More and more the school year is gearing up. The younger women faculty are showing off their summer tans. The smarter students (or maybe the more ambitious ones) are attending workshops. The clerical and maintenance staffs are reporting and puttng everything into working order. The chimney of the educational system is starting to emit smoke - soon they will be stroking the fires of learning again.
They are giving the numbers (housing prices and employment) the best spin that they can - what else can they do? But there a big difference between things getting better and things not gettng worse as fast as they were - one is when your parachute deploys and the other is when it does not but due to the drag of air on your body your're not falling any faster - somewhere at about 140 mph.
Something unknown is doing we don’t know what – that is what our theory amounts too. It does not sound a particular illuminating theory. I have read something like it elsewhere – The slithy troves / did gyre and gimble in the wabe – Arthur S Eddington
Out there one cicada is out chirring
All the others
And as his chirring diminishes
Another picks it up
In his territory a cicada will try
To outdo everyone else
And its clear who made the most noise
As the female makes her choice
All this noise about sex
So typical of us animals
For a long time now / I’ve chosen to corrupt way. / I had a choice. Or else, / simply, the merely easy. / Over the virtuous. Or the difficult – Raymond Carver – All of US, 1989 p194
Tammy Wyanette – that Alabama acent
I can’t understand a word – George
Where are you when you’re not drunk?
I’m pourd to be a coal miner’s daughterNo its not Tammy but what’s her name
Oh yes, Lorreta Young – no that’s
The actress and that was Robert Young who played Marcus Welby
And isn’t Moody married to that girl from Pigeon Ford
Who looked so small standing next to Porter Wagoner
And that suit of his – covered in big rhinestone wagon wheels
Circle the wagons around, I’m closing in on the name
I do know that her first name is LorretaBut who was that in “Nine to Five”
It's a fiction that we get paid for our lunchhour
Except on the factory floor where they need
Three shifts of eight hours each to make twenty-four
I go on casually eating from the bowl /; of raspberries. If I were dead / I remind myself, I wouldn’t / be eating them. It’s not so simple. / It is that simple – Raymond Carver – All of US, 1989 p216
Then the name Barbara Mandrell pops into my head
But this is not her either - she is another one
Wait! Be patient! It will come to me
Oh yes, Loretta Lynne
That was some time ago
It is uselses information when it comes
But at least it gets the question out of my head
And also the quandry as to whether
I’m losing my marbles
And when the dots get connected
Oh, it is so obvious
So now what’s the name of the tiny blond
Standing there beside Porter – Dolly, yes
Dolly Pardon, that’s her name
How could I have forgotten
See! The motor is running
Quite turning the key
Quite grinding the starter motor
Get her out on the highway
Open it up; put it on cruiseFeel the wind in your face
See the telephone poles flash past
(but that was another age)
Do they still have telephone poles anymore?
What I said was never exactly what I felt, what I feel was never what it seemed I should feel, thought the feelings were genuine, and right, and inescapable – John Banville – Body of Evidence p124
God, I’m making a mess
I trimmed my mustache and can’t
Do a thing with it
The liquid drains through my beard
And dribbles onto my shirtfront
Leaving big brown blobs to match myLiver sports
God, I’m getting old
If you are planning simultaneous tea bagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Armey - David Shuster
Being a Buddhist priest
In this modern world
Means driving a red SUV
To match you robeBut a little one
Not an ostentatious big one
SUNDAY NIGHT: Make use of the things around you. / This light rain / Outside the windows , for one. / This cigarette between my fingers, / These feet on the couch: / The faint sound of rock-and-roll / The red Ferrari in my head. / The woman bumping drunkenly around in the kitchen… / Put it all in, / Make use – Raymond Carver - All of Us, 1989 p.257
From the Notebooks (#2 – January 19, 2004 - Oakland California - San Francisco/Millbare Bart Train.
This is the one-month anniversary of this enterprise – this journaling (I’ve begun calling them field notes – the name is still up for debate). The only restriction that I am placing on this effort is that I not commercialize it or make a product out of it until the anniversary of its first year (this should not be difficult as I don’t see any commercial possibility).

The bus stop smell like oatmeal this morning. I have no phone messages awaiting at work. Ade calls and I explain how to register to get IEA data. Keo wants some Dun & Bradstreet reports but does not have a charge number. My time sheet is due.
I am out of the office by 3:30 and sitting in the coffee shop by 4 listening to the Buena Vista Social Club soundtrack - solo guitar and voice. I was asked again if a novel was in the works - why is writing always associated with novels. Have you been published? Would I recognize your name?
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