Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm in Peril - I'm a Squirrel

Winter Solstice - Turn-around-day – the shortest day of the year – from now on there will be more and more daylight each and every day. Even if the change in length is not noticeable at first, just the knowledge that things are getting better is all that I need to get me through.

So we were watching The Buena Vista Social Club the other night streaming across Netflix and the question came up what musical group did Ry Cooder (the producer of the movie) start with. So I went and looked it up on the Internet. That would have been with Captain Beefheart and then about ten minutes later I read a notice that the Captain had just died. Uh?

Mechanisms of power in general have never been much studied by history. History has studied those who held power – Michel Foucault – Power/Knowledge, 1979 p51

A debunker has no responsibility for proposing any alternatives, his only responsibility is to point out that the emperor has no clothes, which as it turns out may be (that he has not clothes on ) be perfectly acceptable to his subjects.

And these moments of the past do not remain still; they retain in our memory the motion which drew them forward the future… towards a future which has itself become the past – drawing us along in their train – Marcel Proust – The Fugitive p76

She’s a cowgirl
She’s my big girl
I’m her gorilla
She’s my chinchilla
I’m such a squirrel
I’m in peril
Girl, you’re a pearl

In the continual pursuit of pleasure men lose both cheerfulness and clarity; there will be small hilarity, but much malice – John Ruskin – The Genius of John Ruskin: Selections from his writings, 1963 p209

Get into debt
Acquire property
Be a regular guy
Use your get out
       Of jail card
Pay your taxes
Be responsible
       Start a 401K
Give the kids
        A good education
        Good graciouis
       Work, work, work
       Until you die
And don't forget
        To mow the lawn

Sometimes when I’ve had enough to drink – just exactly enough – I feel as if I were given to understand that which I may not understand again. And sometimes then – but rarely – I have an urge to speak out – Lillian Hellman – The Autumn Garden

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