Hi. I’m an Amoeba. I heard that the
Rock wrote a piece in here about how great it was to be a Rock [Editor’s note -“This
Could be of Biblical Proportions Or Maybe Not”]. I haven’t read it because by
the time I had, I’d have gotten gobbled up. So, I’ll say my bit anyway before I
get eaten by a brother (or sister – they are all the same – it could be a
mother/father – they’re the same too. I just can’t understand Freud). I Amoeba,
therefore I am. Gotta move on now. Can’t sit still or I a goner – ha, ha –
that’s a pun, a little one maybe, but I’m a little one too. I just thought of a
funny line, “Feed the family”. I must Amoeba on if I don’t want to feed the
family, ha ha. (I’m a real comedian). But before I go, I wanted to say, being
an Amoeba is just fine by me. Wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m off to meet
my maker, another pun or did that one
fly by you too. They say the pun is the lowest form of humor and I’m certainly a
low life, ha ha. [Editor’s note – I wish something would come along and gobble
him up quickly (and in his case very very slowly) as he’s an awful arrogant
little bastard, no pun intended].
This must be spring break – so many campers are staying through Monday. I’m not used to having any neighbors. Trail Dog is
excited about all the dogs in camp. The wind is too strong to go out fishing. Golf
carts are becoming camping necessities like a satellite dish and the boat. A
little boat you can pull behind the RV. Either that or a trailer in which to
haul a motorcycle. But for a bass boat you need another truck. Toy-haulers are
popular with a their big tailgates, and you can use the space after you download the
ORVs to set up bunks. I’m sure that up-north they use them for ski-mobiles but
it was cold enough this winter in the south. For jet-skis you need a trailer
that you can back into the water because you can’t drive them down (or up) the
ramp. You don’t want to back your RV into the water.
We forget what we say much more that
what we hear, what we write more than what we read, what we send much more than
what we receive, that is why we barely count the insults we hand to others,
unlike those dealt out to us – Javier Marias – Fever and Spear, 2005 p199
16% of American men pay for sex. 28%
of the men who patronize prostitutes and nearly half of those who employ call
girls are frequent customers. Two-thirds of the frequent customers repeatedly
use the services of a particular prostituted more than 50 times. A quarter to
those use her (or it could be his) services more than 100 times.
The new does not occur within time,
true time is newness itself, the eternal production of transformation – Clair
Colebrook – Gilles Deleuze, 2002 p63
In Latin American the informal
(meaning – off the books) economy employs 60% of the workforce and supplies 80%
of the new jobs. Worldwide the informal working class is about one billion
strong. This ‘informal sector’ was not even on the academic radar until 1973.
This informal workforce is not as some wishful thinkers claim, just ‘oppressed
extralegal small entrepreneurs’, this is the rapidly expanding class of an
‘oppressed legal proletariat’. There is no mobility for this class. It is not
simply a problem of redefining slums as “strategic low-income urban management
Women and children comprised 40% of
the US manufacturing workforce prior to the Civil War.
Jesus, tell my father
I’m wearing clean underwear
Tell him, don’t let me shout in vain
Don’t leave me along the highway
Let my automobile go speeding on
Without me
Jesus, tell my father
I want to be among that number
And Lord I am constantly scolding
the kids
To keep their assets clean
The fundamental project for
economics based on the concept of the individual is to rid itself of any actual
The best road to happiness goes
right though Stupidity. Then turn left. It’s paved all the way. You can’t miss
it. It a well traveled highway.
89.7 FM – Bluegrass all the time –
this is Kentucky – Bluegrass country. Jesus – born of the spirit. Washed in his
blood. This is my story. This is my song.
The other person is not just like
us, with a few character difference. The other is another possible world of
difference – Clair Colebrook – Gilles Deleuze, 2002 p83
Any solution that does not solve the
cause of the problem makes the problem worse in the long-term – such as
geo-engineering solutions for global warming and non-fossil forms of energy.
Less energy, less pollution – that’s the solution. But who would buy it?
The city of Kinshasa with a
population of ten millions has no waterborne sewage system at all. The slums of
Nairobi have only one working pit latrine per 4,000 people. ‘The Scud Missile’ is
one way of disposing of the waste. Put it in a plastic shopping bag and sling
it on top of a building. At least they are practicing recycling. Less than 10%
of the homes in metro Manila are connected to a sewage system. Only 17 cities
in India have any kind of primary sewage treatment. Private sanitation efforts
are encouraged by aid agencies. Use of a private for-profit toilet would cost
an average worker 10% their earnings. That’s expensive shit.
We might … worry about whether
mainstream economics can be about human individuals… One thing that we can say…
is that mainstream economics has certainly been applied to human individuals –
John B Davis - The Theory of the Individual in Economics, 2002 p42
Saturated fat consumption is not
correlated with coronary disease risk. Unsaturated fat is, if thickening agents
are used in it, as for example margarine. Eggs have almost no effect on blood
cholesterol. There are a lot of erroneous food myths build into health
recommendations because ‘industries’ have arisen around them. An industry is a
vested interest. Expert advise generally conforms to the political norms.
Billionaires squaring off against
each other isn’t remotely a democracy – Robert Reich
Infant males (both human and
primate) choose toys that related to skill development for hunting and mate
selection. Such toys as can be propelled though space and promote
rough-and-tumble play. Infant females (both human and primate) tend to select
play objects that hone the skills they will one day need to nurture their own
young. This is the hypothesis and there is some evidence to support it. We come
out of the womb with some cognitive sex differences built in.
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