Monday, July 18, 2011

Moll Flanders and I Order Pizza to Go

Walter said that while lying in bed last night he had pondered a meteor crashing through his ceiling and while he was pondering this possibility a mixed metaphor came to his mind – “Don’t cry over the spelt milk of human kindness” and he said that he couldn’t figure out what it meant and that this was bedeviling him – it had become an obsession – a mental nematode. He had been unable to get back to sleep. I told him that it meant that he should not bemoan a lack of opportunities for gratuitous sex. In some cases you should look a gift horse in the mouth, I said. Ok, he replied, but how does the meteor figure into it? It doesn’t, I told him. As Freud supposedly said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

Lets go back to my place and bad mouth Bush – It used to be a great pick up line. But it doesn’t seem to work with Obama.

45% of all unemployed workers in the U.S. have been jobless for more than six months – a higher rate that that during the Great Depression

Laughter on American television has taken the place of the chorus in Greek tragedy. It is unrelenting … so  obsessive is it that you go on hearing it behind the voice of Reagan or the Marines’ disaster in Beirut. Even behind the adverts. It is the screen that is laughing and having a good time, You are simply left alone with your consternation – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p49

In the competition for the benefits
            Of cooperative action
It is usually those who refuse
            To cooperate that benefit

Things last no longer than the time it takes for them to happen… I doubt now whether we really see our whole life flashing before us at the moment of death; that marvelous perspective presupposes that things unfold in a necessary, predestined order, the sense of which lies beyond them. There is nothing like that today; things merely follow in a flabby order that leads nowhere – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p72

It’s a yearning a little too much for the ladies. Slinky low cut dresses and a best ass competition - erotic and exciting - with guitar solos - um um thum um um thum um um over and over in a hypnotic round and the drum goes ginka, chinka, chinka, chink and the guitar overrides the beat with another um uma thu - um, uma un thu um over and over and conversations get louder and louder swelling into a cacophony. Oh Erica you are missed and you fell and cracked you rib. No I didn’t push you my little vervet. A chorus joins us, harmonizing  – voices and guitar. Erica I am so sorry.

The under thrust of the breast is to beat a rhythm of distillation, mild and erotic but slightly restrained. James Jones’s little bird held in the big hand of the Burt Lanchaster. His Captain’s lady (Deborah Kerr) embraced on that nocturnal beach while America's innocence remained intact.  The soft hearted Sergeant; mean and sadistic. An Hawaiian sunset with Frank Sinatra going to his oblivion - on and on - Pearl Harbor of the heart - destruction and re-creation - erotic and devastating - innocent adultery - boom da boom da, uh uh boom da - the juke box plays on. Is this the Stones? Unda Unda Unda; oh yeah. Umba, Umba. It’s not, but it could have been.

Moll Flanders eats erotic pizza with Albert Finney - oh you, dum da dumph da, bang bang - munch, munch, slirp, slurm - and the boys sing on, but I don’t understand a word and it bleeds into another tune without ever pausing, pulsating, pulsating without a cigarette break, nerves on edge - dumdum dump, uh-ouch - dumb due boom plunk. Take five boys. Let me rest - um, um, um and still no face off - bung ad bung ad undo, blink bluing and a female chorus. Damn it I want a cigarette. And we check Ids. One Guinness Stout and the aroma of desire and in slinky black too. Bunga Bunga Bung - oh, ooh, ooh! Damn it, when do I get to stop and have a cigerette. I am sore and I am tired and I not do this any more, but I do. Blink, blinka boomda, plinka plinka doomda. On and on and on. Shall there every be a rest? So slumber? No oblivion? No. No. No. Mixed media. Mixed metaphor. Mixed up.

About 10% of all Americans over age of six now take antidepressant drugs. Antipsychotics are the top selling drug class in the U.S. Many subscribed off-label.

The obsessive desire for survival (and not for ‘life’) is… the most worrying sign of the degradation of the species – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p43

Progressives want to restore. Radicals want to raze and rebuild

All you need to know about American society can be gleaned from an anthropology of its driving behavior – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p54

75% of the Fortune 50 Companies are in healthcare or have health divisions. Healthcare is expected by the year 2019  to account for 20% of the U.S. GNP. Successful healthcare companies focus on the dysfunctional or redundant parts of the system.

In this world now dominated by economic thought, we have discovered that comfort and security are not solutions to the human condition – Wes Jackson – Becoming Native to This Place, 1994 p105

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