Ugh, that was eerie. TD and I went for a walk in the dark.
It was very dark. The moon had yet to come out. It was hard to differentiate
the wet from the dried up puddles in the road. Then something began to rustle
in the woods. It sounded about ten feet away and was paralleling our path. I
get spooked. It could be a bear. There were signs warning that this is bear
country. It could be only a raccoon. I wasn’t so worried about myself but I
didn’t want some beast charging out of the undergrowth and grabbing poor little
Trail Dog. But he didn’t seem concerned. He was not alarmed. He is quite vocal
about intruders. He is a good littler watch dog. That should have calmed me but it didn’t. I took him back to
the trailer and got a lantern. I walked back and shined a light into the woods
expecting but not hoping to see two red spots of reflection (that would be a wolf, wouldn't it - a bear would be what - two green spot?). I did not get any beady reflections I
watched to see if I could spot any movement. I did not. Just the echo of our
feet on the gravel I suppose. But I stayed awake for a long while worrying
about intruders. This is crack country. Lot of anthyemine cookers hereabout. I
probably would have been much more worried had I watched “Winter Bone.” But I
had not. It would be nice to have a sawed off shotgun loaded with birdshot just
in case. I finely went to sleep.
Before, they dare attack the wolves, the sheep turn against
hares. Before their reversal directed against superiors, they turn on the
lowest available quarry – Elias Canetti -
Crowds and Power, 1978 p59
Solving yesterday’s problem is the means by which we create
tomorrow’s problems
“Do you plan to overthrow the government by force?” – What
other choices do I have? – Jessica Mitford
7:03 – finishing breakfast – sausage, hash browns, scrambled
eggs with mushrooms and bell peppers and coffee. Birds are chattering. The dog
and I went for our morning walk up the hill. I have taken my pills. I need to
remake the bed and sweep the floor. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. We walked
as the sun rose above the horizon and the stream gurgled below us.
Zukofsky taught: the poet makes one long poem. /
Mathematicians say Notation is notion. / The dream voice said: Imagination
fails the dream – Hugh Seidman – Selected Poems, 1995 p143
80% of the land mass of the United States is within 2/3 a
mile of a road
I am not romantic, you know. I never was. I ask only a
comfortable home – Jane Austin – Pride and Prejudice
There is how life is imagined or more properly how life is
imagined as being lived by one and then there is life. For some the gap is huge
while for others it is not so immense. For those for whom it is not it may be
either because the gap does not exist or the gap can not be imagined. How many
of us are jealous of someone (real or imagined) else’s life. A few are not and
even we are sometimes envious. How often are we envious? Sometimes more.
Sometimes less. It all depends on how much we enjoy our own company, not many
can stand themselves all the time. You have to be really, really full of
yourself for that.
Ain’t no such thing as I can hate anybody and hope to see
God’s face – Fannie Lou Hamer
Without people there is very little adventure. Most of what
there is, is waged against the bugs and the weather.
Combatants are allowed to injure each other just so long as
they stand in a relationship of mutual risk – Paul Kahn
At Yosemite aircraft can be heard from 30 to 60% of the day.
In the Haleakala volcano crater on Maui, 8 to 10 helicopters pass overhead per
[Progress] truly does not provide or even meaningfully mark
the history of life – Stephen Jay Gould – Full House
People who have talked with old people who had themselves talked
with older people are wiser than people who have not
The world deals with negation and contradiction and does not
assert any single scheme. New signs on the federal building, they say FEDERAL
BUILDING. On whether you’re dreaming or just thinking to yourself. The
isolation, the boredom, the quiet, the space – Charles Bernstein – The Sophist,
1987 p11
One would have hoped that while doing something
extraordinary one would not feel so ordinary
I don’t know why the more I gave, / the more you feared you
would lose / my greed for you was so simple – Hugh Seidman – Selected Poems,
1995 p140
Siren blows – everyone fish; siren blows again – everyone
stop. There is quite a congregation of trucks. Waders hang on lines to dry as
if were the trout who were catching the fisherman. Three on a stringer. That’s
the limit. It don’t take long. Fishing widows roam alone.
Just as failure was the measure of men, so too was success.
Even more – David Goldfield – America Aflame, 2011 p31
I am on the road again. I’ve checked all the to-dos off my
list – well actually I erased anything that I hadn’t got done yet. I stop at
Unity Village. This is the first time I’ve been here. I have been passing by it
for fifty years. It is time that I stopped and cheked it out. It is a place of
love and acceptance. That’s what it says. Someone with the name of Sirita sets
me up in a viewing room so that I could watch their introductory video. This is
a place of love and acceptance, It tells me. It was founded in 1889. It is a
society of silent help – the pray movement is at its heart and soul – the power
of positive pray – pray for health, abundant life and relationship. I told her
that I had been passing by here since I was a little kid. I wish I had a penny,
Sirita said, for everyone who has told me that. The English part ends and then
it repeats the message in Spanish. The Spanish version is different, its not
the same video with Spanish instead of English. It’s a whole different
production. I sit in the sun on a bench in a spot where the limestone has been
sculpted by water. It is cool. Sirita had warned me about the deer – they will
try to nuzzle you, she had said, but look out for the wild turkeys, they are
very territorial.
One can sleep with anyone, but one can read only some people’s
word – Benedict Anderson – Imagined Communities, 1991 p77
All they have to do is…and they make tons of money. And even
if I were a person…I could work two jobs and save money. I know that I
could…your children… set them up and see …Every day I do, you know what I mean…
a certain tribe, or minority tribe…I don’t have it handy, I read about it. It’s
like the lawyer says…twenty-three cousins that are related to …and step back
and look at the big picture. I don’t think that I am… I don’t think so…that may
be a separate discussion…except I don’t think so, because in every transaction
I do…I think that the point that you are trying to make is a valid point, but…
I don’t think so.
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