Friday, October 10, 2008

Are Victory Gradens on a Comeback

Belt tightening is in order
But not giving up oysters
Make coffee at home
Avoid taxis get exercise
Belt-tightening includes job freezes
Belt tightening time

Tighten the ship
Draw in the purse strings
Suck in the gut
Hang tight, stick fast
The belt-tightening began when the price
Of gasoline surged

What does tightening the belt really mean
I know the definition: increased thrift and frugality
Is it more than just looking for sales
Make coffee at home
Eat out less often
The common advice

When thrifty sets in
Changes begin to snowball
Net worth suddenly falling
Spending is gloomy
It’s time for stupid bureaucratic restrictions
Ten executive reduce their salaries by 2 percent
        Oh my!
Reducing reimbursement rates for travel and
Eliminating several fax machines
Even if dumb and never enough
        It’s a start
The Mayor wants suggestions
Looking for belt tightening measures

And the expert advice is
Simply tightening your belt a bit is the best bet
When times are tough.
It's when those who are smart and thrifty
Pass those who are not
Now its affecting higher-incomes, wealthier households
Look upon it as an opportunity

It was a perfect storm this summer
It was a tough summer
What will winter bring

Taking creative approaches to endure a rocky economy
Belt-tightening consumers
Reining in their discretionary spending
Clinging to the notion that more belt-tightening
         Is what's needed.
When does belt tightening turn into bulimia
Take up belt tightening measures
Tough times cause belt-tightening
Fees for lots of things that used to be free
Eliminate spending money for pleasure

Pinching pennies
Plural – belt tightenings
Monitor more closely
Mommy makeovers still in demand
Boomers still have savings
And have not given up their oysters
As the economy goes south

The utility of some advise is debatable
Switch to coal
Technologically locked out
Of many options exercised
By our grandparents
Maybe it’s time for a Victory Garden
Try to get out of a lease and downsize
Buy private label or store brand products
Belt tightening will continue
But will it be more than economic
Will it be culturally and ideologically
And what if it’s only beginning

QUOTE: We have succeeded in the sense of our desire for success – Marcus Garvey

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