To be engaged in a desperate struggle for food and shelter is to be wholly free from a sense of futility – Erich Hoffer – The True Believer, 1951
I got as far as Shafer and decided I just didn’t want to do it anymore – I just didn’t want to pitch the tent once more - so I am headed back. I drove five hundred miles the first day and seven hundred and fifty the next. I had the 5,000 mile service of my truck done in Alamogordo. I got in about eight last night.
I felt that my life with Albertine was on the one hand, when I was not jealous, noting but boredom, and on the other hand, when I was jealous, nothing but pain – Marcel Proust – The Captive
The problem is usually not with the theory but one’s understanding of the theory – one’s perception of one’s options that are exercisible More precisely, the problem is the derth of an adequate theoretical understanding – then on the other hand maybe theory is just not implemental (any theory) to begin with – theory being abstract and implementation concrete. Implementation is constrained by organizational considerations and the will of those doing the implementation. Systems demand simplicity and compatibility and can and do eradicate memories of their failures. And I just wanted to have fun.
Wars, we believe, are like street fights, on a grand scale with the central stragegic challenge being to beat up the bad guys – Gideon Rose – How Wars End, 2010 p2.
Grey, wet and dreary
The litter of leaves
Forties big bands
I’m in the mood
The broad width of
Her withers
Legs akimbo
Bouncing up and down
On grandpa’s knee
His face was sandpaper
Even when he had just shaven
And he insisted on
Rubbing our noses in it
Nine-tenths of our lives is well forgotten in the living… of the part that is remembered, the most had better not be told: it would interest no one, or at least not contribute to the story of what we ourselves have been – William Carlos Williams – The Autobiograpy
They shift – moving from the west
Unto the east when they reverse
It’s not just the transition from arboreal
To the prairie and back
It is also the business opportunities
That these different ecosystems provide
What they stock in the general store
For example
The ranch supply store to the farm
Implement dealer
While In our cities its paycheck cashing
To lawn fertilizer and ornamental
[A Declaration is a speech act that] changes the world by declaring that a state of affairs exists and thus bringing that state of affairs into existence – John E Searle
To travel by carriage
Four good horses in stages
A driver and at least one
Postillion maybe two
An advance courier
To make arrangements
And pay the bills
At the next stop
The servants in back
All in black
Then there was mama and papa
And me and Mary
The courier also served
As our tour guide
Farther liked large rooms
Mother liked clean rooms
And I like a view
“Why travel to see less
Than we may?”
“Border Patrol told us to report them if they demand food… [but if they ask for water] give it to them, and send them on their way" – William Powers – The Atlantic, Nov 2010 p.40
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