Friday, December 9, 2011

Earth's Entry Read - "Mostly Harmless"

This is the first accumulation of snow. There have been the occasional flakes but this is the first time that you could see your footprints. The sky is gray. The leaves are on the ground and mulching.  Clouds hover above the bares sticks that cover the bluffs. Smoke waffles off in a southeast direction.

Well, one wearies of the Public Gardens; one wants a vacation / Where trees and clouds and animals pay no notice; / Away from the labeled elms, the tame tea-roses – Sylvia Plath – Collected Poems, 1981  p144

Left-handed people tend to earn 10% less in annual salaries than do right-handed people

We cannot declare that we are “off the beaten path” if we aren’t, at first, on it – Lyand Lynn Haupt – Crow Planet, 2009 p103

Panic – I can’t find my keys. They aren’t where they belong. My keys are not in the front right pocket of my slacks. They are not on the table at which I sit. They are not on the floor under my chair. I am sure. I just checked. I go outside to look in my truck. I am in a rush and don’t stop to put on my coat. It is cold outside. I am in a panic. I am looking down at the sidewalk. Maybe they fell out of my pocket. But first I looked for my white Tacoma. It was still there. If the keys were still in the ignition at least no one had yet stolen it. They were, however, not in the ignition. At least I had not locked the vehicle. They were not on the driver's seat either. I am in a panic. How shall I manage to get home? It is cold. I’m in a tizzy. Where else can they be? I  consider telling the cashier to be on the lookout for a set of keys. It is cold. Take note. I was wearing my coat when I got out of the truck. They could be in the pocket of my coat. I went back into the coffee shop while carefully rechecking my route. I was making double sure they that I had not dropped them. At least I'm still thinking rationally or at least I think that I am. I go back inside. There they are in the pocket of my coat that I hung over the back of a chair. There is an obvious bulge in the coat pocket. I can feel their extra weight as I pick the coat up. I jam my hand into the pocket. There is a reassuring firmness of metal in there next to my right glove. Why all the fuss?

The delirious ravings occasioned by fever are an ugly, distorted reflection of what the patient thought and felt before he was ill. Thus the acts and thoughts of madmen are a distorted reflection of the acts and thoughts of a normal person – Vasily Grossman – The Road, 2010 p117

To be everywhere and somewhere is the paradox of political power

We can have a market economy without having a market society – Jamie Raskin – The Nation, 6/27/11  p14

Six of the past ten Presidents have been left handed. Left handers make up only 10% of the population.

Likeness to truth is not the same thing as truth –Peter L Bernstein – Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, 1996 p16

The elite use technology to spy on its inferiors. It’s time to abandon this notion of privacy. It enables the elite and does nothing for the masses. Make all financial transactions public and accountable for their providence. We already have cameras everywhere. Today they are tracking you but you can’t track them. Let’s equalize the playing field. Mobil telephones collect data on locations and keystrokes. But the corporations promise that they won’t use this information. Bullshit! Today it’s all one way – their way. The answer – eliminate the bourgeoisie concept of ‘privacy’ all together - it's an enabler of inequity.

Loiter in the neighborhood of a problem. After a while a solution strolls by – Harold Rosenberg

The long legged blond fed her blond child some of her banana. She would take a bite and then hold it in front of his mouth to nibble at. He kept pounding his fist on top of the table, keeping in beat with the ambient music. Everyone thought that it was cute. She’s siting at a table across from her spouse. They both are dressed all in black. They stab at their tapas with forks and order more. She finishes her banana and neatly folds the peel and lays in on top of her table. She jogs. Her calfs are well developed. There is an expanse of taught white skin below the hem of her jacket. She rises and self consciously pulls her blouse down. He spouse has his left leg crossed over his right. He takes his arm from around her shoulders to animate a point in their conversation. He is a urologist. He brought his family from Minneapolis to see the city while he attends a conference. The next morning I become excited by all the big women that I encounter – not fat or even stout – well proportioned and sexually big. I have this thing for big women today. Yesterday it was Indian girls with long slender brown toes and nails all painted bright red. A fantasy a day keeps the shrink at bay. She was so prissy. I had an urge to know if she ironed her panties.

Behind every large human brain, there is a potentially very sweaty human body – Nina C Jablonski – Skin: a natural history, 2006 p49

“Immense potential for entrepreneurs” – online learning is expected to grow 43% by 2015, to become a $24.4 billion industry in a process of converting our schools into cash cows for Wall Street. Education is viewed as the next big “undercapitalized” sector of the economy, like healthcare was in the 1990s. Educational reform is synonymous with pushing policies that benefit private investors. Study after study indicate that the real problem is financing educations through property taxes – the well off get all the money and the poor districts show poor results. The entrepreneurs will do for education as they did for healthcare – turn it into a luxury commodity.

Vast ills have followed a belief in certainty – Kenneth Arrow

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