Thursday, February 11, 2010

Solutions to problems resulting from the way a society is organized cannot be implemented because they presuppose that that society to be other than it is. No society can address all of its problems. Some problems become the responsibility of the gods.

Each micro activity has an optimal scale, but the aggregate of all micro activities, the macro economy is supposed to grow forever and never exceed an optimal scale! How can this be? – Herman E Daly – For the Common Good., 1989 p145

Radicals – some want what they believe once was, some want what never was – some want the practical but impossible, others want the impractical but possible. None of them want what is cheap.

Real is what really happens… I mean, what happens really happens. Only not exactly in the way it’s shown – Ned Niedziecki – The Peep Diaries, 2009i p82

Sometime history is just too bizarre to be creditable, especially in its inanity and stupidity. Our rationally rebels – that is impossible. It just can’t have been that way, could it? In the end history is what happened, and it happened for the best of all reasons. This is the nature of rationality.

Fundamentalists rush in where liberals fear to tread – Michael J Sandel

Education means escape from creaturehood
But noncollusion only becomes an impossibility
And freedom becomes proportionally diminished

Great are the prerogatives of beauty, subduing even those not consciously aware of it – Jean Cocteau – The Holy Terrors, 1957 p14

That which you envy, you become – but not in the way you imagined it would be. Those who suffer the most form this are the dreamers.

The task of the university, its relation to society, its structural organization, and the concomitant organization of knowledge are not a proper topic of study once the decision has been made to accept the disciplinary organization of knowledge – Herman E Daly – For the Common Good., 1989 p125

Sports negate
Klaxon sounds
Trading suspended
Eat your hotdog
Fries – mayonnaise
Warm beer in a paper
Pee a yellow stream

The sorry spectacle of state and local governments competing in the zero-sum game of attracting footloose industries by offering tax breaks and lax environmental regulations only serves to weaken the true basis of community development, both locally and nationally – Herman E Daly – For the Common Good., 1989 p135

It’s not what one thinks but the confluences of the things that one thinks about that matter

Lying creates its own reality – Ned Niedziecki – The Peep Diaries, 2009 p87

The bullfight is a sport and an art and a religion all rolled into one event

My love is only water, / that always passes away, and does not deceive, / that always passes away, and does not change, / that always passes away, and does not end – Ramon Jimenez – Enternidades

The spectator is
Apollonian observer
Or Dionysian fan
And the spectacle is
It is timeless but not

Only now, one hundred years later [after the invention of cinema], are we coming to grips with the notion that things happening specifically for the benefit of the camera, not necessarily faking, can be more compelling, more real, more “suffused with experience,” than anything that happens off camera or goes otherwise undocumented – Ned Niedziecki – The Peep Diaries, 2009

This working man sitting at the bar reminds me of Drew Carey. He arranged the quarter left by the German who had just left into a geometric design. Now he is reading the newspaper. He raps on the bar and shouts, “Not Fair”. Paddy collect the quarters that Drew had just arranged. Drew raves on but he is not pounding on the bar, “That’s what seem so hard… I am sure that at some point you will remember that… this morning…” Major Tom is play on the speakers. I am reminded that I had attended to go to Venue Nine tonight and watch Alma’s piece. Major Tom is her signature theme – dancers in red and white. I looked her up on the Internet the other day – she has since had a baby girl.

In my mind every woman is a lover and it is I who have rejected them – besides Alma there is Erica, I saw here on Saturday night. Drew orders a cheeseburger – medium well – and an Albatross (not my mistake it was a Shanghai instead). The man next to him in the suit orders a Swiss Burger

I am grateful that there is someone in charge for I know that I am not. But when you give the world meaning you become responsible for it. Can you shoulder this burden? I ask for an Albatross, “How about an Albatross?” “You’re a fucking Albatross,” Paddy says, but he didn’t say it to me but to the man in the suit. Drew orders another Shanghai. Paddy splashs a pint on himself. Tim takes over the bar. Paddy excuses himself and goes down stairs to change his shirt. Rumor has it that John Dillinger was cornered down there in the John back in the thirties by the Feds.

It was a pint and a half last night. It was two pints tonight. Tomorrow shall be a dry day. That’s what I did in the Army – start off with a single Scotch on the rocks and by the end of the week I would be up to five and then I’d take a few days off, and one would be sufficient again. I wanted to rush out and tell someone that I loved them so much that they made be dumb as in stupid otherwise I would not have been able to talk. Then I am reminded that I’ve set myself the task of discovering the third San Francisco bookstore to be named in honor of Charlie Chapline – the first two were City Lights and Modern Times.

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