Dolliver State Park, Des Moines River, Iowa - Tuesday July 11 -It has
cooled down a little. It was in the lower eighties today. The rivers are still running bank to bank. Corn about above the waist.
The sign reads “Criminal Screening”. I have been instructed
to sign in and wait. I do what am told to do, I sit down and wait. In a bullet
proof cage sits the captain. He pushes a button. Doors swing open. Doors swing shut. They are in constant motion
– swoosh, ka-bang, swoosh. The state bureaucrats are being be let out to take their
smoke breaks. The potential criminals, one at a time, are being let in to have their fingers printed. The
seat of government is comprised of rows of
very similar, buildings – white facades with green plate glass windows. They were surrounded by ledges behind which flowers grow. The primary function of raised flowerbeds is to keep terrorists at bay without being aesthetically unpleasing. In bureaucracies everything gets rationalized. The ledges also function as benches for citizens to sit on while awaiting interrogation and for bureaucrats to smoke except they usually hang about just outside the door in clusters.
There is the possibility that this may be a long drawn out process (I’ll have to get copy of my cancelled check if the paperwork has not been processed). It would be easier to just file a new application, I suppose. But what do bureaucrats do if they fine duplicate sets? That would be a bureaucratic nightmare. A bureaucratic nightmare is soon made your nightmare. A bureaucrat knows how to put the monkey on someone else’s back. Fortunately this time all the paperwork had been properly forwarded. I am in and out. I go home. I was lucky.
very similar, buildings – white facades with green plate glass windows. They were surrounded by ledges behind which flowers grow. The primary function of raised flowerbeds is to keep terrorists at bay without being aesthetically unpleasing. In bureaucracies everything gets rationalized. The ledges also function as benches for citizens to sit on while awaiting interrogation and for bureaucrats to smoke except they usually hang about just outside the door in clusters.
There is the possibility that this may be a long drawn out process (I’ll have to get copy of my cancelled check if the paperwork has not been processed). It would be easier to just file a new application, I suppose. But what do bureaucrats do if they fine duplicate sets? That would be a bureaucratic nightmare. A bureaucratic nightmare is soon made your nightmare. A bureaucrat knows how to put the monkey on someone else’s back. Fortunately this time all the paperwork had been properly forwarded. I am in and out. I go home. I was lucky.
The ‘War on Terror’ at one time held 100,000 prisoners . For
most of the original 742 detainees at Guantanamo there was no record of why
they held originally been detained.
85-90% of the detainees of Abu Graahb had “no intelligence value”.
Fortress America, DC
Redoubt USA
Democracy at work
Yes citizen, state official business
And move
on, no loitering, please
Obstructing sidewalks is a crime
Beware citizen report all security breaches
Do your duty work hard and spend money
Stay out of trouble,
This is your America, home of the free
Americans be proud, wave your flags
Exercise your rights, bare arms.
This is your America, citizens
In case of emergency follow instructions
Homogenized, sanitized, capitalized.
For your protection one in ten has a secruity clearance
Fortress America
Redoubt USA
Form a single line, show an offical photo ID
DC Fortress America,
Redoubt USA
Vote but not to often
Protect democracy with concrete
What about that citizen?
Wave them flags
Hate ragheads
Tie yellow ribbons
Fortress America,
Redoubt USA
Good citizens
Be obedient, be complacent
Practice family values
If you are weak, if you have no army of your own, borrow
your enemy’s army – Mark Danner
Secrecy’s primary function is to avoid accountability (and
especially embarrassment). Only rarely is it to prevent harming some third
party or to thwart counter-intelligence which the usual excuses for its invocation.
The justification for the use of ‘enhanced interrogation’
techniques was based on reasoning that if volunteers who could opt out when
subjected to the techniques did not suffer long-term psychological harm, then
detainees subjected to those same techniques “for real” would not experience
them either.
No Left Turns
Left right
Right face
Turn back the clock
Tick toc
Left right
Dress right
Suitable dress
Left right
Left right
Change step
Turn right
Right left
See the light
Take a flight
Left right
Left right
Do it right
At midnight
Red light
Left right
Turn tight
All night
Left right
Left right
Hep hep
Two three
Keep in step
We do not struggle as working class, we struggle against
being working class, against being classified. Our struggle is not the struggle
of labour; it is the struggle against labour. It is the unity of the process of
classification (the unity of capital accumulation) that gives unity to our
struggle, not our unity as members of a common class – John Holloway – Change the
World without Taking Power, 2002 p60
The Noble Tradition of Congressional In-action
You are honor bound to reject the petition
But you can separate the petition from its prayer
And receive the petition and reject its prayer
Honor the right to petition but not its intention
Thus the debate proceeded loop hole by loop hole
And with an air of noble political sentiments
About an ignoble practice
“A decision pregnant with consequences
Of a most disastrous character”
Exhorted Senator Calhoun of South Carolina
And he rose and stalked out of the chamber
And they voted not on laying the petition on the table
But about the motion to do so
To lay on the table the motion not to receive the petition
The more of one’s wealth is obtained by plunder or
extortion, the more spectacular and self-aggrandizing will be the forms in
which it’s given away – David Graber – Debt, 2011
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