He didn’t want to meet any Communists. They didn’t have any money. He felt that it was all right for a man to go to jail for robbery, but to go to jail for fooling around with Reds was bunk – Richard Wright
First to disappear
Was the spreading chestnut
Under which the village
Blacksmith toiled
Then it was time for the elms to go
It’s already causing havoc
So many broken bats
What will be next
There’s talk of the
Western pines
Another insect perhapsWhen will it be our turn
Monoculture and blight
Seem to go hand in hand
What a lovely couple
They make
Little by little each one is not so young. One is still then young, little by little one is not so young – Gertrude Stein
Head and ears
Head or tails
Head over heels
Heart in hand
Hand on heart
With a heavy heart
Such a bleeding
Lend me an ear
Keep an eye out
With a nose for a tale
What a whale of a tale
One can account for just so much of life, and then no more. At least not yet – Richard Wright
Red clover, white clover
Roll overWhere the buffalo roam
Is home
Among millions of people the deepest convictions of live are never discussed openly: they are felt, implied, hinted at tacitly and obliquely in their hopes and fears – Richard Wright
The GPS said
The GPS told him
To go there
He pulled in
And it said
‘Recalculating Route’
Ancient travelers guessed; modern travelers measure – Samuel Johnson And now days there no need for any of that – just look it up on the Internet
Its pathetic that the dog
Is man’s best friend
When the cow is so
Dear to his soul
Shepard, goat boy, cowhand
Swine header – rancher
Herdsman, stockman
And the dog is just there
To lick the pan and the
Hand of the man
Of all things, men do not like to feel that they are guilty of wrong, and if you make them feel guilt, they will try desperately to justify it on any grounds – Richard Wright
Coffee makes everything
Right with the world
Beer and wine makes everything
In the world right
That of all the ways of beginning a book which are now in practice though out the known world, I am confident my own way of doing it is the best – I’m sure it is the most religious – for I begin with writing the first sentence – and trusting to Almighty God for the second – Laurence Sterne
Can you really be an artist
And also be anti-art
Goddamnit you surely can
So long as authority gets
Your symbolic middle finger
That is art’s inclination
To flaunt the rules is oh so
Artsy fartsy
I did this; I did that
And so you must unless
Playing at a parlor game
In our blindness we have so contrived and ordered the lives of men that the moths in their hearts flutter toward ghoulish and incomprehensible flames! – Richard Wright
I’ve been to Chaco
I’ve seen the futureI’m unhappy and so
Very very sad
There’s a time for reciting poems and a time for fists – Roberto Bolaño
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