Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 30, 2009 - Caribou, Homewood Illinois

Ugh - will it never ever get warm again - 16 degrees with a high of 19. Will the groundhog see it's shadow?

We understand something by locating it in a multi-determined temporal continuum. Existence is no more than the precarious attainment of relevance in an intensely mobil flow of past, present, and future - Susan Sontag
One must tear at the fabric
Of the thing
Stick one's hand into the warm viscera
Of the thing
That new killed smell is the essense
Of the thing
No prostetic device will ever get you
As close to the thing so that
You are one with the thing

Gumshoes, Sleuths and Snoopers -- This database provides an in-depth look at 185 detective and mystery novels originally published during the period 1930-1960. It is the result of a collaborative effort in which volunteers from near and far provided detailed information about plot, setting, characters and other thematic factors for each title.

Gumshoes (1935): Hotel house detectives Monte Collins and Tom Kennedy are after the crooks responsible for a series of thefts. They are distracted by a radio program which causes them to look for a man in a fur coat. After insulting a number of guests wearing fur coats, they wind up in a tussel with a trained gorilla. A purloined Poe plot not quite up to the standards of C Auguste Dupin.

TODAY - Frank O'Hara

Oh! kangaroos, sequins, chocolate sodas!
You really are beautiful! Pearls,
harmonicas, jujubes, aspirins! all
the stuff they've always talked about

still makes a poem a surprise!
These things are with us every day
even on beachheads and biers. They
do have meaning. They're strong as rocks.

The original "gumshoes" of the late 1800's wore shoes or boots made of gum rubber, the soft-soled precursors of our modern sneakers. Like sneakers, gumshoes were much quieter than leather-soled shoes, and at the turn of the century "to gumshoe" meant to sneak around quietly as if wearing gumshoes, either in order to rob or, conversely, to catch thieves. "Gumshoe man" was originally slang for a thief, but by about 1908 "gumshoe" usually meant a police detective, as it has ever since. - The Word Detective

The reason that protective footware is so un-fashion conscious is due to the folks bringing them to you - most of the overshoes are contained in the small consumber segment of the $2 billion protective equipment industry - you know fireman's overalls and those cute vests that santitation men wear. Is it any wonder. NEOS, Servus, Ranger, Kamik, and  Muckboots are all brands of Norcross Safety Products. Their major competitoris LaCross Footware.

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