I had a Roswell Alien Ale and then their Sierra Blanca nut brown last night along with a burger in town (first and only burger of the trip). I dreamed that night of a band of rouges that had invaded the campgrounds where I was camped and were in the process of slaughtering all the campers. The had not yet discovered me, or maybe they were only out to butcher the Rvers (that I could sempsympathize with). Anyway, I then work up and like I have frequently done recently I continued to the dream in a conscious state (i.e. I knew that I was dreaming buy also awake) – what should I do to escape them, what should I take with be when I made my escape? What route should I take ( I knew that I should put on my shoes and probable my clothes, perhaps take my bed roll, but if I should open the truck door they might spot the light, so I must choose among what I already had at hand)? They had not yet found me because my campsite was at a distance from all the Rvers. I would of course take the dog. Or was that a smart choice? Ethical yes, but not necessarily smart. He might bark and give my position away. Besides what use would he be to me. No I should be loyal and take him anyway. I could carry him and hold his mouth shut so that he did not give any alarm. What route should I take? Should I go into the lava beds and find a cave? Or should I skirt along the edge and find that old abandoned ranch? It was only a ridge away and there may be someone there to help. I was unable to get back to sleep until I had resolved all these question. It has only been recently that I have begun to consciously dream (or at least remember that I was consciously dreaming).
I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me – Abraham Lincoln

Men nearly always speak and write as if riches were absolute and it were possible by following certain scientific precepts for everybody to be rich. Whereas, riches are a power like that of electricity, action only through inequalities or negations of itself. The force of the guinea you have in your pocket depends wholly on the default of a guinea in your neighbor’s pocket – John Ruskin – The Genius of John Ruskin, 1963 p245
The dog hops in out of the sun
The dog hops out into the sun
It can’t tell the time
I could if only I wore a watch
She has mastered the art of time
She knows when to eat and when to sleep
The sun marks her day
The sun come up
The sun goes down
And at the midpoint it is noon
The sun marks the day
And the moon the night
Venus is already up when it gets dark
But she does not know that
I know what month it is although I
Get confused about the year and
She knows what time of the month it is
As well has whose birthday this is
The dog barks. What do you want, girl?
Want to go for a walk? Want something
To eat? Want to go to sleep?
Oh, you say Timmy has fallen into a well?
Where is he? Where did he fall into the well?
About a mile and a quarter out on the old Mitchell
Road, you say?
Well lead the way girl, let’s go
Rescue Timmy, girl.
Timmy: "Help, I‘ve fallen down and can’t get up".
And while they were smashing the king with the ace, far away at the front, kings were smashing each other with their serfs – Janoslav Hasek –The Good Soldier Svejk p538 p463
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