If you
will believe only that which you know to be true you will trouble yourself very
little with belief – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p30
This is a miserable gray day. It’s time to get out the long johns.
The life expectancy of a US farmworker is 49 years
All useful
knowledge is perhaps subversive, innocently and ignorantly at first – Guy
Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p27
A government worker cost half as much as it would cost to
outsource that worker’s job. Take a general attorney for example who costs the
government $175,000 a year in salary and benefits, but to contract those same
services would cost $555,000 a year – an accountant $124,000 vs $283,000 – a
food inspector $58,000 vs $75,000. The assumption has always been that
contracting saves money buy no one ever bothered to do the math.
is no great difference between the memory of a dream and the memory of a
reality – Marcrl Proust – Remembrance of Things Past: Time Regained p240
Or get left
With the devil
Go to hell
So black and white
The penguins march
The big ones and the small ones
Waddle across the ice
Learn to play the lyre
Or get
stuck with
Listening to ukalaes
The two chief
causes of error in one’s relation with another person are, having a kind heart,
or else being in love with that other person – Marcel
Proust –Remembrance of Things Past: Tine Regained p116
A mere 147 companies control 40% of the monetary value of
all transnational corporations
One does not make
a mirror to resemble a person, one brings a person to the mirror – Jack Spicer
– The Collected Books, 1996 p55
Pulled pork – Sandwich – Hash for breakfast – Fall – It’s
getting colder – Comfort food – Stay in bed – The smell of mothballs – Rake the
lawn – Carve up the pumpkin – Fingers get numb.
In their knowledge, lay their civilization. Others had lost
much of their knowledge. The knowledge that we now have is not the knowledge
that makes a civilization but the knowledge we need to make money
is no religious denomination in which the rights of metaphysical expression has
been responsible for as much sin as it has in mathematics – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Walter announced - I’ve invented a new comic strip that does
not require any drawing. It’s called “Pea Soup”, he says. It occurs in a fog
and stars Fred, Linda Rae and Little Willie. This is not going to be about
anyone that we actually know is it, I ask. On no, Walter assures us that it
will not be. If there is any resemblance it will be purely coincidental, he
said. I’ve drawn my first strip, he says. Linda Rae (I mean Linda) asks him to
describe it to us. Little Wille (I mean Waler) proceeds: “Little Willie says
(but you don’t know it’s Little Willie who is doing the talking yet)”, and I
wrote it all down just as he described it –
First panel - 1 -
The weather report says this fog might lift
- In your dreams Little Willie
Second Panel 1 - Linda Rae?
3 - In your dreams Little Willie
Last Panel - 1 -
Hi Fred
I’m going home and write the next strip, he says. But before
he leaves, he says that we need someone to write these down so that it does not
get forgotten (when Walter says he drew them, he had really meant only that he had
seen them in his minds eye). We (Linda Rae and I) tell him that it was a
classic and like a tune that gets stuck in tour head, it was unforgettable.
Good says Walter and leaves, but not before he leaves his show and tell with
Linda: a sprig of ordinary rosemary (it grows up, he says) and Tuscan Rosemary (it
grows down, he adds). Now which one is this, he asks Linda as he holds one
downwards? Tuscan, Linda responds. Lesson
plan accomplished, Walter announced and then he really does leave. Alas,
Linda says, the torment is over. Not quite, I say and read to her what I have
written. You guys don’t faze me, she replies. I have customers who are experts
at the fine art of torture. I take that as a challenge, I tell her. I’ll take
my rosemary and leave, she replies. I am all-alone here now with only my field
Our imaginations
Linked by geography
It's all in the newspaper and
It is on the TV and the pieces
capture our lives
Have noting to do with us
Nothing uniquely me in any
Of these
Except in the commotion
of our Imaginations
Of these
Except in the commotion
of our Imaginations
The private and
invoicable act of reading [is] our culture’s way of developing the individual –
Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p30
Work is the tedious process of
playing the rear end of a cow.
Our memory of
dreams may become lasting, if they repeat themselves often enough – Marcel
Proust – The Fugitive p125
In America reality is now a political choice – yes this is a
may be the most valuable act we can perform: to make peace with the only
reality fate has given us – Guy
Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p179
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