Friday, April 15, 2011

A Muntjac Lies Asleep in the Buttercups

Games are closed restricted; play is open, general. To not be picked to play on the team (be part of the game) while not good is not necessarily tragic. To not be allowed to play warps the personality. All little girls and most boys play well if not together at least in small groups.  Only the meritorious are allowed to play the game.  It is a sign of a man’s status that he becomes known as a player which does not mean that he can play well but that he can game well. Participants in the sports industry are not the players; the business of art does not include art itself. In a general economy jewels, games and art serve no practical purpose. Playing and gaming are not synomous. Psychopaths are good gamers but poor players. Play well! 

That which is noble and holy ceases to be so as soon as it is believed in not from naviety, but out of calculation – Vincent Descombes – Modern French Philosophy, 1980p182

Seething unrest means
            That something is alive
Something lives until it dies
It is alive if it is not dead
“The stable state of a living organism
            Is to be dead” (Norbert Wiener)

Whatever is done / leaves a hole in the / possible, a snip in / the guaze, a marble / and timble missing / from the immaterial – Kay Ryan – The Best of it, 2010 p256

Life is the necessary
            Condition, we are
            Its witnesses
Without it, everything
            Would be ordinary
Only occasionally does
            Someone witness
            The extraordinary
Now is the time, you are
            The one,  but this is not
            The place
The soldier knows as much as
             His commander
To the citizen it is self-evident
Life alters its own possibilities
              And the leaders follow along
Schrodinger’s cat takes on
            The multitude
Every paradigm has
            Its poltergeist

I was haunted by the image of a blue china doorknob. / I never used the doorknob or knew what it meant, / yet some how it started the current of images – Robert Lowell

Belief is not an excuse but a cause

Truth… is worth what the will to truth is worth. Truth is superior to illusion only if the will to truth is more affirmative than the will to illusion – Vincent Descombes – Modern French Philosophy, 1980 – p160

Philosophy is an attempt to make explicit what is normally done instinctively

She said to me, half-strangled ‘Do that again. / And then do the other thing.’ / Sunlight flooded the old room – John Berryman –Love & Fame, 1974 p64

The US and Britain killed about one million citizens during World War II by bombing civilian (non-military) targets. It’s OK so long as its indiscriminate, so long as you don’t lock them up in box cars. Most of this killing occurred after victory had been assured. A terrorist is a man with a bomb but no airplane. We are not waging  a war on war. We are not against war  per se  (well a few people are). Who exactly is allowed to wage war? If you have airplanes you can if you also have bombs. 9/11 was a case of having airplanes but no bombs. 9/11 was a terrorist act and not a war.  Some dictators are allowed to wage war and some are not. Democracies don't wage war, they defend freedom. Being the head of a country is critical. Trying to decide who can and who can't is as hard as trying to determine who's right and who's wrong.  It can get very messy - but rest assured - the US is always in the right. It was very white of us to assist the rebels in Libya. Get your war correctly permitted before you wage it. Some countries always have a right to wage war whether they have gotten a permit or not. This was the principle that George W Bush so vehemently defended.

Don't march on private property to protest without permission - that is trespassing and if there are two or more of you it is also an unlawful assembly. Don't march in protest on public property without a permit that is also trespassing and if there are two or more of you that is also unlawful assembly. And if you intend to commit a crime (and trespassing is a crime) it is a rout. And if you commit a crime and trespassing is a crime it is a riot. This is a democracy so they can't deny you a permit based solely on you cause - unless that cause of course is in support of an organization on their list. What kind of a demonstration would it be anyway if there was only you. Be prepared to go to jail. Then protest having to go to jail.

As a non-referential unit of value entirely internal to the system, ‘excellence’ marks nothing more than the moment of technology’s self-reflection. All that a system requires is for activity to take place, and the empty notion of excellence refers to nothing other than input/output ratios in matters of information – Bill Readings – The University in Ruins, 1996  p39

The claims for a Shari’ah Conspiracy:
(1)   The goal of Islam is totalitarianism
(2)   Shari’ah is a functioning legal system
(3)   The mastermind of this totalitarianism is the Muslim Brotherhood
(4)   Groups following the lead of the Muslim Brotherhood within the United States are traitors in league with the American left and bent on acts of sedition
(5)   The majority of mosques in the United States are run by imams who promote such sedition
(6)   Through this fifth column, Shari;ah law has already infiltrated the United States and could result in a complete takeover

If truth is genuinely truth, then it must be so not only ‘for us’, but for every being – Vincent Descombes – Modern French Philosophy, 1980  p142

Try to enter this
Rock-dark night
Without first
Flipping on a switch

You [Lord] have allowed my brilliant friends to destroy themselves / and I am still here, severely damaged, but functioning – John Berryman –Love & Fame, 1974 p79

The muntjac favors the
            Flowers of oxlips
And it falls asleep amidst
            The bluebells

Her things should / keep her marks. / The passage / of a life should show – Kay Ryan – The Best of it, 2010 p245

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