Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Carols Twenty-Four Seven - Strike Your Tent, Go Out and Buy

Country fried skillet, eggs sunny side up with coffee. More than I needed. It was the holidays and this was my fourth day in a row of heavy eating. I did not really need this, but it was becoming addictive. Someone swiped by overcoat and its cold. “Don’t you have a coat, Honey?” she asked. “I do, but I misplaced it”, I replied. Traildog’s leash snapped. The floor creaked under my feet. An airplane fell out of the sky. They crucified Christ.

Any felt sense of a larger world – is mainly televisual – David Foster Wallace – Consider the Lobster, 2004  p134

Only 50% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 have read a book in the last year that was not required for either school or work

Everything undertaken for its own sake is worthwhile – Geoff Dyer – Otherwise Known as the Human Condition, 2011   p53

The supporters of Occupy Wall Street (25%) out number the opponents (16%), but most Americans are indifferent (59%).

Truly decent, innocent people can be taxing to be around – David Foster Wallace – Consider the Lobster, 2004  p140

It’s a very bourgeoisie world
Where people don’t share
            It’s not that they won’t give
            It’s that no one should take
That’s in the rules, one must earn
            One’s own way
            Earn your way or else
Pay your own dues
It’s in the rules
            And it’s their rules
It’s a very bourgeoisie world

Those who lack things are defined most conspicuously by what they own – Geoff Dyer – Otherwise Known as the Human Condition, 2011 p61

Money sets history in motion

There is a difference between a great leader and a great salesman. There are also similarities of course – David Foster Wallace – Consider the Lobster, 2004  p226

Slavery was the recruitment of a new stock of peasants. That slavery in modern times has been linked to racial attitudes was merely a matter of convenience.

While Marxists cast the fight between society’s elites and its toiling masses as an eternal, defining aspect of capitalism, populists do not. True to the evangelical spirit, they regard even the worst abuses as a function of a particular ‘kind’ of predatory capitalist (and his political enablers) whose perverting effect upon the economy can be purged through spiritually infused collective action – Jonathan Kay – Among the Truthers: a journey through America’s growing conspiracist underground, 2011 p142

When questioned, I defer to my other occupation – a botanist, a whore-monger, a politician – anything buy the indefensible claim to be a poet. “What have you published? Maybe I’ve hear of you.” “I doubt it”, I would have said. They will be disappointed. It'll be better to tell them that you install seamless vinyl siding instead. Charlie Harper penned jingles, didn't he? That was a career and not just a job. He was in advertising. Don’t waste your gift. After they have asked if I can make money at it, they will ask me “How long have you been doing it?” What do you do, by the way? Bye and bye you must get by and you must buy.

The serial number of a human specimen is their face, that accidental and unrepeatable commination of features. It reflects neither the character nor the soul, nor what we call the self. The face is only the serial number of a specimen – Milan Kundera – Immortality

“Man Ray!" David asked, pointing to the cover of the book that I am reading?  "I think so", I reply, as I look for the photo attribution on the back cover, “Yes Kiki, 1926. You got a good eye.” And he had only seen it depicted upside down standing on the other side of the bar.

In any case, the big deal, as they saw it, wasn’t what I’d said, but simply that I’d be ‘on TV’ – an accomplishment in its own right – Jonathan Kay – Among the Truthers: a journey through America’s growing conspiracist underground, 2011 p249

I dreamt last night about of an indoor golf academy where all of the instructors were required to have their doctorates in golf. Yesterday Neil was commenting on an article in the paper about the number of fake degrees claimed by employees of the Department of Defense. There are a lot of administrators in the public schools with Doctorate’s of Theology from Bible Colleges.

Human brains seem programmed to see design and intention behind the world around them – Jonathan Kay – Among the Truthers: a journey through America’s growing conspiracist underground, 2011 p26

82% of public schools would fail if the standards set by "No Child Left Behind" were strictly enforced

In America, at some point life inevitably retreats indoors, becomes hidden – Geoff Dyer – Otherwise Known as the Human Condition, 2011  p62

50% of all schools have lowered their proficiency standards since 2005 in order to inflate their test scores

When caught, fess up immediately, declare right from the start that you are the victim of a terrible addiction… You are rarely challenged these days when you take a loss of virtue and turn it into a medical condition – E J Dionne Jr – Truthdig 6/9/11

The best lines are
            Composed while drinking wine
But even if written on the spot
            Are illegible the next morning
And all that remains is the
            Tag line and it refuses
            To divulge its allure
It was all so beautiful and
            Clear last night
            To a muddled mind

For the truth is that life on the face of it is a chaos in which one finds oneself lost. The individual suspects as much, but is terrified to encounter this frightening reality face to face and so attempts to conceal it by drawing a curtain of fantasy over its, behind which he can make believe that everything is clear – Jose Ortega y Gasset

Monday, November 28, 2011

What History is Made of

It rained all night, but it has stopped for now. There is still a lite mist in the air. The wind was still gusting as I got up. I took Traildog for his morning walk. I took the trash  to the dumpster. Sometimes I forget. I but the trash in back of the truck. I forget to stop at the dumpster. Bites of paper swirl. I can see them in my rear-view mirror. A grocery bag blows onto the highway. Paper of plastic? Plastic I say because I can later reuse it to clean up after the dog. Oopps, I forget to put the trash in the  dumpster again. I fear that I might get a ticket for littering, but I can't hurry. The faster I drive the more trash blows out the back.

TV-watching is different from genuine peeping-Tomism because the people we’re watching through TV’s framed glass screen are not really ingnorant of the fact that someone is watching them…. We are not voyeurs here at all, we’re just viewers – David Foster Wallace – A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, 1997 p23

I arrived at the coffee shop. I talked with my  buddy who wears sandals even in winter. Two ladies wanted to know if I was a writer. If you mean by that, have I published a book?, then no.

So he’s become a leader, over time, by being among the first to follow in time’s train – Robert Musil – The Man without Qualities,  1996 p740

Beat Poets, not  beat poets – a sign at Occupy  Berkeley read.  Tents were floating under helium  filled balloons tethered to kite strings – if you can’t occupy the earth, occupy the sky – truncheons in the belly, pepper spray in the eyes – Occupy!

Formidable bastions like those of scholastics had reacted to protect themselves may appear to fall suddenly… but many small enemies have been at work mining the walls for a longtime, not just one large army at the gates armed with shouts, showy uniforms and flags – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p81

Follow the fork
            In the road
To its ultimate
            End – Be bold
Be daring, have it

[He] wants your vote but won’t whore himself to get it, and wants you to vote for him ‘because’ he won’t whore – David Foster Wallace – Consider the Lobster, 2004  p160

There were no nudist at Baker Beach today. Only two baskers were hanging out there. Michael says that at “Sit and Spin” they were now having an underwear day every Sunday morning. All went well the first time they tried it, he said. But there were several that did their laundry in the nude. He was disappointed, he reported, that they were not hunks. Isn’t that the way is always is, I replied. 

Fiction writers as a species tend to be oglers. They tend to lurk and to stare. They are born watchers. They are viewers. They are the ones on the subway about whose nonchalant stare there is something creepy, somehow almost predatory – David Foster Wallace – A supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, 1997  p21

The  difference between a day-dream and  a fantasy is that the realization of a day-dream is perfectly possible. I dreamed of nubile young oiled bodies in the sun. There was just a couple of old men fishing.

That unvisited limbo to which we relegate the deed we would rather not have done but have no notion of undoing – Edith Wharton – The Touchstone p31

The Victorians call it a “below-job”. We corrupted “below” into “blow” transforming come into go; suck into its opposit.

One felt that if she had been prettier she would have had emotions instead of ideas – Edith Wharton – The Touchstone p10

25% of Icelanders think that elves probably do exist

Once someone owns real estate in your gut, why you sold it to them is unimportant. The point is you sold it – Peter Feibleman

It was warm enough to have brought Traildog, but I didn’t. I have gotten lazy. I am getting used to sitting inside. But I feel guilty about it, poor Traildog all alone at home. He is probably peeing right this minute on the carpet in retaliation for my neglect. I could have brought him. I could have let him snift up and down Main Street. I could have let him get patted on his head by all the ladies. “Oh, he is just the cutest thing.”

How bewildered is any womb-born creature that has to fly – Rainer Maria Rilka – Ahead of All Parting: the Selected Poetry and Prose of, 1995p379

First President born after the Revolutionary War – Martin Van Buren
               (1782) – “I fell that I belong to a later age”
First President born after the Civil War – Warren G Harding (1865)
First President born after World War II – William Jefferson Clinton (1946)

It is hard to think away out of our heads a history which has long lain in a remote past but which once lay in the future – F W Maitland – Memoranda de Pariamento, 1893

History is marked by the passing of cohorts – the founding fathers, civil war vetrans. There comes a time when men only posses cultural memories of those momentous events.

All the world over, the picturesque yield to the pocketesque. The mortgagor cared not, but the mortgagee did – Herman Melville – I and my Chimney

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Growth is Good. We Need More People. We Need More Goods.There Was Once Joy In It

Traildog was able to join me for coffee yesterday. We walked down to the river. The current was swift. The days warm enough for him to join me are diminishing quickly. Walk on the water. Walk on the water. No, no - I resisted the temptation. We turned around and went back along Main Street.

Historical figures… speak as they ought to have, rather than as they probably did – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p214

Money is the measurement of our unhappiness and discontent. We can’t count all the unfilled wishes but we can count economic transactions which we equate with fulfilled wishes. Each fulfilled wish is one less unfulfilled wish but also contributes to the creation of ten more. Money is the source of discontent. Discontent is the stimulus for consumption. Consumption leads to growth. Growth is good, or so I have been told. We need more people. We need more goods.

The infinity of wishes lead but to disappointment. All the discoveries which have yet been made have multiplied little but existence – Lord Byron – Selected Letters and Journals – 1821

And David has got that rhythm - Cha-Chinka, Cha-Chinka, Cha-Chinka as he mixed a Martini for the little lady. When she had come in she had asked “Where’s the little girls’ room?” “Right there” David pointed, “Right next to the big girls’ room.” “I probably qualify for the big girls’ room,” she replies and waddles off confused. We guide her towards the door on the right. David is jiggling the door handle. She has locked herself in, he tells me. It was an accident, she protested. He instructs her to slide the latch. “I won’t ever use your bathroom again”, she said as she emerged. She sits down at the bar. “I distinctively remember having said a twist”, she said pointing to her Martini with two olives on a toothpick, Dave offers to make her another but she is happy when replaces the olives with a twist of lemon. I don’t think that this is her first Martini today. You do not never listen. You talk, talk, talk girl. She say this and she says that because, because. No he like you but he…

Our self-esteem is apt to be based on the hypothetical great act we have never had occasion to perform – Edith Wharton – The Touchstone p48

The police clash with
As if two gangs met
            To rumble
The Rabbits and the Guards
Let the games begin
And cameras zoom overhead
            The crowd roars
Welded batons - bare skulls
            Crunch; tear gas canisters
Kevlar armor - t-shirts
            With slogans
Black Marias await
            Rip down the tents
            Haul the soggy bedrolls
The winner, there was never
            Any doubt
The Christians vs the Lions
But the side willing to suffer
            Will endure
To come back again
            And again
The winner is always the one
Who has the least to lose
            And the most to gain

The were not innocent of sex, of course, but of sensuality – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p229

My workout routine – off to the gym – now the YMCA is taking it over – their business plan is to increase cash flow by installing more fancy machines – not needed I proclaim – but how much more would you pay if you had access to …? – my needs are simple, I exclaim to no avail – to walk, to run, to bicycle and to swim – but the casino money is down and the municipality wants to divert some of those funds to meet its deficits – member dues is not even enough to pay for its staff.  I have gotten used to this routine (two miles walk, three miles on the bike – riding through a redwood forest; half a mile running – on a machine as my knee can’t endure the stress of the actual act, and a quarter mile in the pool). Three times a week.  So it's time to move on. I’m getting anxious to get back on the road. Time to start a new routine. How much am I willing to pay? That's a question for the 1%.  How much can I afford to pay? That’s my question.

Opinions on special subjects need not be made articles of faith – Erasmus

To him who haveth not, no one giveth anything

God had thought He was omnipotent until He began to write – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p358

Genocide can lead to a global cooling – The European conquest that decimated America’s native peoples left large areas of cleared land untended. The resulting re-forestation pulled tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and may have caused the global climate change known as the “Little Ice Age”.

Always consult many authorities; they will infect you with suspicion – a desirable service – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p106

Doctors treat patients
            In luxury hotels
Politicians garner votes
            With promissory notes
Police corral the meek
            Who play hide and seek
The wealthy want more
            And more with no remorse
Scientific management
            At its best
How can you correlate
An expanding Universe
            With economic growth?
There will be a Noble Prize
            In economics in it
Dole out bonuses to
            The technocrats

We like to have victims, but without putting ourselves clearly in the wrong: we want them to live – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p362

I collect old photographs
            Black & white
Of children playing
Who much later in
            Life will experience
Horrible deaths
            That in spite of the misery
            There was once some  joy

You can expect the unexpected… but you cannot know what it is going to be – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996  p302

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pathologies of Guilty Pleasures and Regrets

It another warm day of late Indian summer. Each one threatens to be the last. The dog and I can sit outside in front of the coffee shop along Main Street. He will be given a bone by the lady in the restaurant across the street. She starts towards him. His tail is wagging. He strains at his leash. I worry that some child will try to pet him and get bitten. He is only protecting his bone and he is normally so friendly. Some mothers ask first, “May she pet your puppy?” “Certainly,” I usually reply, “He is very friendly but she may find him a little rambunctious.” I put his bone in my pocket for safe keeping until we got home. And he quietly lies on the wrought iron chair next to me and watches the Sunday morning traffic as I read. The park is still closed. Restoration from the flood proceeds slowly. We will walk along Main Street and he will piss on all the sidewalk flower pots.

The poet wants to take up the marbles and put them in his pocket. Wants marbles. Which is like wining the game – Jack Spicer – The Collected Books, 1996  p181

Psychological profiles of senior managers and chief executives when compared to patients of mental institutions are indistinguishable from those patients diagnosed with psychopathic personality disorders. Particularly favored traits in management recruitment include: great skill in flattering and manipulating powerful people, egocentricity, a strong sense of entitlement, a readiness to exploit others, and a lack of empathy and conscience.

Mankind’s most universal habit was hypocrisy; its true and enduring love was money; its favorite avocation litigation; its drug of choice amusement; and the fullest expression of its fear is to be found in the dogmas, trappings, and hierarchies of organized religion – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p198

Why does our “liberal media” display the near monopoly of a conservative orthodoxy?

The good is the enemy of the better – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p67

When you respond to an authority whose doesn’t really mean what it says with something that you don’t really mean yorself – that is a triple entrende  - “Whatever!” in such circumstances would be a good example. But better yet just lie. Saying what you believe will get you into trouble.

Power, when it has to rest on public opinion instead of relying on policemen and armies, is compelled to express itself differently from the way it does when secrecy and silence are its henchmen – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p237

I wrote this postcard
“Dear Dad”, it said
“I’m doing  fine” in
            scrawled capitals letters
“How are you?”  I wanted
            To Know
Then  I licked the stamp
And  ran down the block
            To the mail box
I needed help reaching
            The slot
I anxiously wait
            For a reply

The desire, the regret for certain non-existent things… is the necessary condition for working, for freeing oneself from the dominion of habits, for detaching oneself from the concrete – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p247

Baloney Man quite eating and he died just three days later. In the end he was just a slab of luncheon meat.. His body had a moldy odor as it oozed fat; just a large slab of baloney or was it Bologna. I carried him outside. He was already decaying, becoming a gelatinous mess. The mass that I carried dripped. The ooze flowed into the storm drain. It all slipped between my fingers. I did not know much about his early life other than that he had been born in the stockyards.  Someone had told this to me.

Once you have falsified fact and made it fiction, it is impossible to go back and re-cover the case, as it was, intact and untouched – to reverse the metamorphosis – and that is because you have meddled with your memory – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p209

I had taken a toke. This always made me paranoid, espically when among other people. I went to the supermarket. I was hungry. I should have stayed home. I glanced down in the deli section. It was labeled Bologna not boloney. How did it become Bologna? I was stumped. Maybe that’s how you pronounced it? I had never seen it labeled Bologna before or at least I don’t thing that I had. Maybe I had just never noticed before. Sometimes something old hits you on the side of the head. You wonder why you had never noticed this before. My mouth was very dry.

Gradually, however, each member of an audience grows accustomed to what is taking place before him, he forgets his first sensation of discomfort… For our immediate reaction is that this is grotesque – but we cannot be sure that it is not in fact magnificent, so for the present we suspend judgement – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p345

The police interrogated me. They wanted to know what I had done with his remains. I explained about his oozing between my fingers and seeping into the drains. I told them that I was not going down there to look for it. I said that several years ago I had entered the system with a friend and we had barely escaped with our lives. I was not going down there again. The officer in charges said that he had notified the municiple sewer department and  that he had been informed that an engineer by the name of Fred and two companions both also called Fred were tracing the lines and would let us know where the remains would come out. They didn’t think that they could lock me up, except, maybe, for disposal of hazardous materials without a permit which was only a misdemeanor. They wrote of up a citation for a health code violation and let me go. I looked at the newspaper the next morning. There was nothing in there about anyone turning into a slab of baloney. Several days alter they published his obit. He had no next of kin. It said that he had been a renown escape artist and circus acrobat. 

All psychological investigations take place after the fact – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p158

He had first come to public attention as an escape artist. He had been able to free himself from what were apparently impossible situations.  Some thought that he might be the re-incarnation of Houdini. Then he started performing in the circus where he propelled himself though the air like a cannon ball, but without any cannon. He stood there in a yellow tights and a red cap and there was a boom and puff of smoke and you could see him flying through the air and he would land on his feet across the area with his hand in the air. Then he would take a bow to great acclaim. He toured Europe several times doing this act. He appeared before all the crown princes and their mistresses. The ladies all wore diamond tiaras. Later be became a contortionist and balanced on and with all kind of heavy objects. In one of his acts he used a bicycle with counter rotating wheels.

Whoever it is who has thus determined the course of ours life has, in so doing, excluded all the lives which we might have had instead of our actual life – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p249

I had not met him until after he had retired from the circus. He always had lots food on his table, usually including some indiscernible meat product. Then one day he just said that he was giving up. That is when a musky odor began to emanate from his body. It got stronger and stronger. And three days later I called on him and he didn’t answer the door. The stench from his room was horrid.  I discovered his remains. It was a large hunk of boloney and it was in the bathroom hanging in the shower. There was his neatly severed arm half gone. Was this the source of the repast that he has last feed me. Had he been eating and himself and serving himself to his guests. I felt sick to my stomach.

Not that life has not frequently given her good parts; it had, but she had not known how to play them – Marcel Proust – Time Regained p368

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Infinite Substitution - Whales or Minnows Its Just a Matter of Scale

The tide takes them out and on. They were spawned. They were teeming. Now they are gone,  just a phosphorescent wake behind the ship. Whales in the Antarctic gulp them by the millions. They will return. You would thing that we would love all of this abundance, but such profundity is abhorrent to us.  Neo-liberal economics proclaims everything is infinitely substitutable. But this is too extreme for our sense of the primacy of the individual. But this is life. They are alive. I know nothing of their reality. But nothing is never enough. Consume. There is no contentment on land. The ebb and the flow, the rip and the neap, bring flotsam and jetsam. Suds form a border between the solid and the liquid. Fumes form the boundary of liquid and gas. The masses are corrosive. Everything is reduced to rubble. Everything is subtle. Everything ends.

I trust hatred more than love, It is frequently constructive, despite the propaganda to the contrary; it is less frequently practiced by hypocrites; it is more clearly understood; it is painfully purchased, and therefore often earned – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p44

Basketball will never be the same, will it? Watching TV in the customer service lounge. He was caught off guard. Nope, he replied, everyone has his traditions. Not any more, his interlocutor replied, it’s just about the dollars. Making conversation – sports – locomotives on opposite courses – freight trains passing in the night – at least it is better than the weather. It is raining.  Sense can be made out of anything said. It’s the masculine  answer to poetry. Women have the minutia of daily life to discuss. What's it suppose to be like today. Rain. All day? Well let up by noon.

“Shut up!” he explained – Ring Lardner

There were seven Amana colonies and  hills in Rome and wonders of the world - both ancient and modern. Seven each. Seven stages of knowledge and seven virtues. I think we can take the blue pencil to the ten commandments and get them down to seven too - the seven deadly sins. On second thought, I thing we already have. The seven days of the week. The seven founding fathers. 

Drenched in data, fantasy becomes reality – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p234

There’s power
            In a well tailored
It’s not the man
            But how he
            Cuts his cloth
There is power
            In a man
A well tailored
Naked innocence
Defiling all
Arousing jealousy

It is only a clumsy and erroneous form of perception which places everything in the object, when really everything is in the mind – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p244

The event sits at the mid-point of the time-line

Every epoch chooses its own past and cannot know how it will be remembered – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p88

She tried on the analogy
She said it fit like the
            Leaning Tower of Pisa
Corridors are circular
It was like, I thought,
            She was trying
            On many colored
                        Winter coats
It is all so hazy
            Lying in the hospital
Its so unnatural and yet
            So natural
                       To die
The corridors climbed
            Higher and higher
Soon we reached the top
            Of the west tower
            And stretched our hands
Towards the night stars
                        Touched them
They were cold and metallic
 Licked them with our tongues

Facts which are dumb, resonate when they enter fiction, and fantasies, when acted on, become factified – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p234

Prose makes the words conform to the world; while poetry makes the world conform to the words

Poetry and magic see the world from opposite ends / one cock-forward and the other ass-forward – Jack Spicer – The Collected Books, 1996 p189

Hello lady, what’s your name?
            Why does it rain? I’m so blue
Hello Lorrain, let it pour
            The train is overdue
It has just arrived at track number nine.
Lorrain is waiting there in the drizzle
            With a blue umbrella

The logic of passion, even if it happens to be in the service of the best possible cause, is never irrefutable for the man who is not himself passionate – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p93

Of the world’s thirty largest shopping malls, only three are in the United States

You must pay attention; but you can pay attention to anything – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p274

Coal trains
Times a day
Come along
            Come along
                        Come along
            Times today

            On time
Freight train
            GO So Slow
Commodities (HFCS from corn)
            On track
            In time
                         (soda in cans)
Re-set your watch to
           Global time

The good books are cookbooks and good readers read them, try them, stain their pages, adjust ingredients, pencil in evalutaitons, warn and recommend their recipes to friends – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p6

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Mirror Image of Good Sense

I buy a day-pack and suddenly have an urge to hit the trail. Just keep on trekking and you won’t notice the trail is getting higher. Did I miss my turn off? I don’t give a damn. I just want to keep on hiking. Paddy automatically draws me a Doppel Weisen, No no, I say. I want something cold and light this time. How about an Albatross instead? He draws it. I shug it. Ah, that is it. After miles of beaches, sand dunes, ice plants, spruce trees and then  the concrete, I have been walking, walking, walking, in the heat. All along the way I had been discovering Bufanos. Four accidental Bufanos in a single day. It was a serendipitous triumph.

Young men were watching the new day dawn with old minds and traditional intentions – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p114

Sow not, least reap (Charles Bernstein)
Turn a silk purse into a sow’s ear
Time wounds all heels (John Lennon)
Weep not, want not (Charles Bernstein)
A terrible mind is a good thing to waste
All play and no work makes Johnny a poor boy

The information highway has no destination – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006 p170

The pack wants its prey; in the abstract it wants to balance its books, meet analysis' expectations for quarterly returns

Where they are sung and sung and sung and little have to have a hand and hand and two and two hands too, and too and two and handed too them, handed to them, hand and hands. Hands high – Gertrude Stein – Useful Knowledge

Lonely alcoholics
Find each other
They have lived
            A hard life
They have never
And can't forgive
They have found
            Each other
            At last
Maybe they should
             Have not
They spend what time
            They have left
Making each other
They would be even more
            Miserable though
Without having each other
            Hard to imagine
I don’t know what
            To say
Our ashes get left
In the temporary custody
            Of strangers

Sex in humans is an imaginative act (we do not know what it is in animals) – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p257

And I’m not the center of anyone but my self’s attention. Is it a blessing or is it a curse. I choose to think that the glass is half full. I know that she knows and she knows that I know. But neither of us are going to say anything. Another night alone and another morning thinking it wonderful to have awoken alone. What will today be like? The prospect of adventure will get you out of bed. The disappointments will tuck you in tonight. The minutia of detail inhabit the in between. And I had made it home in time to watch ‘Cops’. A ton of messages was awaitiing me. I want to let you know that I’m not ignoring you. I just got back myself.

A name: that very often is all that remains for us of a human being, not only when he is dead, but sometimes even in his life-time – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p306

Wide-Awakes liked Abe
They chanted
            “Little Doug [liked]
            Lots to Drink
            In his jug”
As they marched
All for probity
            And purity
On to the big house
All for the people
            Of and by them
            But not all of them

Interpretation replaces the original with the lamest sort of substitute. It tames, disarms. “Okay, I got it.” We say, dusting our hand, “and that take care of that.” – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p186

She is speaking in English, a language that I did not comprehend.  She is not making any wild gestures with her hand which would be typical of  a speaker of another language. It hard to get mad in English. But it's easier much easier to get shot, wounded, a causality than it is in any other language

Writers and scholars do not have role models, nor do they heed pipers; they have mentors – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p17