Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Income Socialism and Breakaway Wealth as Goldfinches Tweeter

I got up at 6:30. I must be quiet. I have too many near neighbors sleeping. I can hear snoring. Everyone is packed in so close. They like to do that is state parks. It is OK for the RVers, they are already sardines albeit without lots of oil, snug in their tins. I head out of camp looking for beer and ice. My daily foraging routine. I past through Lake Placid. There are clouds on the western sky. Be prepared for it to rain tonight.

True learning leads to simplicity – Alexander Crummell

This  Friday evening - the sun has been out all day and I have spent half of the time hiding. I am working on my second pint now at the Magnolia. There is not the comradely here like there is at most local brewpubs. It is rare not to find anyone to talk with, but it has happened twice today. This palace has  no TVs. People read and so do I. There is currently a lull in the traffic. It is 6PM. Conversations across the room can be overheard. I can smell barbequed pork. The barmaid loads another CD in the slot. I intend to go home after finishing this beer. I have about another inch left of this Duppel. Sunset out on the Haight. Can I have another?

Managers are pathological. Their actions would be mad in performed out of context. Insanity is action lacking proper context. As street performers they would be considered madmen. Pacing back and forth with agitation he harangues his subordinate – a witchdoctor at the pharmacy, a priest taking confessions on behalf of Satan.

Income socialism – the requirement that a medical doctor share his fees among the hospital, insurers and his group-practice. Everything that a Conservative disapproves of get labled as “Socialism”. Words used so ambiguously lost connotation. Like just slapping any old label on a can of corn.

What the inmates of the concentration camps were deprived of was the very possibility of having control of their own deaths, of playing, even gambling with their own deaths, making their deaths a sacrifice: they were robbed of power over their own death. And this is happening to all of us in slow, homeopathic doses, by virtue of the very development of our systems – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p43

1.2 billion people worldwide live below the poverty line of $1.25/day. Another 44 million have been driven into poverty in the last six months due to higher food prices.

Everything is destined to reappear as simulation. Landscapes as photography, women as the sexual scenario, thoughts as writing, terrorism as fashion and the media, events as television. Things seem only to exist by virtue of this strange destiny. You wonder whether the world itself isn’t just here to serve as advertising copy in some other world – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p32

The arithmetic of hatred
It all adds up to a gluttony
            Of subtraction

I share a sentiment with the Tea Party movement, and it is not a trivial one: historical illiteracy is a threat to the health of the republic… Where we differ… is on the question of what historical literacy looks like – Thomas Frank – Harpers Apr 2007 p7

The U.S. student loan debt will exceed $1 trillion by the end of this year

Mistakes, scandals and failures no longer signal catastrophe. The crucial thing is that they be made credible and that the public be made aware of the efforts being expended in that direction – Jean Baudrillard – America, 1988  p109

33% of Americans who earned a bachelor’s degree two years ago will still be paying off student loans twenty years from now when they will then be trying to send their kids to college

Yet surely the history of the oppressed is universal… to be honest, uniform. Better those tales of human spirit using examples of the mighty collective soul witnessed in individual achievements – Frederic Tulen – TinTin in the New World, 1993 p167

These fornications have been built
            Into high towering walls
But it is only my intoxication
            That is keeping me cowering
Here inside

The gold finches / leap up about my / feet like angry / dandelions // quiver like a / heartbeat in the / air and are / no more – Yvor Winters – The Collected Poems of, 1978 p104

Godwin’s Law: every argument on the Internet results in one side being compared to Hitler

Scholars critize and argue – and must, and can – because scholars share a common set of ideas about how to argue, and what counts as evidence – Jill Lapore – The Whites of Their Eyes, 2010 p96

The US corn ethanol subsidies have cost $22.b billion since 2005

[WikiLeaks] challenged power by challenging the normal channels for challenging power and revealing the truth – Saroj Giri

In 1844 New York required black men to meet a $250 property test before being allowed to vote. White men did not need to meet this requirement. 3,000 blacks met the test and were enfranchised. If black men had not been required to pass the property value test at least 10,000 might have voted in the Presidential election of 1844 and Henry Clay might have been elected.

“What would the founders do?” is, from the point of view of historical analysis, an ill-considered and unanswerable question, and pointless, too – Jill Lapore – The Whites of Their Eyes, 2010 p124

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