The more accurately that something can be measured the more obscure
its meaning becomes.
the Bible
love that passage
gives a gift
love that passage
out a passage
anecdotal stories
what each of the verses
no fruit...’
great color line
packed with truth
is something All American
He – with a capital ‘H’
saying is that He trusts us
a little ‘U’
break it down
by piece
Shop around
thy daily bread
it down
by passage
Pick it apart
by word
it down
by Bit
It’s got God’s words
there in black and white
And red if it’s Jesus speaking
speaks in a plane language
that we can all understand
is all here
plan for the common man
anyone to understand
only need to have faith
God’s word will be revealed
So I am being told
“Everyone says I talk too much. If I talk too much let me
know.” “No, no,” I tell her, “you’re fine. No problem.” “If my talking
interferes with your wine tasting let me know.” “No, no,” I assure her, “my
taste buds and by ears are not connected. I can do both. I can multitask. I can
listen to you and taste at the same time. She thought this very witty. “I’ll
have to remember that and use it myself sometime,” she said. Her name was Sou
Sou or Fru Fru or something like that. It might have been Mou Mou. She bought
two bottle of the red with a strawberry/watermelon overtone and a bottle of
port, all produced here in Arkansas. “I thought you didn’t like the red?” “Oh I
don’t. They’re for my son.” It’s seven already. Time for accordion and tuba.
Smiley had said, “they’re our best friends in town.” She had talked about the
guy sounding like Tom Waitts. It happened something like this – we were talking
about polka at the art gallery (I don’t recall why we were talking about polka)
and I was reminded of a band called Polkacide whose saxophone player sometimes
played in the nude. He was the lover (she always used the word lover, never
boyfriend) of a coworker. Tom Waitts had once tried to pick her (the coworker
whose lover played saxophone in the nude) up in a park in Santa Monica, I was
telling her. And that led to her mentioning this band, the one playing tonight,
her best friends, the accordion and tuba. He sounds a lot like Tom Waitts, she
385 individuals own assets greater than the combine annual
incomes of countries containing 45% of the world’s population
“Excuse me but is your name Martin?” and I shake my head. I
was daydreaming (fantasying) about the young lady with the fuzzy white tam and
the fuzzy white sweater and the little pug nose sitting across the room. I have
to bring myself out of my trance - umpha umda umpf. “Martin?” No, I shake my
head. “What?” - umpha umda umpf. I can’t ever remember
where I am. Sometime back I was at the Brewery. I remember that. “Are you
Martin?” I remember the rep from the Sacramento Brewery coming in and changing
out the kegs. Switching the SacBew from Red Horse to the IPA. He gave me a
complimentary pint. “No, I’m not Martin,” I reply. But he hadn’t been talking
to me. He was asking the guy two stools down. And it fact, the guy did happened
to be Martin. Hunter S Thompson said he would be insane if it were not for
writing. Come again? And Bukowski? Bukowski would drink until he passed out and
then wake up and sneak out and go write all night because he said, you can’t
sleep life away and you’ve got to do a poem a day or life is just shit. I feel
something like that. It’s only 8:23 and it’s still light but I’ve had all I can
drink. I go home and tomorrow morning I’ll write this all down at my coffee
It’s an unfortunate fact about the flowers of geography that
they don’t bother to work as hard on their appearances as places less favored
by nature, like the muddy ford where London got its start, or the salt swamp
from which Venice triumphantly arose – Jonathan Raban – Driving Home, 2010 p291
You can’t comprehend without appreciating the milieu out of
which one of the possibilities manifests itself. History is much more that a
parade of great men.
“Warning warning” (shades of Dr Who – Darleks – no that was
“Exterminate, Exterminate; “warning, warning” was from Lost in Space). It’s the
Giant Voice again. “This is a restricted area. Unauthorized entry is
prohibited. Use of force has been authorized” The military unlike children are
to be heard but not seen. They like to make big noises. Boom! Kings Bay – Trident
submarines lurking - SLBMs – Kill kill – shades of robots on wheels (yet the
submarines are in the silent service, right? – run quiet run deep – so what’s
all this about noise? – it’s the army that bomarded Noriega with rock music).
Where are those ruby slippers when you need them? Now hear this. Now hear this.
Wa-u-wa Wa-u-wa. The sound of claxons. Alert, alert. All hand to battle
stations. Kaboom – the Arizona splits in half. One down the smokestack. The
General with his pointer poked at the image with a lone vehicle crossing the
Euphrates and immediately after he across the bridge goes Kaboom and the
General jokes – the was the luckiest man in Baghdad. Such fun and games.
Support the Troops! Freedom and Democracy are just other words for nothing left
to lose.
The more asymmetrical the conflict the more the weaker side
will resort to irregular tactics
Modern war is not about two roughly equal nations-states
clashing…It is about fundamentally weak forces – whether part of a nation sate
or not – learning how to fight the strong – John Ralston Saul – The Collapse of
Globalism, 2005 p259
Philip Marlow, Detective
Philip Marlow smokes a pipe, generally
Mr. Marlow plays classic chess games out of a book
Marlow turns down cases that he don’t think are suitable
He won’t take divorce cases at all – bread and butter
He doesn’t have to take cases that he don’t like
He may not like your looks – he likes the looks
Of that Madison in his hip pocket
Sometimes he takes a case just for costs
Philip Marlow isn’t a fish like Nick & Nora
Mr. Marlow doesn’t inhale Luckys like Mike Hammer
Marlow doesn’t ware a trench coat like the dirty cops
He has a gimlet in memorial to an old friend
One after another the connections are made
And he finds himself deeper and deeper into a case he didn’t
ask for
Deep into the web of things where people can be nasty
Especially if they have money
It is not good to be conscious
When you’re trapped in a spider web
‘Ever kill a man, Marlow’?
‘Nasty feeling, isn’t it’?
‘Some people like it’
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