Thursday, March 10, 2011

We Should Always Ask Ourselves, "What would Ronald Reagan Do?"

New York City accounts for 40% of all of the nation’s transit trips. Salt Lake City spends more per capita on public transportation than any other city and the city is ranked 18th in terms of passenger miles traveled while 43rd in terms of size.

Cultural evolution suffers from inertia and does not make rational decisions – Stanislas Dehaene – Reading in the Brain 2009 p188

The Cat and Mouse wars continued on into the following century when the mice took to sea and established supply bases in the Azores. Felix took command of his new ten-cat boats sending them north to blockade any further advances by the rodents. After the disastrous failure at Tumblinka, Felix developed this fourth generation of his famous Scorpion class boat but its range was severely limited by the cats’ fear of ope  water - for that matter any water at all. It was Admiral Felix who was known for having said, “Damn it don’t open the hatches until you see their beady little eyes”. But since only near sited cats could be spared for the war at sea, he had very few victories. Their land operations were much mor conclusive.

“No way!” “Yes way!” And Ginny said, “Its good to learn a little history”. And I said, “no way”. “According to Walter” – it is a series of illustrated historical homilies. He has, he claims, invented a new form of poetry. The invention had something to do with four o’clock in the morning and finding something to do other than to watch infomercials:

There was a young man from Nantucket
Who kept show and tell in a bucket
Things that he found just lying around

“Nice”, I said, “but isn’t it sort of a Limerick only without the allusions to fornication?”  And he replied, ”well, I told you that it was based on an older form.”  According to Walter “a lemon half squeezed is no better than a lime” And I replied that, “A lime a day will keep you in the Navy.”

Between 1999 and 2009 the US manufacturing workforce contracted by 31% resulted in a lose of 5.5m jobs

“Just” principles… are simply the idea that a ‘class’ forms of its own legitimate claims – Oswald Spangler – The Decline of the West, 1965   p360

It’s a slow slow tune
Winter is not yet gone
It’s snowing but it
            Won’t stick
Sorrowful, mournful
There’s a steady drizzle
It’s all so dreary
            Black, stark, melancholic
The coffee is still warm
            Bitter thick and dark

: the mind becomes its own subject matter – Roland Johnson – ARK, 1996 BEAM 25

Recipients of government social programs are unaware that they ‘use’ such programs:
            Social Security – 44%  of recipients claim not to use a social program
            Home Mortgagee Interest Deduction – 60%  the the programs participants don’t feel
                  that they are recipients of federal assistance
            For Pell Grant recipients  the number is 43.1%
            For Medicare recipients it is  27.8%
           And for Food Stamp recipients it is 25.4%

Faith and ‘knowledge’ are only two species of inner certitude, but of the two faith is the older and it dominates all the conditions of knowing, be they ever so exact – Oswald Spangler – The Decline of the West, 1965  p189

I shall return. I wondered
Where you were. What are
            You doing. She said
            I’m doing fine

It’s Friday night
I though I heard someone
            Say “Almost flamingos”
“I’m kind of busy now”
            She said. “Well when
You’ve got a moment,” I said

Everything is fake you know.
No, I did not know

All animals have an auditory range which includes hearing what they can eat and what can eat them – Roland Johnson – ARK, 1996, BERM 7

Pres. Reagan increased the federal payroll by 61,000, while Pres. Clinton reduced it by 373,000. Pres Reagan reduced the portion of the national GDP spending by the Federal Government by 1% while Pres. Clinton reduced it by 3%.

We simply need to ask in every situation that arises what would Reagan have done? – Dinesh D’Souza – Just maybe we need to be asking what would Bill Clinton have done? No, on second thought, let’s not go there.

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