We came to really know the work of the demons who dwell only in our minds. Nature does not reveal itself. It is only perceived through the imagination when the heart is truly felt as if it were the mind. We dance our death on a stage of reality as if…
She kept trying surreptitiously to steal a peek of what I was sketching. I saw it out of the corner of my eye but pretended to not see her. I would wait until I could catch her in the act and then pounce on her. I finished the drawing and wrote furiously in the notebook. She couldn’t resist. Her curiosity got the best of her. Melissa is her name. She had taught first grade in Boston. It was here first year of teaching. We talked for twenty minutes or so. Then I had to leave. A birthday party at home was waiting. Well, I have to be going now, I announced. Bye, she replied. Adieu, Sweet Bird. Two Boston school teachers in as many nights.
Walter says that I have a future with Harlequin Romances, Yes, I shall turn my Boston school teachers into vessels of yearning and desire. Linda thinks it has promise. Walter thinks that it might need some sex and that I have to offer is my experience with aliens (he’s recalling the dream I had told him about). I think that I am going to have to do some more research. No, not about sex, but about elementary school teachers and their desires.
The secret manual purported to contains the resolution to many vital problems. It offered salvation. That was the rumor. Carl has just discovered a copy. The text had supposedly been lost ages ago in the Great Chaos. Carl, discovered it in late June late at night (there was a new moon and it was very dark except for the starlight which was visible now as there were no longer and any streetlighing or probing searchlights, not the headlights of any cars), but he was unable to read it due his dyslexia. Teachers had been eliminated two generations back. Carl knew that what he had discovered was important, but kept it hidden, fearing its existence would attract thieves. Then he met Melissa…
Sounds too much like “The Canticle of Liebowitz” said Walter. That will never do for a Harlequin. Well it did need some work, I admitted. But I had already lost any interest in the project.
That which was disseminated was no longer a style but a task, not genuine custom but mannerism, not national costume but the fashion – Oswald Spangler – The Decline of the West, 1965 p253
In the postmodern world – reason has been replaced by happiness. The happiness of excellence. Yes, that shall be our motto – Happiness Through Excellence.
Half of the world’s population live in countries where the water tables are falling due to over pumping. The Middle East has become the first geographic region to show shrinking agricultural production due to depleted fossil aquifers. In the United States irrigratred crop productions is shrinking in both California and Texas. There is also accumulating evidence to indicated that the ‘green revolution’ has already run its course.
Measure and equilibrium does not exist in nature at all – Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri – Multitude: war and democracy in the age of empire, 2004 p154
Time could ran backwards
The eye would soon adjust
We’d know everything
About tomorrow and nothing
About yesterday
Then we should conclude
That yesterday was the same
As today
And everything would
Appear normal.
With profits diminishing
Our consumption decreasing
Demanding programs
Assuring degrowth
Proceeding towards a
Everything on track
Risk diminishing, nature
Looking back at tomorrow's
The stress on responding to external reward was precisely translated into the response to material gain, the quality most needed to succeed in the competitive capitalist society – Martin Carnoy – Education as Cultural Imperialism, 1974 p241
For every 5 cars, an acre of pavement is needed to accommodate them.
Abandoning the grab-it all gospel preached by the Republican Party since the Reagan years [Glen] Beck chastised Americans for becoming a people who have forgotten that ‘capitalism isn’t about money, it’s about freedom.’ - Mark Lilla – New York Review of Books, Dec 9, 2010
For every 1 degree C of temperature rise during the growing season, grain yields drop by 10%.
It is difficult to separate most contemporary projects of population control from a kind of racial panic – Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri – Multitude: war and democracy in the age of empire, 2004 p166
I tend to like authors, who authors I like, like
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