’t think so. He jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge fifty years ago or so it is supposed – they found his Plymouth Savoy parked on the north side with the keys in the ignition. Yes, I told Joe, I was familiar with his work. I had read his collected works two years back. I had tried to introduce Joe to him then but Joe

A discontinuity is incomprehensible
It must be experienced and turned
Decisive with an hypothesis
I am going to kill time working out what I’d do if I suddenly got rich, let’s work it out as I walk home – Edouard Dujarden
Dog vs Cat – average annual expenses:

---------------------Dog---------- Cat
Surgical vet visits---453---------- 363
Food----------------217---------- 188
Boarding -----------225---------- 149
Grooming ----------127----------- 18
Vitamins ------------77----------- 31
Treats --------------66----------- 40
Toys ----------------41----------- 26
There are 88,300,000 cats and 74,800,000 dogs in the US
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