The long black carriages
Were filledWith men in black
Black on black
It was just my luck
Music is heard in the parlor
Uncle Idafonso senses
A future canon in me
Maybe God intends
Him, he said, to become a bishop
This was all related to me
Only years later
Everything then was part
Of a pattern much as
It is today
(not necessarily the same
Pattern now as then)
Much as on the day
I was born
That was in 1805
Or was in 1826
It doesn’t matter
To this story
When I was thirty I assumed that by the time I was fifty I would know what I was talking about…. At fifty I knew less than what I thought I knew at thirty, and so I figured that by the time I was seventy, then surely… I would have come up with a reason to believe that I had been made wise. Now I’m seventy-five, and I see no sign of a dog with a bird in its mouth – Lewis Lapham – Harper’s, Nov 2010 p8
What you put off today, you will suffer for tomorrow – can you give me a witness to this. Can I make it any clearer!
They will inflate the test scores, declare the program a success and then abandon it in favor of another silver bullet – thus we triumphed in Vietnam and will again in Afghanistan only the acceptable kill ratio has been inflated as has the cost per body.
Of human work, nothing but what is bad can be perfect, in it’s own bad way – John Ruskin – The Genius of John Ruskin, 1963p183
Flies all day
Mosquitoes by night
One if by land
Two if by sea
There’s a surging music in the air - / I hate it and will disrupt it! It’s the rhythm and blues / of custom in modern furs. It drives me mad – Michael McClure – Star poems, 1970 p25
There was a white glare outside the café. I had to remove my reading glasses to confirm that it was not snow. Dave had said that they were predicting a low of 28 and snow, although it was not supposed to accumulate. It was not snow. It had been cloudy this morning and it had been getting colder and colder all morning and I had had my nose in a book most of the time. And when I looked up I was surprised that that much snow had accumulated without my even being aware that it was snowing. It had not been (i.e it had not been snowing) but I did not know that at the time. I had to remove my reading glasses to see outside. It was only the glare of an emergent sun. It was the contrast. It was an auto-suggestion that had turned it into snow. It’s a relieve. It’s too early for the snow to begin accumulating.
This was the monstrous spectacle that I saw. The history of man and the earth had thus an intensity that neither science nor the imagination could give it, for science is too slow and imagination too vague, whereas what I saw was the living condensation of history – Machado De Assis - Epitaph of a small winner, 1952 p34
Ernesto Che Guevara
George Washington
There aren’t that many
Unless the anonymous
Are also included
No great man ever stops working till he has reached his point of failure – John Ruskin – The Genius of John Ruskin, 1963 p183
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