Monday, February 25, 2013


Trail Dog tries his paw at action - He playing a
Scottish terrier named Falla

My tomatoes and peppers bought the farm. I don’t know how they got the money. They did it last night. Good luck boys. I plan to rent out their empty beds to some Herbs. Big Boy and Better Boy were both gone when I got up.

Its Sunday
But don’t bother
            To flip
Through the sections
            If there still
            Are any
The comics
            Aren’t there
Turn on the TV instead
            And watch sports
The paper      
            Doesn’t spill
            Out and make
A mess that occupies
            The afternoon
On a cold country
Sunday after a big
            Chicken dinner

After chugging along to church
            In the old truck
Making ruts in the
            Pristine snow
That are half covered again
            When you return
Change into your ordinary clothes
            Lie in front of the stove
            On your belly and read the funnies
Now you can watch golf
            From Augusta
While the Goodyear blimp
            Hovers overhead
Via Direct TV
            Or lean what the celebrities
            Wore at the gala last night

I refilled my wine cup. I sliced some hunks of cheese. I went back outside to the campfire. I took a bite of cheese and a sip of wine. I almost puked. God, this stuff is horrible. I had filled my cup with coffee insteaf of Merlot. I dumped it back into the pot and made sure that it was wine that I was decanting this time. And now everything is fine. But this morning, I poured a cup of coffee from the pot and put it in the microwave. When hot I sat down and took a sip. God, this is horrid stuff. There was about a third a cup of wine in the cup when I had refilled inadvertently with coffee last night. Now there was a third of a cup of wine in my coffee pot. Yesterday’s coffee reheated is bad enough but with wine, yuk? I dumped it out and brewed a fresh pot. That’s better, but not a much better. It was the bottom of the tin of a cheep brand of coffee, but this is as good as this coffee is going to get.

The winged man likes to jump off bridges, or off the roofs of houses or out of his office window. My commute to and from work is literally a breeze a way, he says – Anthony Caleshu – The Siege of the Body and a Brief Respite, 2004  p59

I’m wearing my Hawaiian shirt. It’s warm (not the shirt but the weather). And shorts (I’m wearing shorts rather than slacks, do I have to provide explinations for everything I say? I think not!). A brid mistakes my shirt for a flower (one of those printed on it, I’m going to stop doing this, this is the last time I swear). All I see is a blur of gray as I hear the purr of its wings. Bizzip plur plur plur. It tries to land on my elbow. I was zoned out. Sitting there vegetating. It’s too early to be fullly functioning. I am fully awake now. The coffee is starting to perk. It won’t be long. It’s dawn – neither light nor dark. The British went so far as to stone Dauchunds during World War I. We renamed French Fries after the French refused to let us overfly their country on some raid or another to bomb some tents in one desert or another. What does Freedom Fries have to due with birds trying to suck your blood? I don’t know but there it is running through the mind. Maybe Freud knows. Bringing democracy one bomb at a time. Liberty cabbage is what we called sauerkraut during World War I. Day breaks. Coffee is ready. Jingoism. There is a splash in the lake. Concentric rings. Here comes the sun. Kerplunp, another fish jumps. I see it this time. It was in the middle of the cove that the pair of mating geese are trying lay claim to. Breakfast – hotcakes, bacon & coffee. Well almost. I only manage to salvage a single dollar sized pancake. The griddle is not hot enough. I’m not paying enough attention to what I’m doing.

When a door is slammed, it’s immediate; but when a cicada’s / legs itch, it takes forever to scratch – Anthony Caleshu – The Siege of the Body and a Brief Respite, 2004  p92

A sudden hail storm comes up. No rain, just a few marbles of ice bouncing off the ground. Then the sun comes out again. I’m still sitting here starring out at the lake. I’m not looking at anything in particular. Zoned out again. I’ve got an image of the Lock Ness monster in my head. Sort of like an earworm but this is a bit of cinema, something like the McGrudder film – Kennedy shot over and over.  There might be one out there in the cove. You can’t be absolutely sure.  I’m looking for anything strange out there. Remember the B&W film of the supposedly monster’s head moving across a placid Lock Ness. Yes, I know that was Scotland. But I’m staring out at the lake and the mind wants to be active, so I imagine a prehistoric monster. Why not? Then I ponder unicorns for no specific reason either. Unicorns are supposed to lead you to virgins (they say a male thinks of sex at lealst once every thirty seconds). No I don’t think Carla was a virgin. Though she did have a nice milky white belly button. She and Misty had been comparing their mid-riff bulges. “Great belly button,” I had sad. Misty says to Carla, “really there is nothing there.” The ranger says that the temperature it is supposed to be in the thirties tonight.

All these were the billboards around him – Don DeLilo

A band plays live Muzak
All terror is local now

All technology refers to the bomb
And people say, ‘Let’s go eat,”
Or whatever people say
When a thing begins to be over

Are secrets a tunnel
To a dream world
Where you control events

Another postmodern sunset,
Rich in romantic imagery
And how do you know that it is

When you’re starting on a project,
You know how you sometimes have to start
With a series of misunderstandings

And what’s the point
In waking up in the morning
If you don’t try
To match the enormousness
Of the known forces
Of the world with something
Powerful of your own

And how can you tell
If this is true
When you’re already systemed under,
Prepared to half believe everything
Because this is the only intelligent response?

Airtime is valuable.
They can’t go into long tortured descriptions
And how can you tell the difference
Between the orange juice and Agent Orange
If the same massive system
Connects them at levels
Outside your comprehension

All these were the billboards around him,
Systematically linked in some self-referring relationship
That had a kind of neurotic tightness,
An inescapability,
As if the billboards were generating reality

Its been raining. Its not raining right now. There is a rumble. One of those rumbles that travels from horizon to horizon. Then the ping ping ping begins. A heavy intense rain then quiet again. On and off since three. The owls were getting their hooting done early. It’s called hooting but its soyunds more like cats fighting.  They don’t know when they have another chance. No Internet. Closest Internet is 15 miles away by back roads. I found my way in here by following the signs.  I don’t think they have signs showing me the way back out. I drink all my wine and eat all my crackers. It will be an early bedtime tonight. I have the heater on. The dog is asleep. He generally sleeps all day when its raining. I would too but then I’d lie awake most of the night. When he has slept all day he has a habit of jumping up on my chest several time in the middle of the night, usually when I’ve just fittully managed to fall asleep. I cratch him behind the ears and he goes and lies down again after turning around three times. I shouldn’t reward him for such behavior. The turning around three times, that’s ok; its hopping on top of me and waking me up that I shouldn’t be rewarding.

Good wine is not acidic
But vinegary wine is better than no wine
And any Shostakovich
Is better than no Shostakovich at all

Potato chips make me fat
            But that’s ok
There’s no lovin’ comin’
            My way anyway
No one to compain of having
            To sew the buttons
Back on my pants

I’m old old and lame
But they still call me honey
So long as I’ve got any money

But I refuse to live
Without my Shostakovich
And I admired Richard Feynman too
            And his goddamn o-rings
If only everything was
            As simple
As that bucket of ice water

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Don't Think This is Hinckley


What’s wrong with America (you say the glass is half full); I say what’s right (that the class is half empty). Everything’s right. That’s the problem. That’s why I left. We both can’t be right. Love it or leave it. I’ve got rights too you know.

All for me – Everything – Nothing for you – It’s the Capitalist version of “One for all – All for one.” Get it while you can. Get it while its hot. Poor Baby Bear – Poor BooBoo Bear. Smarter than the average picnic basket. Goldilocks. The Three Little Pigs. Peter and the Wolf.

My orange juice has fermented, turned to wine. How long has it been sitting here. Most people would throw it away – spoiled. Not me – I taste it. I’m very curious. My name is George. It’s been about a week, I think. There is no scum on top it or under the cap, at least nothing blue or green. I kind of like it. I perform some experiments – controlled environments. When all of the sugar is fermented it turns sour, but until then its very effervescent – tingling on the nose and to the tongue, it has a bit and a small kick. I haven’t gotten drunk on any yet so unless you drink a whole lot (and I only make a quart at a time) you won’t get shit faced. A wine is something that ferments naturally like palm wine.  Birds can get drunk on it eating berries, but you won’t, there is not enough of it there. Beer is something for which the starches have to be converted into sugars (if it has sugar it will ferment naturally, there is yeast in the air although not always the optimal type, unless it’s a Belgium stable). That’s why beer is brewed (heated) before fermenting. That’s what makes it beer and not wine. Back to my experiments – orange juice is ok (just ok). Avoid anything with cranberries they seem to inhibit the yeast. Drinks sweetened with HFCS take longer to ferment. Put that ingredient down there with cranberries on the shitlist. My favorites are frozen mixes of pomegranate juice ( with cherries or blueberries). They ferment fast (especially if contained in the bottle that had been used for the previous batch) – within a day if it is warm. Alcohol content? Probably about 2%. Unscrew the cap (I reuse old quart juice containers I got at the store) and listen to it fizz. No the bottle won’t explode, but you sure can tell when the yeasties have been busy. It seems to taste a lot better (a lot of trouble for something if it didn’t) and I like the tingle (nature’s soda pop). It is refreshing on a hot day even if without any ice. There are buzzards soaring overhead in the thermals. Them and the turkeys crash land in the trees when they come home to roost at night. You can hear off in the woods along the creek bank just after dusk.

A Poem about Bugs or Not

Maybe I had’t written any bug poems
Because I had’t read any bug books of late


Or maybe it was just
Because I hadn’t seen any bugs for a while

Maybe this is a bug poem
So actual bugs might not be necessary
Imagination is sufficient


Maybe this is not a bug poem
And imagination and inspiration
Are necessarty but not sufficient

The latest scheme to privatize – Lexus lanes. These are low traffic volume vehicular lanes for which a toll is charged. The larger the traffic volume becomes in such a lane the higher the toll becomes. Tolls on Washington’s Beltway Lexus Lane have no cap. They keep going up and up until the number of cars using the lane beomes fewer and fewer. And traffic speed resumes (at least in that lane). All the tolls on the Beltway Lexus Lane for the next seventy-five years will go to the firm which constructed it. The more slowly traffic moves in the regular lanes the more money they make. The worse our infrastructure becomes the more money there is to be made (in it being bad – not in improving it, although money could be made there too if there was funding). Bad performance in general is incentivized.  The states where the rich have made the greatest gains (with the highest levels of income inequity) during the last twenty-five years are also the states with have the lowest levels of infrastructure development. The rich always have options. The rich have all the options.

Middle Age – Virginia Woolf

A load of snow slipped and fell from a branch…
Later there was a mournful cry…
A motorcar came along the road shoving the dark before it…
The dark shut down behind it…
Space of complete immobility, separated each of these moments

“What is lost? What is ours?”
And “over and done with”
Solacing myself with words.
People noticed the vacuity of my face
And the aimlessness of my conversation.
The last words of my sentance tailed away.
And I buttoned on my coat to go home.
I said more dramatically, “I have lost my youth.”

‘Let us suppose that I make reason of it all –
One poem, one page, and then die.
I can assure you it will not be unwillingly...
Perhaps I shall never die,
Shall never attain
Even that continuity, and parlance

‘Time passed over me’, I thought,
Trying to collect myself,
‘This is the one come of middle age.
How strange it is!
Nothing is any longer one thing

“How do you spend your day?” he asked...
These divisions were absolutely rigid,
The contents of the day having to
Accommodate themselves within
The four rigid breaks...
‘Breakfast, nine;
Luncheon, one;
Tea, five;
Dinner, eight”, I said

As perhaps at midnight,
When all boundaries are lost,
The country reverts to its ancient shape,
As the Romans saw it,
Lying cloudy, when they landed,
And the hills had no names
And the rivers wound they knew not where

Everything was partly something else…

The wine glasses had flushed yellow and flushed crimson;
Had been emptied;
Had been filled

The kettle boils and its breath comes thicker
And thicker issuing in one jet from the spout –
So life fills my veins.
So life pours through my limbs.
So I am driven forward,
Till I could cry as I move
From dawn to dusk opening and shutting.
‘No more. I am glutted with natural happiness.”

Yet more will come,
More children;
More cradles,
More baskets in the kitchen
And hams ripening,
And onions glistening;
And more beds of lettuce and potatoes
To awaken us
From the depths of content and belief

One must pay back from this
Secret deposit of exquisite moments

Money is to the capitalist as words are to the poet. The principles of finance are the capitalist’s grammar.

First stage of institutional development: knowledge is applied towards the solution of a social problem and progress towards that solution is accomplished. Second stage: the resulting solution creates a process and the solution becomes the end in itself wherin pursuit if for the benefit of its practitioners rather than its clients occurs. If fact an institution in its second stage beings to create its own problems which it can then solve and create daughter institutions.

Each year about 100,000 Americans are shot by guns. Every day 87 die and 183 are injured. Since 1968 over one million Americans have died as a result of gun-shot wounds. The CDC estimates the gun violence cost this country about $100 billion a year. Solution – arm more people.

Give me a disease! Give me a disease, something that I won’t soon forget you by, please. She says, don’t whine. Make this a night for me, one I’ll long remember. Baby I want your disease! Oh yes, I have to have it. She said thanks but not thanks and I didn’t get my disease. Now its thigh high leather laces up boots that climb taut summer flesh. Baby I want your disease! Oh baby, I want your please. Stop whining, she repeated. I sit here with my chin in my right palm wandering what the hell am I doing and do I really care. What will tomorrow morning bring. Will it be any different (probably not).  Her white teeth glisten. I want to unntie those laces.  Unbuckle the straps. Slip off the silk. Then she laughs and bestows upon me those teeth that glow like  neon signage. Oh baby I want your disease. And oh those boots of Spanish leather from across the sea. I can’t help whinning.There’s only me.f