Don’t believe the promises
Made by someone you don’t know
We learn this as children but proceed
To forget
And one trail leads to another
And if you don’t go round and round
You’ll go down hill
And towards home
And they promised us it would
All get getter better and better
If we took out more loans
And bought bigger homes
City dwellers bid everyone good day when they’re in the countryside. Greet the Yokel is second only to the practice of filling one’s lungs with country air as often and twice as deeply as necessary every time you stop to take in the views – John Barlow - Everything but the Squeal, 2008 p152
Feeding people now, escalates starvation later. Massive intervention delays a worsening problem so long as you treat the symptoms and not the disease
So there’ll be no cheap bananas / And so that there’ll be bananas cheap / 19 cents a bunch – Ernesto Cardenal – Pluriverse, 2008 p50
He is complaining about
The size of his burger – What Beef?
On Monday nights at three bucks (and a doe)
It is OK but not at full price – no way
She said to him – I hope you like your tacos
Hell, I eat them at Dave’s Stagecoach
So I’ll eat anything
That bothers him
Money should could be weighted in pounds
Like Weimar deuctchmarks
His red tussled hair – a working man’sRuddy face - no nouveau cuisine please
For the second time in a century, a wild whooping crane hatched in the Midwest… The mostly captive-bred midwestern populations now numbers 79 – Audubon Sept/Oct 2009 p14
Scarcity is the key to making money and to acquiring power – and what makes it possible in a post-scarcity world is the fear of scarcity or the fear of insecurity because of such a scarcity.
The best way to deal
With problems is to be rich
The second best is to be poor
No one can deny you
In either case
I have another Chet Chylinski contribution to the art of fine photography site listings - Diane Miller
The average insured American and the average uninsured American spend very similar amounts of their own money on healthcare each year - $654 and $583, respectively. But they spend wildly different amounts of other people’s money - $3,809 and $1,103 respectively – Herman E Daly – Economics in a Full World (Scientific American Sept 2005) p44
The institutionalization of processes creates radical monopolies – self-organizing structures that colonize desire and replace it with dependency
People tend to have poor introspective awareness of what they will initially find attractive when actually encountering potential mates. Our findings are consistent with the commonly observed disconnect between what people say they look for in an ideal mate and the characteristics of actual mates to whom they are attracted – Scott Rick
First of September
No more fireflies
A summer to remember
In the autumn daze

The people didn’t believe he had died. / (And he hasn’t died.) // Because at times a man is born in a land / and he is that land. / And the land in which that man is buried / is that man. / And the men who afterwards are born in that land / are that man – Ernesto Cardenal - Pluriverse, 2008 p60
That short choppy sentence pattern delivered with a soft voice
And sincerity that is so common with the con man and the preacher
There are lots of hand motions but only below the elbow – it’s very studied
Both concentrate on lifestyle – you hear that word a lot
Two different sides of the fence
With the same experience; same enterprise
What we want to see come out of this is…
This leads into a pitch after a lot of personal chitchat
Questions about what’s happening with your life
Accompanied with head nodding and a lot of yeah yeahs
Active listening includes being able to paraphrase
What I hear you saying – your sad story
Of good intentions and bad luck
Leading up to the pitch so gently, you hardly notice it
And then more story telling – if enough details
Are gathered – coincidences will emerge
Commonalities created manly bonding – the hook is sunk
Preaching styles do not arise spontaneously
Like the esprit de corps of the military or the
Of the world’s oldest profession
Prison is the training ground for criminals
It is said – three strikes and your in
“I did it,” Somoza said afterward. / “I did it, for the good of Nicaragua.” // And William Walker said when they were going to execute him: / “The President of Nicaragua is a Nicaraguan.” – Ernesto Cadenza -m Pluriverse, 2008 p59-
From the Journals (Volume 2 – January 25, 2004 – The Royal Ground – California & Fillmore – San Francisco)
Breakfast at the Amenep Fuara - cheese omelet (three eggs), potatoes and toast – an ashram's vegetarian restaurant - Hari Krishna someone had said, but it was not
The Ferry Plaza market – where I sampled naval oranges, Asian pears and goat cheese
Then to Gordon Bierch for a Dunkel. with fire boats e berthed there under the Bay Bridge
On to the San Francisco Brewery for happy hour from 4 to 6 and I get a pint of Anniversary Ale for $2.50
Later I have dinner at King Jamacia at Hayes and Divisive - Salt fish and ackee
At the coffee shop they are playing Cuban salsa with North African taxi drivers watching Egyptian soccer
Walter and I discussed saber tooth zebras. He suggested crossing the zebra with a tiger to create an animal that was more aggressive and could scare off the lions. “The danger of cross breeding a predator and a prey animal is that it might fed on itself” I told him. Huge herds of self-eating animals – a mobile fest unto themselves. There is something sinister about the idea one million roaming carvivours zebras”.
Walter continues to flesh out the storyline for Freight Liner. A disillusioned, bitter old man who hangs around truck stops and starts a corndog business (after goats and accordions, corndogs are Waters favorite thing to ponder). “it’s a one man operation”, Water says (I quess that means that’s no longer a role for Panty Liner). “He provides fast food on the go for truckers. He dives his van up beside a trucker as he is driving down the highway, waving a corndog in his face. His intentions are often misunderstood (Freight Liner’s, not Walter’s)”. Max Torque remains a sinister character who appears very infrequently
I stop at Ocean Tequesta on Divisidero for a chili Colorado burrito and a melon aqua fresca. The Chile Colorado is a little too wet - my hands are stained red - specks of sauce dot my pants and shirt - my plate is piled high with soiled napkins.
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