Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Blue Fish on Testosterone - Have a Pepper Ten, Be Ten Peppers True

A cold front moved in. A light rain fell. Then the sun came back out, but it didn’t warm up. A coal train rumbled by – clickity clack, clickity clack. My fingers are getting numb trying to write this down. Trail Dog wants to sniff and re-scent Main Street. Yark yark. Ok boy, Ok, let me finish what I’m doing. Ok, boy? Yark, yark.

The impression is for the writer what experiment is to he scientist, with the difference that in the scientist the work of the intelligence proceeds by experiment and in the writer it comes after the impression – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p208

Then it began to rain
            In earnest with a
            Blink blink on
The red awning overhead
Windshield wipers swished
Vehicular lights reflected
            Off of the pavement
Big Al is careless about how
            He parks his pick-up truck.
He’s is anxious not to get
As he dashes in for 
             His morning

He [ Henry James] is supposed to have said, at the moment of his death, “So here it is at last, the distinguished thing.” What he actually said was, “So here at last, the extinguishing thing.” People will embroider – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p51

The economy is an open crowd. A business is a pack.

What is the use of studying philosophy if all that it does for you is enable you to talk with some plausibility about some obtuse questions of logic – LudwigWittgensetin

I called them ‘Skeeters’ because they scoot along the beach on their two long legs following the surf out, stopping suddenly, dipping down, and picking at a morsel. Their feet move so fast that they are just a blur. Their bodies follow their legs, head long. Their bodies are rigid except  when they dip (I might also have labeled them 'dippers'), leaving a residue of crab shells behind them. They have a proper name but I am not an ornithologist. The first surf is cold, the second less so, and each succeeding less shocking. Soon it’s just cool and refreshing. Where the surf hits the warm sand it forms a mist, enough to obscure the sand dunes off in the distance from which I had walked here. The wet sand is much more comfortable to walk on than concrete. There is the life in the city behind these sand dunes but only the stoplights rising above the dunes is indicative of this. Watching the waves break over my feet and listening to the surf break I'm a million miles away.

The pathology leads to new paths and pathfinding. All the way down past the future. The words go swimming past you as if they were blue fish – Jack Spicer – The Collected Books, 1996 p179

Clair is eating health food. I ask her, does that mean that the more you eat of it the healthier you become? No, she replied.

You will live longer and better by consuming deliciously chewy fats and reading Proust than by treadmilling to a Walkman tune and claiming to be educated because you peruse the “Wall Street Journal.” – William H Gass – A Temple of Texts, 2006  p7

Men can be such bastards with their displays testosterone even if they don’t punch anyone out. On television, that's entertainment. There he sits his arm over the back of her seat. She sits  there and glares toward me. Not at me. She doesn’t see me at all. She is mad, passed off, angry, unyielding, and defiant. He with his sunglasses raised up just enough to allow his beady eyes to burn holes in the side of her head. If a video had been playing in there, he had a front row seat. Maybe the Rockettes were stepping.  To turn and stare back at him was to yield. This was what he wanted. The more she resisted, looked away, the angrier he was getting. Someone would eventually have to give in. Something would have to happen, but before it did the bus reached its terminus. She had known that he wouldn’t dare get physical in pubic, but now they were on foot and had disappeared around the corner. I rounded the corner behind them. She was standing there silent and stony faced. He was getting vocal. So long as a man can talk he won’t punch. “That’s the way it will be,” he said and he repeated it again, “That’s the way it will be. You’re my wife!” He calmed down as I passed them standing there. At the end of the block I looked back over my shoulder. They were walking about six feet apart. Silence had descended. Had she yielded? Would it continue once they got home? I go into the Edinburgh Pub and have a Penny Black Porter. A group called the Celtic String Band is playing.

President Kennedy seems to stiffen / for a moment before he assumed his place in history. Eros / Do that. // I gave you my imaginary hand and you gave me your imaginary / hand and we walk together (in imagination) over the earthly / ground – Jack Spicer – The Collected Books, 1996 p229

The enemies of the crowd dwell in buildings; it is the breaching of the facades that is the true objective of a crowd. A crowd fears being contained.

To the crowd in its nakedness everything seems a Bastille – Elias Canetti -  Crowds and Power, 1978 p20

The event itself is not the onset. The event is the ritualistic celebration of what has already come to pass. The event is accomplishment of the fait accompli

One difference between history and imaginative literature… is that history neither anticipates nor satisfies our curiosity, whereas literature does – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p130

It is history that provides the answers and not the answer that drives the history. It is the problems, which drive the history; not the history that determines the problems.

True paradises are the paradises that we have lost – Marcel Proust – Tine Regained p197

According to the “Global Citizens’  Report on the State of GMO” , genetically engineering has failed to increase the yield of any food crop but has vastly increased the usage of chemicals. The three largest GMO companies (Monsanto, Dupont and Syngenta) now control 70% of global seed sales

We are healthily aware that photographs lie, deceive, and misrepresent and yet we go right on reading them as if they were expert witnesses – Guy Davenport – The Hunter Graacchus, 1996 p44

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